Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers – #27 – The Oracle of Light

Minfilia will take it from here.

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Edited by Daniel Floyd

Thumbnail art by Dan Jones

________▼ MUSIC ▼_________

♫ “Pray Return” by Chris Logsdon

________▼ CHAPTERS ▼_________

0:00 – Introduction

0:25 – QUEST: “Crossroads”

22:29 – QUEST: “A Fresh Start”

27:34 – DUNGEON: Malikah’s Well

44:50 – QUEST: “A Fresh Start” (continued)

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25 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers – #27 – The Oracle of Light”

  1. 12:57 Well, if he is, my WOL would have been happy to "correct" him the way he did Emmanelain a little ways back. Yes, yes, potential heroic sacrifice and alla that, but my catboi Limsa WAR is firmly in the "too wholesome to be jock, too aggressive to be himbo" camp, is a LOT less patient then Urianger, and had had it up to here with a certain White-haired sadboy's waffling.

    I needn't have worried, though. Finally I've stopped being mad at all the Scions… and finally we can say hello to Ryne! I have to say, it was awfully weird calling her by the name of our old departed friend (and almost certainly contributed to the awkward air).

    Ooh, but this lightwarden gave me trouble the first time! I needed a little time to get used to the new mechanics, and that was as a DPS! Brave man is Durmin for switching to heals.
    Also, we need more armadillos generally in videogames.

  2. The headpat thing between Thancred and Ryne is such a weird animation choice. Put his hand on her shoulder (the way Minfilia does a few minutes earlier) or under her chin to lift her head up instead of looking at the ground. At the very least have him pet her hair (in a platonic way! Very important!) like a parent would. But just placing a hand on her head seems like something you'd do to a small child and so awkward for such a tender scene between them. The limitations of their animation system really show in these kinds of scenes, I'm just left screaming "HUG HER ALREADY".

    Still, his "I'm glad you're back" carries such emotional weight. He has truly accepted his role as Dadcred now.

  3. Fun fact, the post-dungeon cutscene isn't time locked. When I did it, the party commented on the sky and how night had returned to Amh Araeng in the middle of a bright, cloudless day.

  4. Lightwarden: Storge
    Storge is familial love. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧👨‍👨‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 It is also where we get the word storage. To place something in storage, food, water, etc. is an act of love for those who will use what you've stored away for later.

  5. I'm happy that Rhyne came out of this as her own person with her own wishes. I wonder what will become of her once the Scions will go home…will she come with since she's a part of them now?

  6. Playfriends, it's time for Minfilia to make a fateful choice. This is your spoiler free lore comment.

    3:50 – And so begins a century of loneliness. Of watching. Unable to affect the world around him. Seeing innocent lives torn asunder as they curse the Warriors of Light.

    4:55 – "Hi, Mom…"

    8:15 – Strength of arms and eldritch knowledge are all well and good, but we've seen time and time again that neither of these are Durmin's superpower. He, and by now the Scions as a whole, have found a way to help people imagine a better future. To actually think that the world can change, and with that thought launch themselves into action. Young Minfilia has been on the receiving end of this effect, and she's determined it's not just time to believe in herself. it's time for her to pay it forward. And her predecessor would have it no other way.

    9:45 – "No one, however powerful, is immune to the whisperings of doubt and despair. Do not give in to them, but do not deny them either. Look instead to the light within, that you may continue to serve as a beacon to others." I don't know how many of you need to hear this, but keep it close. May it guide your heart.

    11:45 – One final gift from Minfilia Warde. To free the young girl from the expectations of her lineage. Or as I put it: "I've always wondered how I would look as a ginger."

    14:45 – Did you think Thancred was dead? Nope, every single Scion who could cast healing spells (other than Durmin and Krile) were there to pick him up. I do love the idea that the entire player base dreaded his death and then he's just sitting here on the stoop, complaining that everything hurts. There is some speculation that Thancred was slated to die in an earlier draft of Shadowbringers, with Y'shtola's "sacrifice" lulling players into a false sense of security, but there's been no real evidence of this. But I like that he lives, it gives him more time with his newly redhead daughter! We've had enough of Bad Dad Thancred, time for Decent Dad Thancred!

