In a recent interview with Naoki Yoshida, he has stated that Final Fantasy XIV is the most profitable in the series thus far, and that he hopes he to reinvest the money. Here are some of my thoughts on how, and what lies in the future.
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#FinalFantasyXIV #EndWalker #FF14
Oh great, here comes Final Fantasy 17 or 18 online.
Considering he said in the media toor that ew is bigger than some standalone rpgs and it has the most voiceacting. I think we are in for a chonker
Final Fantasy 14 is easily one of the greatest if not THE greatest comeback story in the history of gaming. I still remember when the original version of FF14 launched and reading & hearing all about how shockingly shallow & messed up it was so much so that they had to shut it all down in order to rebuild it from scratch which was unheard of. Than it relaunches as A Realm Reborn and the rest as they say is history. Now Yoshi P, the mastermind behind FF14: ARR is overseeing the development of Final Fantasy 16 which speaks volumes about how truly successful FF14 has been since the relaunch.
I'm still salty they never fully finished fixing FFXV. How about placing some of that investment on fixing FFXV? If they can fix FFXIV, they can fix FFXV!
Did you just call Dirge of Cirburus ad thats messed up dude lol that game was alright for what it was
I was quite sure in one of the endwalker media tour, Yoshi-P mentioned that graphical upgrades are on his list but its post 6.0. no actual date/time.
Boy am I glad I snapped out of my boomer mentality that MMO ffs aren’t real and have no place in main series🤣🤣. I started ff14 back in April and beat Shadowbringers 2 weeks ago. With that I can say that 14 is my 3rd favorite final fantasy easily. I gave me everything I wanted in a mainline title which lacking previous titles especially in the story department. I feel that every ff fan should play it because they sorely missing out on how quality the game is compared the recent single player titles.
Seems like this has turned into the FFXIV channel.
Just finished ARR and is now starting Heavensward. Still a free trial player but I will purchase and register in a month or so since this game is such a fun experience. Not to mention the story is so good.
Anyway, hope they do invest in upgrading ARR scenes and even consider adding more voice acting in ARR.
Yeah. Better hair textures would be absolutely amazing.
Im kinda at the point where im just grinding daily's. mainly to get my samurai class to 80. because i wanna switch to that. ive played tank since the beginning but the content is starting to get difficult and i dont like having that much responsibility lol. so ill dps so no one can blame me for a wipe.
I will play FFXIV if there will be a Possibility to buy / play it without Subscription
When's the HD feet
I tried 14, not for me. I still much prefer the Snes and Ps1 FF's.
It's weird to me that I'm seeing several comments talking about non-MMO Final Fantasy players. This game is built with them in mind and other than the required duties, could be played much like you might in a single player FF game. Yeah the structure is a bit different in a lot of areas but it still retains the RPG roots that draws people to those types of games. I guess some people just choose to be ignorant, they see the online part in the title and look the other way. Hate to see them missing out.
Do anybody know why they can’t update the character models and face expressions etc? Has Yoshida said anything about that? I think it’s one of the worst parts of the game that sometimes takes away some of the experience…
I think they can fix the gameplay for ARR but I think the voice acting isn't something they'll want to do. It was in some Live Letter I guess that they talked about how re-recording the line for older content (like making ARR story full voiced) isn't exactly profitable so it is hard to make the higher up in SE to approve it. I think the CB3 itself could do it if they actually get the plan approved.
Well why it is hard to greenlight it? They would need to have recording session for all the available language and all those boring production process that simply took a lot of money. Next, since HW and ARR are a part of the free trial and no one in their sane mind will buy only ARR/HW/SB (and then ShB) when they can just buy the latest expansion and get them without paying double. If they sold the 'new' voice acting within the Mog Station or just the Collector edition to make the plan approved by the higher up, this time they'll gain the ire of the player instead. "It will net more new player to convert to subscription player" sounds good indeed but it is more of an imaginary numbers which, in business, kinda hard to get approved on. Sure some higher up would be convinced but it might not gain the majority vote enough to greenlight it.
In that line, the Graphic upgrade is easier to implement as in proposing and get the plan to be approved. It is a part of the game growth and in the future they drop ps4 for ps5 they'll need to follow the ps5 standard.
The reason the textures are low rez isn't because they don't have the money to make them prettier, it's because they want as many people as possible to be able to run the game on their PCs. And in my experience, many people seem to play on toasters XD
awesome news!! I hope that in the far future, we'll get an offline version of XIV (ofc with less content on the side missions).
I wish they translate it to other languages like Spanish. And I hope for an offline version in the future, like Dragon Quest X, or, at least, an offline version off FFXI.
It might take a while. The problem of this game is that the game engine is at it's limit. The FFXIV engine is a hybrid of Crystal Tools and Luminous engine, and neither of them is an ideal MMO engine (Crystal Tools was created for FFXIII and Luminous for FFXV). The code is also full of spaghetti code from 1.0 era, which the devs can't remove without breaking the game. They need to update the game engine and eliminate the spaghetti code first to make any real updates to graphics. Same goes to adding more sliders for character creation, or longer hairstyles, adding inventory space etc. This current game engine can't handle more.
They also need to consider the players. The game might have be to be taken down for a long period of time to do this change. Are the players OK for this to happen? Updating the engine on the side would be the ideal solution, but they also need to have the manpower to do it. It's very clear the the devs do know this. If they plan to keep this game around for another 10 years, they need to do this change.
