Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood – #2 – Resistance Assistance

These freedom fighters could use a tiny hand or two.

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0:00 – Introduction

0:31 – QUEST: “A Bargain Struck”

6:09 – QUEST: “A Friend of a Friend in Need”

12:19 – QUEST: “Signed, Sealed, to Be Delivered”

19:08 – QUEST: “Best Served with Cold Steel”

29:52 – QUEST: “Let Fill Your Hearts with Pride”


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Edited by Daniel Floyd

♫ “Pray Return” by Chris Logsdon

#PlayFrame #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #Stormblood


36 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood – #2 – Resistance Assistance”

  1. So fun bit of trivia, at stormblood's launch there was a problem with the duty servers where only a small fraction of the population of each datacenter could do any given solo duty at the same time, resulting in giant mobs of people surrounding rauban in the open world just trying to talk to him for hours

  2. Dan's comments at 8:15 about how Stormblood is running on the Ala Mhigo storyline that has been simmering in the background for the whole game is a good observation about how FFXIV's storytelling works. Heavensward worked the same- the Dragonsong war is something that was introduced as far back as ARR 2.0, when we had that whole arc about the WoL, Alphinaud, and Cid looking for the airship in order to get to Garuda. New plotlines are never introduced all at once whole cloth once an expansion starts- a new expansion is always an extension of plot thread that had already been introduced.

  3. I love how this part between 9:15 and 10:17 showcases a Miqo'te's excellent senses, specifically a Seeker of the Sun native to Gyr Abania. They're raised to hunt and survive in any land they were born in, and being in occupied lands means the native Seekers have a good advantage when it comes to scouting out for imperial patrols.

  4. 22:15 Anyone Else remember getting stuck here during Stormblood Early Access because too many people were trying to get into the Single Player Instance for the servers to handle? At the time we called this Rauhban Extreme!

  5. At this point, it's tradition for each expansion to start with a split. It's nice to get the choice, but I believe the real reason is so they don't cram everyone into one area at launch, both from a playability perspective [gets annoying when everyone's surrounding the same NPC] and for the servers [the game can only hold so many players in one instance of an area.] (To, well, still mixed results in Stormblood's case :P) Further in to the plot, players can get further apart (and some players fall off), so it's less of an issue.

  6. 20:16 So, the reason Stormblood looks so much prettier than previous expasions is because it was the first expansion they made that did not support the PS3 hardware. So they were able to build the zones on much better hardware than Heavensward and ARR (which were supporting the PS3's hardware)

  7. – I see i will never spell Ala Mihgo correctly unless is on screen LMAO
    – not picking the cowboy hat… for shame Durmin, for shame
    – i respect how much of a long game Yoshi P is willing to play when it comes to plot setups
    – "could you speak up your subtitles went out too fast" i appreciate the character portraits & i hope they get added to ARR & Heavensward soon
    – i swear that Magitek armor looks like a Xenoblade mech, or a Gurren Lagann one

  8. So how is it ambushing if you show yourself to the enemy before fighting? They should have at the very least let Grynewaht's lot pass before coming out of hiding.

  9. I love that, presumably in response to the stage direction 'collective cry of victory', Alisae's roar goes on for perceptibly longer than everybody else's.

  10. I like how the game almost immediately sets up the unfortunate moral reality of this resistance. The men and women the resistance fight and kill are not all loyal Garleans. Most are conscripts from occupied countries in very similar situations as Ala Mihgo…. maybe even Ala Mihgans themselves. They either were forced to join the military or joined as it was the only way for them to provide for their families or have a chance at a decent life.

    But they are still enemy combatants, no matter how much you might be able to emphasize with them. You will have to fight them and you will have to kill them in order to achieve Ala Mihgo's freedom.

  11. Playfriends, today we learn more of Ala Mhigo and Gyr Abania. We also get to talk about a rather Extreme event that occurred when Stormblood was released. This is your spoiler free lore comment!

    Conrad's dilemma shouldn't be surprising. Resistance springs up where it can, and that means that it rarely adheres to a single chain of command. But the Alliance needs to start somewhere, and Rhalgr's Reach is fairly close to Baelsar's Wall.

    Stormblood reinforces a tactic that Heavensward used to allow players to get a lay of the land before launching into heavy story bits. Where as Durmin explored Coerthas while aiding the Fortemps Brothers, he now explores Gyr Abania with Meffid and M'naago. This gives us a view of both how they've been handling the Imperial occupation and some of their personality. And this time, we also get to spend time with Alisaie and Lyse, fleshing out their characters. This method serves them well, and has become standard for the MSQ going forward.

    M'naago makes a critical point about the Imperial troops: most are conscripts. Conscripts taken from their own homes, possibly other conquered lands. They may not be crack troops, but they have magitek armor, and the resistance troops are only a shade more experienced after the losses due to Ilberd's scheme.

    Okay Sprouts, it's time to tell a story of Stormblood's release. At 21:35, Durmin approaches Raubahn, and the glow indicates that talking to him will start an instanced battle. Back during the release, Stormblood was rather popular. Popular enough the servers had some… issues. This wasn't the long queue times that Endwalker players experienced, players were able to load in and experience the game. But with so many players attempting to start an instanced battle this early into the story, the servers had problems keeping up. The sheer demand caused some players to be unable to start the instanced fight, sometimes even being kicked out of the instance, and crowds of players soon accumulated around Raubahn as they all attempted to start the sequence. The community came to call the situation "Raubahn (Extreme)" due to the difficulties. So, what was to be done? While the devs worked to fix the problems with people being unable to progress, the community found a simple fix that they could enact themselves: they formed a queue. Entirely voluntarily, players formed a long line to wait their turn to progress the story. An entirely player developed and implemented fix until the devs could sort out the issue. These days this doesn't seem so odd, since FFXIV players will form lines for in game nightclubs and in game conventions (LunarCon 2023 is at the end of September). But back in 2017, this was particularly unprecedented.

    Next time, we get to catch up with Meffrid, and see more of Gyr Abania!

  12. While the general opinion of the playerbase is that Stormblood has the weakest story of the expansions thus far (which is by no means to say it's bad, just that many people think it is the least awesome), what Dan points out around 8:15 is a great point. Especially as someone whose WoL came from Ala Mhigo, the build up to this expansion's story was a long time coming. Lots of threads, most of them relatively minor, all come together during this story, and it's one of the places where I feel the game is much improved by being played after release, so that the events of ARR are fresher in one's mind for this expansion.

  13. A little funny to hear you say you didn't know Alisaie knew healing magic, since she presumably learned arcanima like her brother, and as a Red mage she has access to healing (okay a single healing spell, vercure) also if you do the Red Mage job quest, X'Rhun Tia mentions that he taught Alisaie red magic and that she was very proficient at white magic but struggled with performing black magic, which maintaining balance of light and dark aethers is a necessary skill in red magic


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