    19:33 – Ryne Waters! Y'all have no idea how many times I've typed her names in the drafts of these comments and then had to go back and correct things.

    19:45 – Ryne has two Daaads!

    28:10 – This dungeon is kinda weird and goofy. But it is also possibly my favorite dungeon in the Shadowbringers MSQ. I can't fully explain why, but I'll try.

    This is another dungeon with Trust members, so let's talk about our newly changed companion, Ryne! Ryne (or Minfilia, as she's referred to in Dohn Mheg and the Qitana Ravel) has the job 'Oracle of Light', although the job symbol, and her combat template, is a Rogue. She uses Rogue instead of Ninja due to her own combat quirks, but this doesn't make her any less effective (please do not attempt to emulate this as a player, job stones are important). Ryne uses Vanish and Trick Attack to damage and debuff targets much like a Rogue, but she has a unique ranged attack called Banish, which relies on her Oracle abilities. If you take her into Dohn Mheg, she'll handle the tightrope mechanic poorly, tip toeing her way through the route and not making it to the other side before the attack finishes. She can execute a Limit Break, like she does at 35:10 and 41:50, but she's usually fairly low on priority, so I'm surprised that Alisaie didn't beat her to the punch today. "Oracle, Give Me Strength!"

    35:00 – I love Bucket Bot, its so goofy. I can't explain it well, but tanking this fight and getting the water jets right just feels really satisfying to me.

    38:45 – Storge, ancient Greek for Familial Love. We've seen many Sin Eaters take on the winged form that angels are depicted with in art, but here we have a Lightwarden that takes after a biblical angel. I love the design of this boss as it feels incredibly different than any other enemy. Many of its attacks, like Intestinal Crank, Breaking Wheel, and Heretic's Fork, are torture methods. While Censure is a more generic term for a reprimand or rebuke, in this context it may refer to the canon law of the Catholic Church. The Church may impose a variety of punishments, with one of the highest being excommunication.

    Triple Triad card trivia: "The Lightwarden of Amh Araeng. Believed to have arisen from the corrupted essence of a sprite or faerie, the entity named for “familial love” made its lair in Malikah's Well. Legends tell that Storge feasted upon the memories infused within its domain ─ upon a queen's adulation for her departed king."

    43:30 – Acid Reflux huuuuurts. I don't think some antacid is going to help with this one.

    Next time: Durmin's indigestion is a cause for concern. And Kholusia will be well defended…

  7. Anyone else weirdly paranoid about Oracle of Light possessing Minifilia, er, Ryne? Because all I could think was that the last time a Minfilia got that close to Hydalyn, she got possessed/the whammy put on her.

  8. Huge Ryne fan here so…. /akahiko voice "I've been waiting for this!"

    And let me tell you I'm so glad we hit this point, it is so hard to go back from Ryne to Minfilia once we get her name. I had to be constantly checking my previous comments to make sure I didn't mess up.

    19:30 So, one of the things I genuinely love about this moment is that you can look at it two different ways and either one of them is really heartwarming in their own way: Either Thancred has been thinking about a name of her own that she might have (entirely possible, given how the possibility and even the hope that she might want to have her own life is something he brings up in earlier scenes even if he's really shitty at communicating that directly to her), or that he picked the first thing that he could think of on the spot, and the first thing that popped into his head for her liter ally was "blessing"

    Like that's something that genuinely makes me care a lot about their relationship. Like, especially up until now it's been rough and rocky and I'll not deny that, but he genuinely does care, and the fact that he picks a name like that especially now, when she's afraid that he might be mad at her for making that choice… I think it helped a lot without directly saying anything (although he did do that too!), which is something we all know Thancred has trouble with at times. And while I'm sure there will be other bumps ahead, this decision of hers (and the communication surrounding it) was a major crux of a lot of their problems, and now that it's over, and Thancred has made clear that he is perfectly happy with her choice and happy that she's *there*, I think things will get a lot easier for them.

    Minor fun fact/aside: it's not an uncommon theory in the fandom that her new hair and eye color are possibly what she would have looked like if she hadn't come to house the Oracle of Light/Minfilia's spirit.

