Forspoken – The Final Fantasy XIV Expansion That Wasn't

Forspoken is a very divisive game. One very often mocked. And a game many use to point to Square Enix’s failings overall. But is it really as bad as people make it out to be? Was there actually something to love here?

So come along as I take a dive into what at once point we thought would be the next FFXIV Expansion. Enjoy my review/critique of Forspoken!


#FFXIV #Forspoken #pancakes


14 thoughts on “Forspoken – The Final Fantasy XIV Expansion That Wasn't”

  1. I'm not quite halfway through the video yet, and loving this exploration of a game I would never have purchased myself, but I do wish the on-screen text was placed during lulls in your speaking. I often feel like I have to pause the video to read because I don't want to miss what you are audibly talking about at the same time. Alternatively, maybe these text parts could just stay on screen a bit longer?

  2. Not gonna lie if I was brought into a world like this and all I had that was left behind was my cat no, I would 1000% wanna go back. I love him and no magic forcing me into another world is gonna make me stay away from him.

  3. I watched your review and I wanna bring up some things that I feel are things from my own experiences with the game.

    Before that though. Harvestella was also my game of the year. Its so darn good! happy to see someone else loves it.

    For me I actually didnt mind Frey much at all and the banter was something I ended up tuning out quite quickly. The things.

    The biggest thing thay frustrated me was not the skill grinding but the fact I need to go back to a safe spot to accept new skill challenges. That frustrated me to no end.

    I also felt the same with how I explored. Stamina being such a sparse resource so early on means that the ability to truly explore feels gated on progressing the story which ended up walling me multiple times because stamina was more valuable to me due to how slow travel felt early on that Everything else including stat upgrades felt secondary.

    Ive only gotten as going for the second tanta. But already got spoiled before on the twists. I'm actually happy that cuff was the bad guy and not just the swarmy jerk that were supposed to just grow to love. Even if that ends up being the case in the post game.

    I do feel bad for Forspoken because I do enjoy aspects of it but I also think it may have fared better not being an open world game since the magic system was honestly enticing enough on its own for me. The world hasnt felt interesting to traverse and with how big the world in this game is. It's a big problem. I do desperately wished the game had better region diversity because it sucked seeing each new area and feeling like I never left the first.

    Overall I liked your review, and I appreciate hearing about the game from someone who gave it a chance.

    I do feel forspoken is a 5/10 game but thats average to me.

  4. Good review. That start of just not buying feels very me too. Personally I blame the boring guardian of the galaxy movies. Which get the mob ready SAO is far better then if you ask me.

  5. You seem to try and really play hard as a devil advocate for Frey, but… Every time it felt misguided.
    She's in a position of power whereas this world is one step from its end with no real means to avert it. And sure, not every person is a hero, but…
    She wants to get home – for what? Her life on the other side is literally over. Here she can be someone respected, she has power… She even finds out that it is her world too. But no, it's not her problem. It's hobo life for her or nothing. Grab her cat – the only "person" she truly loves on that world – from his new cosy home, and take it with her to the streets. Such a sympathetic character. Let her berate some more desperate powerless civilians fearing for their lives. Or the girl who just lost her father.
    There are plenty of ways to play out the reluctant hero trope – or a growth arc, but the game never really has a time for it. Somehow. It doesn't seem to know what to do with her until it's time for the ending.

    In the end, the reason isekai is so popular despite consisting of 95% trash escapism is that it's about leaving your boring/sad/depressing life behind and getting into an adventure. But Frey feels like she's allergic to adventure. She wants to go home (most isekai consumers would have way more reason to want to go home in her position, and yet I can tell you they wont relate to this at all), she whines about saving people and being a hero (while maybe realistic, this is not a character that you want to relate to or understand her reasons, because they're asinine).

    And also, it's just a big sin for main character to have – being unlikable. It's even worse if they're cringe and it's not a comedy. And the whole intro makes a poor job of endearing her to anyone. Loving her cat cannot override everything else.


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