I have tried Final Fantasy XIV for the first time and here is what I think about the game so far!
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00:00 Character Boost
09:08 Jobs/Classes
11:00 Gameplay
11:55 Dungeons/Raids
13:25 Old Content
14:05 Negativity
16:45 Thanks for Watching!
Enjoy 🙂
Seems like everyone has left warcraft for FFXIV
How does it feel playing a game where it doesn't feel like the devs are trying to punish and restrict you?
loved all guides. you are the best. have a nice day
Keep up with the amazing contents
'WOW' nice game 😎
loved to see you play the game! gonna be fun, i will be watching!
also youre going to be fine when you go with the group, its easier to learn when everyone is new and when people are discussing the fights.
First, play how you want. Second, might have to give FF a try. Will wait for the Druid equivalent class guide from you 🙂
god you're pretty. offtopic my bad
Good to see you trying out the game as well, looking forward to the raids. highly interested to see how it'll go
It'll be fun to watch you guys doing raids and eventually Ultimates.
And people need to chill with the boost discussion. I have friends that skip everything cause they wanted to raid or be crafters and i have fun playing with them
Ah yes milking the bandwagon. Good original content!
Well I see u have joined FF14 cult also 😀 Could of posted some video about it since ur content is primarily on WoW and thats reason why I subscribed. Thank u for all the help and tips for playing my druid, time to unsub and gl to u in that cult they have running there 🙂
Keep it up! I can't wait to follow your msq walkthrough when you start a new character 😀
Welcome to Eorzea!
if you're havin fun, that's all that matters
Where is Wow?
dislike – unsubscribe
Turn off the chat for a day or two might help you having fun
This is why I enjoy ur content so much N. Always down to earth as well as good arguments for what's important and not. Enjoy FFXIV, looking forwards to see more content on this topic.
👍Finally germans arrived, glad to see you healthy and happy ✌️
As a RDM main, you definitely made the right choice! Love RDM. I feel sorry for the SMN in your group though. Learning that 2 minute rotation and like billion button opener in a short amount of time? Good luck!
Looking forward to how your raiding goes as it sounds like a cool idea
I love ff14 (and its story ofc) but the community sometimes gets annoying about the story. yes, the story is good and all but different ppl have different points they are interested in any game. just let ppl have fun with the game. it is just a game. you know the thing you play for fun?
Play however you wish! Haters will hate but they are not the one paying the sub! 🙂
Glad you are liking the game! I am seriously thinking of switching to FFIV as my main game. I know some other content creators have left WOW, are you considering that?
That reminds me of "it's just one token it will be fine".
Is there news yet on when you guys are planning to run your ultimates together? And I assume you'll stream it?
So i watched Naowh's stream of FF14 and he also complained about the constan't "you're playing it wrong" comments but i know you guys will show up and completely own. Can't wait to see that.
Glad to see you having a good time. I always boosted in wow because I hate leveling. I choose not to in this game because I wanted to experience all the good stuff on the way up. So far so good. I hope your savage raids go well and are fun.
where u get dat shirt tho?
ffxiv peeps seeing you boost in one of those streamer clips were having a field day. apparently some people think that the 'only' way to learn is to slowly progress through msq. like getting cheese for peeps is going to help with rotations. "if she played 200 hours of story and game she would have known those mechanics!" just unbelievable how adamant some people are about the msq, fanatical to a point. i'm sure you'll catch on fast enough though. i've been playing since the beginning of july on and off, and im only to the end of arr content. it is unequivocally a time sink as you said, regardless of the content or quality of the story.
Honestly, it's really not a bad thing that you boosted. The community has always been far from perfect, but you people (the current influx of WoW players and content creators) have made things 100 times worse. The sooner you're done with the content, the sooner you can go and ruin another game/franchise. So by all means, boost away.
I started 14 in 2019, I skipped through all the story manually. Didn't boost, and I enjoy raiding a lot. People that get mad about it are either cringe fanboys, and people that defend it are dumb. It's a personal choice, the game has a good story? sure, do you need to read every quest and watch every cutscene? hell no, for me it's boring af.
Yeah one thing bad about ffxiv community is they always go on tell people about HOW TO PLAY the game. Man, some people just wanna do mmo content like people-content, some of them don't want a story, if we wanted a story we could just play some big AAA games like tlou or offline final fantasy
i fully understand ur reasoning but the comments arent going to go away anytime soon, new player boosting is something the community collectively does not like
The game sucks. Wait for New World to launch.
That's the problem with the FF14 community, they are toxic in a way that if someone plays the game for the challenge instead of the story or above the story, they are doing it wrong and should be told so.
And even there, there's still some random people being toxic the same way there is in WoW, during dungeons or stuff, God forbid a tank for eating 2 tank busters with nk CD because is his first time. (Actually happen in the most recent dungeon I had, and the healer left because of that, we finished without a single dead after he left).
I'm really happy my favorite WoW player, the one who made me love Balance druid is going to play FFXIV. Can't wait to see you guys playing it, good luck and welcome to Eorzea!
Game is game. Enjoy the game the way you like to enjoy the game. Everyone seeks the part they enjoy, it's not wrong it's just possibly different.
I don't enjoy casters in final fantasy 14 because of how long the global cooldown is, the wow gcd is a lot faster and it makes for a better experience to me, so I leveled as a archer/bard and then picked up dancer at 60. Being a ranged dps while also being able to move whenever I want without losing dps is incredible and makes doing dungeons I've never seen before so much easier. I love that I don't need addons and people don't talk about their or other people's dps because there's no dps meter, I also never used dbm or anything similar in wow and I'm so glad I don't have to hear about it every time I do a raid or the like. I do wish there was an adventurer's guide that gives you a brief overview of the boss that's available in game, if there is I haven't found it. People always talk about the story being the best thing in FF but it's never really appealed to me personally and that's true in this game, everyone said heavensward is incredible but to me it's truly meh, like I skipped the majority of the story in ARR but I made myself sit through every cutscene in heavensward and it really just did not hit for me, it's interesting for sure but I wouldn't write an essay in my discord about it like I have with other games. The Dungeoning is fantastic though and questing doesn't feel like a chore like it does in wow, swapping classes at a whim is what really puts it way over the top of wow for me though. I'm probably going to almost exclusively play my one dps and my one healer anyway, but it feels like FFXIV really respects my time where as wow really does not at all.
Welcome, I know that project is going to make you very happy you decided to give the game a try. Can’t wait for the content, new sub here welcome to ff
Even world first or top 5 world skip all cutscenes . So no worry . Come back and watch them anytime you want .
Welcome to Eorzea! I hope you have fun with your raiding project 🙂 Make sure to have battle music on (it really takes it to another level),
Glad you're enjoying the game. The only issue with boosting is that you're skipping all the other things FFXIV has to offer. It's not an mmo where raiding is the only end game. Unlocking all of that will feel more confusing going backwards through it, or even randomly to it. It's very different from other MMOs in all the things it has to offer.
1 ty for supporting ffxiv.
2 yeah i feel ya. ppl wouldn't shut it up for your comfort what a shame.
Do whatever make you happy. To me not all the story was funny and I skipped a lot of cinematics and talks. If that raid project is what you want to do go for it.
The first part of the video should have been a whole different video ..lol almost 10 min talking about Boost , instead of first impression >.< lol
People need to remember it’s a game. It’s not a lifestyle or is going to cause world ending events. It’s a game. Play how you want and enjoy it. I cancelled my FF sub after hitting 80 until I finish the new WoW raid and then I’ll cancel WoW and play FF again. Enjoy and have fun.