FIRST TIME EVER in Pool of Tribute – ON THE EDGE OF TOTAL DISASTER! – Cobrak FFXIV Stormblood


Wife and I take on the Pool of Tribute and the Susano trial for the first time ever!

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22 thoughts on “FIRST TIME EVER in Pool of Tribute – ON THE EDGE OF TOTAL DISASTER! – Cobrak FFXIV Stormblood”

  1. What a memorable dance! Our hearts sing in the chaos! Loved this fight, got to try it at E3 before Stormblood released, they had a challenge where if you and 7 other people in line were able to clear the fight you got "I beat Susano battle challenge" t-shirts. We lost the 1st day with the boss under 5% hp, got everyone's contact info then got back in line day 2, actually got to meet Yoshi-P while in line for it. Amazing experience and great memories. Hope you're enjoying your time in FFXIV! The story only gets better from here ^^

  2. Yep RDM has raise (Verraise) at level 64. Nicknamed as Rezmage because of their passive skill Dualcast. Basically their 2nd spell cast is always instant. So RDM can basically machine gun raise as mush as MP allows. Sidenote, BLM used to be the RDM's MP battery when the skill Mana Shift still existed. In progging end game raids, RDMs are invaluable.

  3. Question for anyone who can answer. The trouble I had during this was that the tank said 'Mage LB' and I was confused because I thought it should always be a melee that uses LB therefore the Red Mage? They're mainly melee right? Or was the tank asking for MY LB from the start lol?!

  4. tbf this boss looked rlly cool, the bit where he slashes down with his sword is rlly cool, reminded me of the boss from bfa where the tenticle slams down or when ragnaros whips out sulfuras, except this water dude looks way cooler. Tbf seeing a few of the ff14 raids i can definitely get the appeal now. I guess it comes down to the different art styles in a way? A really cool mechanic for me is when sire denathrius sends out remornia to slice everyone, thats such a fun mechanic and rlly cool visually, but it doesnt feel as "epic" as what i saw in this vid

  5. Susano is such a cool fight, it's the first time it really starts to sink in how much of a step up the game takes aesthetically. It's not an overly hard fight on story mode, but god damn is it fucking awesome the first time round.

  6. This is such a cool trial πŸ˜€ For Limit Breaks, every class has a different animation for the third level, but every ranged limit break does the same amount of damage. If you don't have any melee classes (RDM also counts as ranged, even if it does go in melee range at times), any one of the ranged could use it for damage. The one you saw was Black Mage LB3, which is a huge meteor slamming down.

    For the record, Summoner LB3 is one of my favorites, so I hope you get to use it sometime (soon)! ^^

    Edit: I loved how Sophie put it in the very end: "Lyse is actually human". I've heard a lot of people say that how much you like Lyse, usually carries over to how you like Stormblood as an expansion. I always felt like Lyse is a great character, because for me too, she does feel really human. I don't like how ignorant she can be sometimes (Why doesn't everyone just rise up and fight like I do??), and I'm not always too fond of how she acts, but she truly does feel like a very human character, and that makes me like her A LOT.

  7. Heh, just did my trial roulett – and which boss was the winner? – You guessed it XD
    Funny enough, I did the healing and it was kinda chill – even though everyone getting caught in those bolders died XD


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