I’m crying why does FF14 hate me, blocking my audio. Anyway this is my playthrough of the free trail in ff14. Lowkey It was a mess and I wanted to blow my brains out but hey we made it but at the end there was a little itch to play more…
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Not sure how i got here, but i'm glad to see that you are enjoying the game to an extent. Regarding the slow start to dungeons, it is slowly building upon itself, introducing mechanic bit by bit. They will grow more complex and far more exciting and challenging as you progress. As for the story, the beggining can be quite slow cause they are introducinng characters and slowly building the world. The story writers have developed considerably over the 11 years since a realm reborn. Watch cutscenes and keep an eye on what is generally going on and you will enjoy it. The class you wanted to play is called viper, and is part of the newest expansion. It is available at level 80, and the quest to pick it up is in Ul'Dah Steps of Nald under the name "Enter The Viper". Make sure to read your skills tooltips carefully, they will help you alot with understanding how to use your kit. If you do end up coming back to the game, i hope you enjoy what it has to offer!
FF14 is a slow start but fire down the road. Yeah, I know that's been a trope for a while. That said, it's literally true for this title. You'd be hard-pressed to find a dev team that cares about their game than the FF14 devs. The community is what really makes the game. The majority are awesome and there's a niche for everyone from try-hards, to casuals, and yes even the kinks.
I definitely felt your sentiments throughout the main game. The post msq quests made me run off to POTD which I soloed up until floor 101 so far haha. I'm about to complete heavensward now so I'm not far into the game, but i felt like it was so much better from there personally! That's when i really started watching the cutscenes and investing myself into the story more too! Also swapping from Dragoon to White Mage to Warrior and levelling them up to 60 was super fun!
good editing.
Well, nice try. But you certainly missed the true ending of 2.x… There is not such thing "easy good ending", lol.