From Lightspeed Studios and Square Enix comes Final Fantasy XIV Mobile, an adaptation of the critically acclaimed online role-playing game. This upcoming mobile game offers an exciting extension of the beloved franchise by capturing the immersive experience of the original title in a fresh, mobile-friendly format. Final Fantasy XIV Mobile is set to first launch in China, followed by a global release soon after.
We got ff14 mobile before GTA 6
Mobile games getting big with monster hunter open world too
Would rather FFXI Mobile
FF14 is dead. It dies after Endwalker. This is FF14 We need money edition.
Ew ew ew ew why would you do that?
well that's nice for mobile players. still will play on pc though.
FF XIV pocket edition.
Dissidia was also a beautiful game Nudge nudge
…this feels like hubris.
The gods will smite them, and cast them down.
Savage raiding with your thumbs.
TFR world first from mobile let's go
Surely we won't have to suffer through Savage with party members playing on their toilets??
How about fixing yawntrail and making proper content to it? So far this xpac have been thr worst.
It would be so crazy if they adapted 1.0's story here
Yay new ways of milking of XIV with 0 reinvesting money in it
Why would Yoshi-P agree to another ptsd with ARR? On Mobile no less. This feels like he was pressured by SE to promote this because all their mobile games are failing.
knowing se, it will be plagued with microtransaction walls and windows everywhere
How is this supposed to run well on a phone
No, Seriously.
Why?? It didn't work before why would they reuse the same assets , sorry this is a no go for me
So we can’t have hat on V and H because of the engine but we can have a whole new version of the game adapted to mobile 💀
Hey this is amazing news!!!
Fix the base game first you hacks, jesus.
ok how much? $99?