I think that Final Fantasy XIV has a loneliness problem. Here’s how to fix it.
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One of the main problem is inherently the fact that both Eureka and Bozja are instanced content.
While I don't think Square is brave enough to move away from that…
It would still be great if that content is brought to the overworld without the heavy story progression to tie it into something.
You can still have story, but a vague one that just touches on things as you progress through the fates & critical encounters in the overworld which would eventually lead up to a massive open world event.
But I think square is just scared to stress the open world so much. The open world already gets a bit laggy when a hunt-train is passing by.
And this is the result of Square just being too lazy/busy to rewamp the netcode to a standard that will allow massive multiplayer systems like that.
GW2 does this extremely well and often enough it's not even laggy. In XIV you put 10 players in the same area and the game barely knows what to do.
I do think this is a data server/world issue to some degree. The social scene on Aether vs. Dynamis vs. Crystal are all night and day when compared to each other, but the solutions that you offered are all fantastic and would improve the game as a whole. Great video!
bring Bicolor gemstones to old zones and zone specific rewards
Honestly I wanna see the bicolors added to every zone. However as for player loneliness, I think it's moreso a matter of making friends. Lots of people feel like they cant make meaningful friendships. MAYBE having more mass content would help with that, but I personally cant think of a single person I partied with in Bozja that i still talk to or really ever talked to again after that single instance partying with them, and bozja really promoted partying with random players aka "meeting new people." I find myself making friends more often via FCs, Party Finder (believe it or not), and FFXIV related discords (cough, mine, cough).
pls no keep bozja and eureka out of the playerbase main open world most ppl havent done or are intrested or dont like bozja and eureka (most because it anti casual it for midcore players).we dont want hardcore content in open world it will make players not want to go out at all(the ppl who want that are a irellavant number).hunt train arent new player or casual player freindly ONLY IF IT A FAST TRAIN not a slow or normal one . "i love when games force players to work togehter " now you lost it that not what most ppl love being FORCED IT BAD AGAIN IT SOMETHING YOU RAIDERS NEED OT GET IN YOUR HEAD. mmo arent mmos most of them are mmoRPGS ignoring the rpg part aka the story and the causal and solo players is fatal flaw that only mmorpg like wow can do who are to big to fail (even if in shadowland it nearly did). what you asking at the end has no logic in mmorpg but sandbox mmos an that not ffxiv genre(crafting and combt dont mix and are different for a good reason). you dont like to encourage you like to FORCE that a different . overall your opinion come for challange enjoyer and that not the 85% of the playerbase who like to relax and have fun and while chllanges are fun for you they aint fun for casuals so the overall content would not only not benefit the game but overall ruin the open world more for most players i dont mind better fate but not challanging ones they only dicourage casuals from bothering and as for the "loneliness problem "in ffxiv you just simple wrong ppl like to chill out on there own term and a ton fo casual are solo player far more then midcore and hardcore ones now i know you as raider cant understand this ,but thats fine your suggestion are ok for ppl like you but come at the cost of limiting the game for the ppl who keep ffxiv alive aka the casuals (about 85>% of the playerbase). the event in a city are nice not the critical encounter bs pls thing with a brain for once it will only force more players to not bother going to city so stop putting hard content everwhere you see it it beyond sad and a sign of a problem on your part you not everthing need to be challanging you have eureka and bozja and all the raids + extreme trails and even variant and deep dung yo ucan have that all but ot come to a place for all player to relax and add NON RELAXING CONTENT it beyond dumb .
Sorry to ask, but what Reshade are you using?