Scripe and the gang prog Pandæmonium Anabaseios: The Ninth Circle Savage in Final Fantasy 14.
0:00 First Pull
4:55 Football
16:37 Meteors
27:25 Clear
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I read all comments so anything you want to ask just drop it below and we might do a video on it
Awe yeah Savage prog lets go
Love that we get prog videos for ffxiv! Would be great to see some for the whole tier!
I love these prog videos. It's so interesting to see how top raiders learn
Take good care of yourself sir
Thanks for prog vids, keep em up!
Tried blind prog these in pf day 1, quite fun, just make up some marker, trying to guess every mechanics with trials and errors.
Your editor is killin it bro 💯
Love the prog video, super fun seeing your group figure mechanics out!
always fun to get in on the comms of these progs
Scripe GIGACHAD says:" Fck being sick, gotta kill some bosses in childish weeb game" xD
Any FFXIV players, how are they supposed to handle that mechanic where they healer LB3?
Congratulations, Great prog
Echo prog hype!!🎉
Love to see the process
It's insane they figured out the Levinstrike wall so quickly. Even with known strats, we are still stuck there 80 pulls later XD!!
that fucking sac strat lmao, that's hilarious
Echo is a godsend man. I really enjoy their progs. Really interesting to see how a professional Team tackles stuff.
Scripe randomly throating a whole kebab in the first pull lmao
Congrats on your fast prog and clears!
Love that you gave us prog content this time around and not just the clears!
Oh yay, this is great! Been progging this tier blind so couldn't watch any livestreams, but like this, it's still the full experience 🙂
Missed the streams this time because I was to busy at work. Glad to see the prog in this video.