WHY ARE WE ON THE MOON?!? idk but I’m mega stoked for this expansion!
Shadowbringers Trailer Reaction:
Final Fantasy 14 Playlist:
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00:00:00 – 00:06:18 Trailer Reaction
00:06:18 – 00:14:04 Hyperanalysis mode
#2caves #finalfantasy #ffxiv
The biggest thing you missed is the voice of the narrator in the trailer! Its someone we all know and love 😉
Moons haunted.
What was not shown was Y'shtola tripping over the table on her way out.
Speculation won't do you any good. I guarantee your thoughts won't be anywhere near right. Just absorb the story and lore as you go and don't bog yourself down attempting to make sense of what you are going to be presented.
Now the endwalker launch trailer!
Why is it that NO ONE ever recognizes the First Beast in these reaction videos? LOL I guess newer players didn't repeat Amarot enough.