  9. – I forgot how much taller Minfillia was compared to Minifilia Ryne
    – Thancreed, don't be a Tsundere… granted I wouldn't encourage Urianger to do more lectures either
    – Ryne becoming her own person is the biggest W
    – after all we went for, it feels very wrong to fight Taloses
    – well, the ancestors of Armadillos used to be pretty dang tall
    – again, very impressed at how the art team managed to make beauty seem unsettling with the locations

  10. 3:52 – Checkov's Ardbert. We see clearly now, Minfilia, Oracle of Light, refused to use Ardbert to hold back the flood. We've been left, a single round in the chamber.

    And we're left with the same question that has plagued Ardbert for a century…


  11. 9:44 – "Remember this: No one, however powerful, is immune to the whisperings of doubt and despair. Do not give in to them, but do not deny them either. Look instead to the light within, that you may continue to serve as a beacon to others." – FFXIV's foundational statement.

  12. BLU's Clues: Well, someone has a new spell for us, and it's a big 'dillo. At 32:04, we see the first boss of Malikah's Well, the Greater Armadillo, deploy its wrecking ball to cast Right Round. In the face of all logic, BLU's can do that, too….but they usually shouldn't.

    The damage on Right Round is pretty low, so its main function is the 10-yalm knockback, which applies to all nearby enemies and party members. So yes, you can send your own party flying with it. On top of that, BLU tactics usually benefit from having enemies all crowded in close, so there's rarely a good reason to use a spell that scatters them away from you. As a result, this spell is seldom used except for amusement value.

  13. Dan, thank you for doing this series. This isn't a game I'd play myself, and you've done a wonderful job at delivering the story for people like me. 🙂

  14. 1:32 Ah, yes. The MMO problem.
    7:30 Has she really reached "love yourself" levels, though? Not long ago she was ready to end herself. (and yes, I know they're not talking about vanity)
    11:20 Yea, yea she does.
    11:44 No, nothings wrong, you got cuter.
    12:55 Thancred has… other priorities.
    16:54 She's still not putting herself into the motivation. It's still "Minfilia's dream", not hers.
    18:02 Thank you, Y'shtola!
    19:15 Ah, Alisaie, where would we be without someone to sass Alphinaud for stating the obvious?
    20:52 A part of me wants to be mad about the whole "welcome aboard, person who's been here for a long time!", but I can't be. This kind of self-reinvention, throwing off past shackles and starting fresh is just too much my jam.
    21:55 Minfilia was already dead. The only death left for her is to be forgotten, and that's not likely to happen anytime soon.
    25:25 Same, though I now see why scrapping Y'shtola's "aethersight tax" is weird. Like, it's still cool, but there's no looming penalty. It'd be neat if she "turned it off" sometimes, just to stay consistent.
    26:07 This theme choice feels weird now, I've come to associate it with Emet-Selch.
    29:54 For some reason, I'm reminded of how silly being a Mercenary healer was in SWTOR. Your basic attack turned into a light heal… so you'd literally shoot your allies with green stuff.
    32:55 I'm glad I only had to do healing once. Even more glad that my DPS loadout worked just as well for healing. I preferred using missiles… because missiles.
    34:41 "Somtimes"? This game frequently has you making leaps of faith that would shatter your pelvis, never mind ankles.
    35:17 That move looks very Gurren Lagann.
    36:54 "Blanch"? Fitting.
    46:38 I was wondering what'd happen to the wall.

  15. Spoilers for the first half of today's episode!

    My favourite thing is that the official artbook lists her full name as Ryne Waters.

    Also the idea of a Thancred/Urianger ship is just so perfect here. I love their dynamic as Ryne's dads.

  16. The Lightwarden's name is pronounced "STORE-gi" (yes, the second syllable sounds like the name of the tribe that attacked Cosmo Canyon in FFVII). Other comments have done a good job of explaining its meaning; I'll just add that it's Greek.

  17. Spoilers for Tales from the Shadows: One Name, One Promise

    Just a nice detail I wanted to point out. In the short story, we learn that Thancred is the one who gave Minfillia her new name (she was called Ascillia). After suggesting it, Minfillia replies, "Minfillia… Yes, I rather like the sound of it". I know the short story was probably written after the expansion's, but still…


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