Community Policing As Solution to FFXIV PVP Hacking Issue?

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22 thoughts on “Community Policing As Solution to FFXIV PVP Hacking Issue?”

  1. they should ban every mod, from the speach bubbles to dps metter, from hud skins to moded outfits. EVERTHING. looking the other way to the minor mods is what brought all the shit thats happening.

  2. i mean ToS does state that no 3rd party mode should be used and is bannable , even tho SE said that they won't look into your computer, but if you get caught they will ban you, so prob ya if you get enough reports you will get banned and they're very active about it

  3. hey not are fault reshader is required for this game just bring people in that know how it works and intergrade something like it into the game.

  4. Well some of the popular mods people are worried about should be in the game in the first place, so PlayStation users can benefit from them. Mods like chat bubbles, the hroth mods, the void list and the most popular Gshade shaders should definitely be built-in. Accessibility mods too, I don't know what those are since I have no disabilities but if any is widely used perhaps they should be built-in as well.

    Unless I'm missing something I think that's all they'd need to integrate though. The models are already being updated so no need for character mods. The various raid "assist" mods violate the spirit of the game. The lewd mods… well, I don't need to explain do I?

    Special mention to that fugly ElvUI mod that the WoW raid bros used last summer when they all came in to try our raids, I had a really good laugh at that one.

  5. I got to Crystal rank and made it past the 2k crystal ranks and as I did I made a few friends who were taking PvP seriously because they wanna be the best. None of them play pvp anymore as they just gave up. They hated the matchmaking as they'd end up in groups and be the only crystal rank player which just made them lose before the match even started and hackers, those two being the major complaints about PvP. After having a losing streak myself one day due to the poor matchmaking and then clawing back up the ranks I asked myself was the trouble worth it when the top #1 player was clearly a hacker, only had 1 level 80 character and at the time 10k crystal points with 220some wins meaning they had around 90% win rate. I lost ALL my motivation to play pvp. Haven't played it since. I really want it to be good and I wanna be the best but when you're up against RNG with teams and hackers that are able to run amok it's just not worth the trouble anymore. I hope whatever they do they fix the issue because I really did fall in love with pvp

  6. Real talk. If they add bubble chat for players, i don't mind if they are more strict with pluggins. That's the only one that i use (welp that and the pincher for MB) cause when you talk with people on an RP enviroment man it's awful to read everything in chat.

  7. I am on Level 17 of the PVP series and I'm still Bronze Level 3. I can't string three wins in a row with four other RANDOM people. It took me till Level 17 to get 30 wins for the Gold Garo mount. Now I'm not saying I deserve to be higher than the crappiest rank there is cuz I suck pretty bad but you'd think pure statistics and luck would at least get me a little higher! So when I hear people are Crystal Level it does make me a little suspicious that they have found an unfair advantage or are 'gaming the system' over your average player.

  8. There have been quite a few matches where I have been chain cc'd or instantly obliterated that make me suspicious. If there was a way for me to alert someone at Square Enix to review the match looking for cheats I would appreciate it. Even if all they can do is note the players involved. And once a player's name crops up a couple dozen times they investigate. Obviously they can't go in depth with thousands of reports. But eventually the cheaters will give themselves away.

  9. It would be cool if you could spectate a CC match and place a MSG bet on who might win aswell as serve as a means to report sussy gameplay. Sort of like that feature from Smash.
    Sometimes I dont feel like playing PvP but would like to see live fights. Part of why I hang out at the wolves den to watch duels.

  10. I think they need to have more GMs get into PvP so they can kinda just patrol around. Iโ€™m sure they will see them around.

  11. Man crystal rank is not that hard to obtain itโ€™s mainly having decent skill with one class (not even being that good), some luck and just spamming ranked

  12. Would be nice if they actually just hired more GMs to investigate pvp hacking and cheaters. Since you can spectate in custom games already, I do believe they have the means to do that very thing right now. FFXIV has had such a great success, and now its time for SE to prove that they actually put all their earnings from this game somewhat back into it, because right now it seems their only bonus budget goes into marketing ads, rather than actual game. Had a FFXIV ad before this, great one since its the music from new favorite raid and all but that could probably also have been several GMs pay for many months, which would in turn aid PvP to be more trusted.

  13. People still talk about it but I do not think I ran into many cheaters when getting top 100. And I have less and less of them I think. When I run into a cheater, I tend to focus him so bad he cant play.

    1. I find SE to be very quick to adress that. Had to open a few tickets over time and got it answered within 24 or 48 hours. Recently, when I opened some for pvp, I had an answer within 30 minutes.

    2. What I encounter more though is people that seem to be win trading. Like they queue at the same time and you can never win with player number 1 but win with player number 2. Sometimes they even have a similar name. Idk how the mode is players wise, but maybe SE should do something to limit how often you play with the same people. I had full days with the same dudes in games.

  14. I mean, is that difficult? how ppl find these adding cheats? if ordinary player can find these why ffxiv team cannot? they can just deal the problem from the source and send lawyers letter to these 3rd party developers.


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