First Impressions with Final Fantasy 14

After playing for the week, it’s been a really good time! Definitely looking forward to more 😀


27 thoughts on “First Impressions with Final Fantasy 14”

  1. hey zach aka asmongold, i think it would be in your best interest to interview a good friend of mine, "dlove" he plays an assortment of games nd it would be a good change in pace to actually have some talent flowing through your channel. Love gorree

  2. It's actually nice to hear Asmon talking like a normal person, unlike in his streams where it's just "talk to entertain" It's gotten to the point where I can accurately predict his next words on stream regardless of situation.

  3. Totally agree with 13:36. This is my first MMO and as someone with not a lot of time to play games, I can hop into the FF even at an early level and already have so much content available to me. Never had a world feel so alive before, really enjoying the generous free trial.

  4. I bought all FFXIV expansions ultimate editions up until storm blood on steam then steam fucks it all up and i am not able to play trough steam, and had to buy the windows version. So heads up to people, don't buy it trough steam. Just buy the windows version. So you don't get any trouble from steam…

  5. Not gonna lie. Buying the game WAS the hardest and worst part of the game for me. Took me about an hour to get the codes, figure out where to use them, make the right accounts… and I even played the game when they first remade the game as "A Realm Reborn" back in 2016-ish. So yeah. I can totally understand that sentiment.

  6. I thought he was being overly dramatic on buying and getting into the game. So I am trying to play a new account. Holy crap, it is the worst game I have ever tried to log into. Its like they dont want you to actually play. Day 2, still trying. Waiting for steam to rest the lock.

  7. You are an excellent speaker. I play FFXIV and this video has been recommended for a couple days now, but I don't know who you are and didn't want to sit through a 19-minute rant about a game I already play and love, but man.. I throughly enjoyed hearing your thoughts, and that near-19 minutes just flew by. More than anything, it's because of your communication skills. I'd elaborate, but I'm probably not the first person to have said this and you're obviously an intelligent person and I'm sure you understand what I mean.
    Anyway, great video, and your enthusiasm has charged me up to play. ✌️

  8. Honestly, I've raided on the cutting edge for years, Have been ranked in the top 20 of my class in M+ since the system released, and I can't wait to get into FF 14. WoW simply became exhausting honestly. It's nothing to do with skill or "Git gud" it's simply a matter of atrocious toxicity, I cant get into a 10 and have fun, troll and laugh around, everyone in the wow community treats everything like it's the D-day landings… and I'm honestly done with it.
    I hear amazing things from people, almost like when wow released, friends from old guilds asking me to play with them, everyone on discord pinging us with cool shit they found/did…
    Im kinda hyped

  9. totally agree it's hard to understand the UX of how to acquire the game.

    Also, FF XIV leads you in the main quest and you can follow the main argument of the whole game in World of warcraft I find my friends who are new to Wow getting lost in following the history of what are they playing ergo losing the atmosphere and the storytelling. FF helps you a lot in following the main path and understanding why are you here and whats it's your role and impact in the FF world. Yeah world of warcraft got class halls in legion and all that but, since WOTLK ends I feel wow lost everyithing that makes the classes unique and in general, the simplification of the play system ends up ripping apart the game… why u change the tree talents bad choice.

    Wow have a nice combat system and it's kinda sloppy in final fantasy but still playable and fun. But the jobs in FF feel like I am part of the world like the class quest of world of warcraft classic when if you want certain skills you need to make a specific quest of your class. But also it's important how the game introduces you to the quest, like Asmo said the way that wow display the questing end up being boring, and in some cases, you can get lost easily following the main story besides if you are not a veteran and know the path to follow. Also, I'm tired of killing monsters… the first time you see Illidan after almost 10 years it's going to kill 5 demons… fuck you. I play a druid healer for almost 14 years and for me had no sense of killing monsters, I'm a druid why I'm killing live beings had no sense to me.

    I hate doing M+ a lot of leavers, a lot of crying babies even if it's my key who goes depleted and they just go mad. And in the end, I feel like I'm playing in a casino waiting for some decent loot and even if I do well on the m+ I will receive a trash item so you can spend weeks praying for the RNG god awaiting to loot your BiS or hoping you don't get a trash item in your week chest. I really don't understand why players get mad at falling and kicking players and not being PMA. If you don't have a guild and try to run some Raids it will become endless because the raid leaders will kick the bad ones and add more new players that would probably don't know the mechanics same as the previous ones they kick before instead of being patient and explaining.

    FF it's more paused game less rush more contemplation and I feel western ppl it's used to rush and not being polite to each other don't miss understand me please I found a lot of good people being nice but it's not the majority, to be honest. In the end, I swap from WoW to FF because I feel like I'm not doing any progression and in some way wow becomes (to me) cold, dead, and without meaning (lore speaking). I stop feeling that I was part of Azeroth. Instead, when I logged up in FF I feel a lot of tiny details that make u said "ey they put a lot of fracking love to this" like the rain wetting your cloth or if you go to a crowded plaza in some city you would hear the chattering of all the players…. those details mean love for the game that u are developing, a love that Blizzard lost.

    Sorry for my bad English and my long post maybe you will not agree with me but I'm just being honest about how I feel about a game that I used to love and in the end turn out to become monotone and generic.

  10. Their entire account infrastructure was designed by the Nintendo online team. Ass backward.
    Don't make the mistake of playing the steam trial for 5 minutes, 5 years ago then buying a retail copy,
    there's no clear way to just delete the steam "service account" and enter your retail code, had to make an entirely different SE account!
    Then after the headache of actually letting you give them money, with all the separate web tabs that pop open between the mog and main SE site…
    You need to do one last google search on how to actually download the game, because it's nowhere to be seen after code activation!
    Due to all that fuckery I actually missed the Road to 70 buff (+100% XP) by one day, which was the perfect incentive for MMO vets like us to start fresh in another.

  11. When you watch something like Game of Thrones, everyone always has the "after-Hype" talk with friends/family.
    In FF14, you have that exact same experience.

    All the hype talk about what you liked, what made you sad/excited/angry, and what might happen next – That is what brings people together. its sets the scene for the "with ya peeps" after party, or in this case, the multiplayer game experience.

    Everyone watching the "movie/show/story/narrative" all together as you progress in game and getting to share those experiences and moments the story with those who also just watched the same EPIC journey of fantasy storytelling together-

    -> That is what makes FF14 the best MMORPG on the Planet.


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