My First Time Reaction to ANSWERS from the FINAL FANTASY XIV A Realm Reborn A New Beginning Trailer and this looked INSANE! This cinematic is one of the best I have seen and I NEED MORE! This game looks so much fun! Here is my first time reaction to FINAL FANTASY XIV OST Answers
FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn – A New Beginning:
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Final Fantasy XIV Reaction Final Fantasy XIV Reactions Reacting to Final Fantasy XIV Reaction to Final Fantasy XIV Final Fantasy XIV Answers Reaction Final Fantasy XIV OST Reaction Final Fantasy XIV OST Final Fantasy XIV OST Answers Final Fantasy XIV Answers Final Fantasy Answers Reaction Final Fantasy XIV Music Final Fantasy XIV Soundtrack Final Fantasy XIV Cinematic Reaction Final Fantasy XIV Cinematic Final Fantasy Cinematic Reaction FFXIV Reaction FFXIV OST FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn – A New Beginning Reaction Final Fantasy XIV Reaction Final Fantasy XIV Reactions Reacting to Final Fantasy XIV Reaction to Final Fantasy XIV Final Fantasy XIV Answers Reaction Final Fantasy XIV OST Reaction Final Fantasy XIV OST Final Fantasy XIV OST Answers Final Fantasy XIV Answers Final Fantasy Answers Reaction Final Fantasy XIV Music Final Fantasy XIV Soundtrack Final Fantasy XIV Cinematic Reaction Final Fantasy XIV Cinematic Final Fantasy Cinematic Reaction FFXIV Reaction FFXIV OST FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn – A New Beginning Reaction
Just an AWESOME cinematic!!!!!
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Ohh damn it, was wished this included the ending to the Bahamut story.
FFX Auron's theme!!
All great questions, but you'll have to play the game find the answers😊
I will recommend FF14 because I love the game. I don't know what type of games you enjoy so I will say that I don't know if you will enjoy the game play. The story is great, a lot of people doesn't like the slower part of the game and yes those are a drag sometimes (especially during 2.0 or rather ARR) but there are a lot of slow part that builds your connection with NPC and connects you with the people of the game that makes the end worth it. The game is free to play for quite a bit of stories, I would highly recommend you trying. Thank you for what you do.
FFxiv doesnt have as many as League ofLegends, but there is some amazing quality in the 7 trailers you do have to see.
chronologically, Answers (both versions) are the second video
1.0 release trailer
Answers ( "a new beginning" -> "flames of truth" are both Anwsers, showing a different ending)
you have just watched Answers: a new beginning, it is called a realm reborn, because it is 5 years after the Devestation called the Calamity, where the dreadwyrm Bahamut escaped his moon prison and layed waste to the land…things are starting to regrow and be reborn…including the literal world, since the 1.0 version of the game was scrapped and remade from the ground up to be one of the most successful MMORPGs ever,
i would also throw in "the waning of the 6th sun" after Flames of Truth, and if you do decide to play FFXIV, waning of the 6th sun is a summery of the story before you begin the game at level 1, super epic great voice acting (done in character by king wizard guy) and explains the world and this trailer in a way that always gives me chills.
also there are story spoilers in the later trailers, do with this info as you like ^^
So, Final Fantasy 14 is an MMORPG that focuses eheavily on story. The original version failed so bad that it might kill the franchise forever. In an attempt to make up for this failure they decided to make a completely new game while at the same time keep the original game running. The story in the original game ends with that very cutscene.
The empire tries to crush the continent and it's people by crashing a space ship on it. the alliance tries to stop the empire from doing that and unbeknown to both sides there's a massively powerfull dragon in the spacestation. When the big qwizard of the alliance is unable to seal the dragon away he teleports the players (the 5 people) to a place faraway and 5 years into the future. All other people have been rebuilding the world for 5 years and these guys pop out of the spell and are like, oh my god I can't believe it the world is still here.
"Something" happened to the Dragon, if you want to know what happened you'll need to finish the base story and do a raid for 8 people that is, to this day, still considered pretty difficult if done legitimately.
The story in the Base game is pretty decent it has some slow points but it's high points are really good. and when you reach the expansion the story becomes truly amazing. The reason the base game has sucha slow start is due to a the massive amount of world building that is happening. there's multiple nations and the politics between themn which will take up a quite some time. All of this world building is going to pay off eventually but it will take time to get to these points.
The last expansion finsished most, if not all, big plotlines and started sowing new ideas for new plots.
This game is worth playing especially together with your community but it's a big time investment.
I just looove ff14^^
There's not really any Final Fantasy game that is unanimously disliked (maybe 2?), but they certainly vary in how good they are. The good ones though .. are damn good.
Most of them are single player games, 16 being released just recently .. and well if you like epic cutscenes .. that game has multiple movie lengths worth of epic cutscenes it's actually insane.
I have a few minor gripes with 16, but overall damn amazing game and it'll be hard to top.
Other than that I "only" played Final Fantasy's X, X-2, XII, XIII, XIII-2, XIV, XV, and VII Remake to completion.
X, VII Remake, and XVI are definitely my favorites. Hated XIII-2, and XV was a scam imho. XVI has more plot in the demo than all of that game.
14 is one of the 2 MMORPG's of the series (the other is 11) .. played it for 7 years doing almost everything the game offered, from fishing to being self sufficient crafting to doing the hardest ultimate raids. Then I stopped having enough time for it, and tbh didn't feel like the content offered many new things besides Ultimate raids at that point. Still props for being super fun for 7 years.
