Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood – #30 – The Lochs

Some of the game’s best music lies ahead! Also Ala Mhigo.

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0:00 – Introduction

1:00 – QUEST: “The Lady in Red”

7:36 – QUEST: “Upon the Great Loch’s Shore”

18:00 – QUEST: “The Key to Victory”


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Edited by Daniel Floyd

♫ “Pray Return” by Chris Logsdon

#PlayFrame #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #Stormblood


22 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood – #30 – The Lochs”

  1. It is time for another final fantasy Friday question, and this one may be a LITTLE morbid: which character in the series had the most obvious death flags (I don't mind spoilers as long as they aren't 14 related)?

  2. I like the Lochs as an area. it is a truly beautiful area. However, I think it is underused overall, in that it is too big for the amount of action that actually takes place there. Other areas in Stormblood give you bits and pieces to explore as the story goes on, which I think is better for the play experience. I wind up remembering more about the other areas in the expansion than I do the Lochs.

    It's a shame, really. There are a lot of really great parts of this map, but you don't really spend time there.

  3. Aan are the slaves and conquered people that have no citizenship rights
    They may ascend like fordola through military prowess, but those get second class citizenship

  4. The Lochs have an special event where the climate gets dark and stormy no matter what time it is
    When it happens, Ixion has spawned
    It also spawns random aoe puddles that deal a looot of damage if you are in the sb level range

    To damage ixion you have to do another side activity, treasure maps, to get an stigian ash
    Without it, Ixion has a shield that blocks all damage

    Very much another group activity that requires many players to clear
    Gives an Ixion mount as well as a barding for your chocobo, horn included

  5. I feel like there should be more story about how screwed ala mhigo was before being conquered.
    You had a Mad King who attacked gridania, expanding his terrotory and commiting a bunch of attrocities along the way
    There's a reason why the other cities may be reticent to help ala mhigans and it would help us sympatize a lot more if it didn't look like they were shunning immigrants/refugees just because/economy/idk

    The 3 cities are still very wrong to hold ala mhigan citizens accountable for a monarch, but at least we'd have something

  6. It's time to take to the last zone in Stormblood, Playfriends. The XII Legion is down to their last stronghold, but it's a doozy: Ala Mhigo itself. This is your spoiler free lore comment!

    4:35 – COSTUME CHANGE! Lyse is finally wearing the fancy outfit she's got in the Stormblood trailer and Amano's artwork! And we get to see our character reenact the sparring on Rhalgr's hand from the trailer too! Some notes on Lyse's new outfit: in some scenes, she's depicted fighting bare handed, but in others, she's wielding a single blade mounted on her right hand. It seems similar to an katar, and as far as I know, there isn't an obtainable weapon like it in game. There are katars for monks, but those have additional blades, and Lyse is unique in that she only wields a single weapon which folds out, rather than two. I have no idea what dictates when she has it or not, but you can actually see her deploy it in battle at 22:45 , similar to a character drawing their weapon. Finally, you can get your own version of Lyse's outfit (and her hairstyle)! It's from the cash shop for 15 USD, and restricted to female characters.

    6:22 – I am pretty impressed with the editing to swap in for Monk in the video, that's some clean cuts. Nice work Dan & Carrie!

    12:00 – For once, I think Dan's luck with weather helps make The Lochs look more imposing, with all that storm and lightning.

    17:25 – In this instance "Aan" stands for their "rank" under the Garlean system. This rank is sometimes confused for a middle name. Aan are slaves or people of occupied territory and are non-citizens, similar to peregrinus of the Roman Empire (given the similarity to Rome, they may actually be called peregrinus). M'naago is a bit more sanguine than I would be; an Aan may serve in the military to gain citizenship, and would undoubtable have family in the Aan rank. There's no real guarantee that there won't be sympathizers in the Ala Mhigan quarter.

    20:25 – This helps detail what The Lochs are, while also moving the plot and intrigue forward. The Lochs are a series of salt water lakes, with Loch Seld being the main body of the region. Salt from Loch Seld was produced and stored at the saltery before sale and transport, and Ala Mhigan salt was once a notable export from the city-state. Just don't ask me why they used the Celtic (?) word, Ala Mhigo can be a weird mash of cultures from our world.

    24:05 – I've done this too, but in a combat instance, clicking on NPCs doesn't usually provide dialogue. If you walk by, they may pop up speech bubbles, but that's it.

    Next time: Just keep swimming…

  7. 17:26 Garlemald has a soft caste system- your rank very much depends on what you do for a living and what skills you have. At the same time, I'm calling it a "soft" caste system because there IS a degree of social mobility- the one most discussed in game is how one can win citizenship by serving in the Garlean legions for 20 years.

    Aan are pointedly NOT citizens- they're the non-Garlean, non-citizen residents of conquered territories. As such, they're the second lowest within the bounds of the system, only outranking viators, traitors to Garlemald itself. Aan aren't necessarily slaves, though they CAN be, and they're the ones we've generally seen suffering in game.

  8. The middle part of Garlian names are a sign of social status that can change with a change in standing. "Aan" is a non-citizen that resides in an occupied territory (EX: John Aan Smith)

  9. Looking forward to the next episode. I remember there was a fun reference in some of the optional dialogue that made my day when I read it. So long as Durmin keeps chatting with the other Scions we'll hear it.

  10. 0:43 I once read war-related PTSD described as (pardon my poor rephrasing) "realizing you were the monster". It was in the comments of a video related to the USMC's actions in the Pacific, very much not for the faint of heart.
    4:50 No notes.
    6:32 Wait, really?! You get to do the thing?!
    7:16 So, question: Did the game "remember" your monk outfit, did you somehow swap jobs and costumes in the cuts, or did the game use a "this is the monk gear for this level" trick?
    8:52 What we'd do stuff she wouldn't?
    12:21 I love how her walk cycle works with the new outfit. The last one bothered me because how do you walk like that in plate boots? Those usually don't flex in the right places.
    12:34 🎶Call to arms, banners fly in the wind! 🎵
    14:45 Not a criticism, but recent gaming has my inner strategist firing on all cylinders, as such,, here's my unsolicited, uneducated-in-Eorzean-military-composition approach: Start with the artillery, with the Temple Knights still guarding the guns. The Seedseer's mages can provide additional support until the gate falls, and then the main force can move in and capture the opening, which would allow the "vanguard" to start the street fighting. The main force would reinforce, and the archers can take up positions on the walls, with the mages providing ranged support inside. No other changes.
    15:57 I cannot shake the similarity between the Garlean Empire's insignia, and the Infinite Empire's (and Revan's Sith force's) insignia.

  11. – as cool Ralghar's reach there's 2 things that bother me greatly about it: 1, with how comically easy to compromise is wild they went back to make it a central hub, without any sort of reinforcement; and 2, I'm mad you can't actually climb to the Hand
    – oh hey they're doing that thing from the opening! except is a cooler & cuter Lalafel
    – ohhhh i was thinking Ala Mihgo was the name of the country this entire time
    14:12 "Nods is lack of Voice actress" who knew Solid JJ was a guest writer in this arc 🤣


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