What did they win exactly? XD
Oh yeah, just the other week they won this quote from Soldier 1st Class: "I can't do it anymore! it wasn't so bad at the beginning I had a bit of fun, but after a year it feels like I'm only hyping FF14 because its my job and it's making my channel nothing more than a commodity. FFXIV is turning into some kind of chore that prevents me from playing the games I really wanna play! You do you NSP, I'm onto the next mission, peace Ultima Weapons!" [Insert Cringe] 😉
This video is most likely more fake news made on this channel. Like last year's "FF7 Remake is confirmed to be cancelled and won't have a Part2" when NSP lied saying that the new story elements prevented the game to make enough money for square to wanna reinvest xD
It definitely wasn't his own conscience that made him feel bad for spreading false information, was it youtube or the community itself who had to force him to take down the fake rumor video?
The only reason he started playing FF14 is because he didn't wanna lose all of his viewers after he had turned most of the FF7 fanbase against him, it's not because he has a genuine interest in it, even the reaction videos feel forced
FF14 is just a fad, nobody will remember it in 23 years
I'm glad that I got to experience this game, but I'm still confused why I even began playing this game. I just decided to try it out of nowhere at the start of 2018, I don't even remember anyone talking about it or recommending it to me prior to this decision. If I have to hazard a guess, I think I just had this random interest in trying out an MMORPG and this one just happened to have a free trial (which did not include the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 at the time) and Final Fantasy's name on it. Considering that the last time I bought a game based on that name was FF13, I'm glad 14 managed to hook me and keep me around long enough to experience the masterpiece that is Shadowbringers. I'm glad to hear that this game is doing well 😀
Thanks for introducing me to this game. Your videos and constant praise pushed me to try it out last year. I haven't had this much fun playing and MMO since Ultima Online
In my opinion there are many things that could use some of that money they've made but 2 big ones are the ARR experience (no one should ever have to refer to it as "the filter") and second is they need to take however much time and money it takes to go back and fix, update and replace the old code that causes so many problems with the inventory, glamour and all of the other things that have been held back by spaghetti code since they were forced to scramble to pick up the pieces of 1.0.
meh.. FFXI is still the best selling MMO by comparson. XI didn't have a cash shop & didn't have a 1.0 failure which made them lose at least 50mil. Also it was launched around when MMO's aren't as big as they're today.
Hello ^^
It could be so much better with turn based party combat, but that would give mmos a new design meaning as you are about to control whole parties not just a single character.
Damn dude, some serious salt in the comments here from offline-only players. This community can be bloody cannibalistic at times. Whether or not you play XIV yourself (I was weaned on IV, VI, and VII and have gone on to log several thousand hours in XIV myself) you'd think people would be happy there is a successful and critically-acclaimed entry in the franchise keeping the name alive in the zeitgeist while future projects are still in the works.
Really would love to see more character customization, like more facial hair.
Dang that’s amazing. IF ONLY IT WAS ON XBOX.
Cool, but I only have one question. How does it feel being this big of a simp for Creative Business Unit 3, and not being invited to participate in the media tour, while content creators who aren't even at endgame yet do get to take part?
Maybe you should step up your game and create some useful content for a change.
Man, I would love to see a Keyblade wielder job class.
For me, the character creator needs an overhaul. Mostly to be more flexible. It sucks that certain beards and other facial features are locked to certain faces.
This need a PSO2 type of character customization~!!!
As much as I love FFXIV, it's a shame how abandoned and undesired modern single player FF has become. Standing in the shadow of the MMO. The next installments better be bonkers.
I mean, wouldn’t it be a better investment to get the next FF MMO started at some point? Some parts of ARR just can’t be fixed with more VA or HD. I’d rather they spend that effort on something that will pay them more dividends at the end.
Streamlining the dull portions of ARR makes sense but I am willing to bet upgrading it with voice and better resolution is not (will never be) in the project scope. I can just imagine how that would affect the development schedule and can't see it happening with the forward facing outlook of the FFXIV dev team. I love that they listen to every bit of feedback and always strive to make things better than the last attempt.
1. they are planning a graphical and technical overall as well as engine upgrades but they said not to expect til 7.0 or later (this is due to the shortage of some parts they require to completely upgrade)
2. they cant promise a butt slider but they said they will look into adjusting the way some articles of clothing allow your buttox to be displayed (an example is how the 2B bottoms allow for a more defined and more round peach shape )
3. they will not rework or overhaul ARR Yoshida has stated in many interviews but they can patch some things at a later date to make the transitions easier an smoother for new players.
but what i would like them to do with their investments is scrap housing an replace it with something everyone can enjoy and have with no limit on supply
remove glamour restrictions for all dungeon, tomestone, and purchasable/craftable gear.
and to keep giving us new types of content to do not keep repeating the endless grinds and cycles of raids, dungeons, and boss battles cause thats getting really old and is off putting.
and lastly i want them to invest more time into PvP its one of their weakest areas an i feel it really needs some attention an needs more options.
I am so glad I gave this game a second chance
Combine subscription for ff11 and ff14! Give ff11 a ff14 makeover and proximity chat! Then make a fortnite final fantasy apart of the subscription! 3 games for one sub will keep people happy for a long time!