Final Fantasy XIV Lore: Bozjan Resistance Save the Queen, The Complete Story

After a lot of work, the complete story of the Save the Queen questline is here for your viewing pleasure. Grab some coffee, pull up a chair, and enjoy the ride.

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7 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV Lore: Bozjan Resistance Save the Queen, The Complete Story”

  1. Well as for the tempering thing yeah he’ll even If SPOILERS G’raha said so in 5.4 he said that it will provide the soul but no scour to the flesh so yeah. And wow did G’raha foreshadowed hard there xD

  2. I was pleased to find this video given so many scenes from Bozja are missing from the Unending Journey and your telling of events is quite nice. On the whole though, given recent tweets from Matsuno saying Dalmasca has basically been liberated off screen and the story is over I can't help but feel that many of the events were forced to create drama with the Blades being highly underutilized as characters. Which isn't to say the story was bad, it's definitely a war story that fits the state we find Bozja in, it just didn't reach the potential I feel it could have had whether because of the pandemic last year or Matsuno needing to narrow the scope of the story late in writing it or executive meddling since Matsuno is a guest writer or something else or a combination of all three we'll probably never know.

    But of all the stories in FF14 Bozja is the first I want a do over on, not to give everyone a happy ending, but to just tell the story on a grander level I feel like it was meant to have.


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