Story was pretty good, maybe I'll at least finish that one day – or even come back to the game if I ever finish my giant game backlog.
Now you've got some choices and dilemma . If you truly intend to play FF14 , which is a mmo , even if it got a great story like most single player FF titles , then i'd advise against reacting to the expansions trailers for FF14 , since they'll just spoil stuff from the continuing plot . If you don't jump into that rabid hole , then react away to all of them , they are gems in visuals and music, and improve so much over the years and expansion
Yeah, the story is one of the moons gets plucked out of the sky, serving as the empire's attempt at a meteoric attack on the allied city-states of Eorzea in a bid to conquer them (which is why there was a war being fought on the ground below at the same time), only to learn it was never a moon in the first place, it was a prison for the dragon Bahamut. When the game originally launched it was a massive failure, and Bahamut's attack is symbolically and literally wiping away the original game to make room for the new, improved game that took its place: A Realm Reborn. The main character (you) gets teleported 5 years into the future after all attempts to stop Bahamut fail. When you start the game you're not meant to know anything other than it's now 5 years into the future, the empire failed to conquer Eorzea, and the realm is recovering, rebuilding (hence the name "a Realm Reborn"), after the havoc Bahamut wrought. There IS, however, an 8-player raid series in a Realm Reborn, a level 50 raid called the Binding Coils of Bahamut, that goes in-depth over what ACTUALLY happened the day Bahamut attacked. There's a whole part of the cutscene intentionally missing that takes place after you're teleported into the future, and you get to see it if you do the Binding Coils; that's where you get the full story and the answers to your questions.
It is them thay was teleported away before the calamity and sent to the Future
I think those are the 3 better current options to start Final Fantasy , for you . FF7 Remake , the highly anticipated remake of the most known title of the serie , FF7 . it's done in chapter (long ones mind you) , with part 2 releasing on PS5 early next year . FF16 on PS5 , a grandiose game and experience , but an outlier , since it broke quite a bit from the series' mold , and is the first real action game for the franchise , with still rpg elements … And yeah FF14 , with a great epic saga , but still an online game and mmo , so an acquired taste an requiring to sink many hours into it
Love to see this reaction from you! You should definitely check out the game if you can! It's an MMORPG game with an amazing story and great music like Answers. As multiple people have commented, this particular trailer played at the end of 1.0. FFXIV 1.0 was a terrible game so the company decided to start over with 2.0 (A Realm Reborn), and completely wiped 1.0 from existence, canonically "destroying" the old world only for it to be rebuilt again for 2.0. Players in 1.0 watched as the red moon from the start of the trailer slowly descended in the sky, and with it came a haunting version of Answers, nightmares, and enemy attacks. If you want all the details, would recommend you watch the NoClip documentary on 1.0 since they did a fantastic job with it! Great reaction!
You're meant to be confused after the cut away from the dragon. What really happened on the battlefield of carteneau is one of the bigger mysteries of the original game.
Just a warning that most of the other expansion cinematics do have spoilers – worth holding off watching those until you get there in the story (if you care about that).
You need to lifestream XVI as the newest FF game. Is 9.0 rating for over all.They a r e truly representing to all orientation after last stroke.
Welcome to the FFXIV rabbit hole. The trailers for this game are AMAZING since the Realm Reborn one. I mean, the second is ok. The third one is kinda "just" pretty visuals. And there's Shadowbringers and Endwalker which are so, so good, I'm 150% sure you'll love them. The music behind it is banger material as well
"Did I miss something?" 😅😅 Don't worry Luke, everyone in that world also missed the same thing.
It is a trailer after all, it leaves questions unanswered. People always talk about flames of truth but I would not recommend watching that immediately because you only learn of that much later in game at lvl 50
And now… for the community typical enthusiasm:
Free trial, free trial, free trial!
If you like ARR you're going to love all that follows, and even if you don't like ARR chances are still high… give Heavensward a shot and then decide if you want to pay that's the deal.
The wizard at the battle teleported the characters 5 years into the future
Yes,they are trailers,lol. I will totally recommend you watching all of them, they are so good, amazing music,great visuals and inspiring story that you will very much remember ,plus if you have any questions, we (the FFXIV community) would love to explain the trailers that are mostly to show off the skills of Soken^^ The community loves to see newcomers (or sprouts) reactions and welcome you in, so please,if you have questions,feel free to ask then^^ I'm nearly at the end of Endwalker and the journey has been amazing and I will definitely will not forget a minute of it.
lol while the calamity you saw was definitely destructive, it was very much not planet destroying levels of destruction. The happy part is some time after the big dragon battle, the wizard teleported the heroes into the future. Yeah it was devastating but ya know life has to go on, we regularly experience horrible things in the real world but that doesn't mean everything is somber and everyone is mourning constantly. The meta explanation though is that the first version of this game was really bad, so bad that they decided that there was no salvaging it and they would need to just build it again from scratch pretty much and start over, when they shut down the old bad version of the game they played this trailer but it ended with the fade to white, then when they were ready to announce the new version they made they released this trailer including the happy part trying to show the new rebuilt game and trying to get people to come try the new version. The characters that get teleported are meant to be representations of the player character and their friends they play with since this is a multiplayer game, the other characters you saw are NPC story characters. There's more that happens after the fade to white as well but it's a secret cutscene unlocked after a raid in the game that reveals the full story.
There is infact something you missed, there is an extended version of this scene as a reward for clearing the first raid in ARR.