Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward – #44 – Bad News

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0:00 – Introduction

4:27 – QUEST: “Tidings from Gyr Abania”

17:26 – QUEST: “An Envoy for Ishgard”

21:36 – QUEST; “An Allied Decision”

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Edited by Daniel Floyd

♫ “Pray Return” by Chris Logsdon

#PlayFrame #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #Heavensward


22 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward – #44 – Bad News”

  1. Could you please do more hollow knight content. I subscribed due to how amazing your hollow knight content was and was so sad to see it go. It would be a treasure if you brought it back

  2. Even though during the fight with the garleans during ARR, they never show how close they are to Gridania but show them nearer Limsa Lominsa and Ul'Dah more, they just mention the Snakes will cover off the bases that are closest to them.

  3. While Gridania IS close to empire held territory they have the advantage that the forest is alive and very angry with imperials who come and wreck everything.

    The Greenwrath is a nice little defensive wall

  4. ah, the preparations for the traditional pre-expansion wardrobe change. Never change, Tataru, and we are all excited to see what new outfit you make for Durmin. (Even me, who has long since done this content – I'll be honest, I don't remember what set it is or what it looks like.) Durmin's fairy godparent has some stiff competition in terms of making clothes for the warrior of light, let there be no mistake.

    8:38 Such devastation!

    The Griffin's next move is revealed! Very excited for the upcoming dungeon, and a specific greatly memed-upon voice line.

  5. Now is the time to invoke the specter of history once more, that of the Autumn War, as its essential to understanding the Alliance's apprehensiveness around the issue of Ala Mhigo in general.

    Potential spoilers
    Note all of this information comes from Erik our lecturer from the Monk quests.

    The Autumn War occurred roughly 100 years ago and started when Ala Mhigo's king at the time, Manfred, wanted more territory, as the region is not particularly easy to get by in. Ala Mhigo had primarily funded it government by controlling overland trade routes with high tariffs and mercenaries, as thus more territory meant more money with men who were already battle hardened ready to fight. The generals of both the Ala Mhigan forces, Gylbarde of the Fist of Rhalgar, and the Gridanian forces, Vainchelion, were popular folk heroes for their respective nations.

    The Gridanian forces initially held the Ala Mhigans at a stalemate on the border river, taking a strong defensive postion, however, over winter Vainchelion fell ill and passed away. His successor was both less experienced and more eager to prove himself by taking the fight to the Ala Mhigan's, which blew up in his face, eventually leading the Ala Mhigans to claim territory as deep as the Central Shroud.

    This is when Ishgard stepped in and offered aid, and in fact called on the city-states to join in, as no one wanted Gridania conquered, as Gridania had no incentives to expand bascially ever, but Ala Mhigo did and would move to conqueror the remaining city-states if not stopped here. This is what formed the Alliance, completely shifting the balance of the war. They killed the Ala Mhigan general and maimed king Manfred, humiliating him on top of forcing him back, even leading him to lessen the tariffs they levied on the overland routes.

    And so the Alliance form, intially, in opposotion to Ala Mhigan expansion. It also did a bunch of other things like standardize units and coinage, but the primary motive was to stop Ala Mhigo. And those sour grapes still sit in the back of the minds of many people in Eorzea.

    On that note of Gridania and the Black Shroud being on the border of Garlean controlled territory, the Garleans have actually encroached on the border of the Black Shroud to build Baelsar's Wall. A chunk of the Black Shroud called the East End lies beyond it, the former border established at the end of the Autumn War.

  6. – yup nothing is going to happen to Papalymo, yup no red flags there
    – not even the Warrior of Light is a rival for Tataru the Warrior of Fashion
    – yeah, can't say i expected Emmanellain would actually be able to keep a position of active power, granted is mostly Honoroit… also i love that he caught himself about to say Garleans in front of Lucia. Also just now i realize how they shaded his eyes so he always looks like he just cried
    – well… last time Durmin abused the Snap power things got really wonky

  7. Playfriends, the story is full speed ahead! This is your spoiler free lore comment.

    I love Homei & Isildaure's friendship. Their main commonality is being old guys in the orbit of this organization, but they've found they enjoy similar little things. I think it's good for someone like Homei, who has had to leave everything familiar behind for the safety of his family, to find someone who can gripe about the same things, and introduce him to Eorzea with an elder perspective.

    Ah, the ongoing saga of Aenor, the thirstiest member of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. She'll use anything to try to get with either of the Boulder Brothers.

    6:00 – I love that the pummeling noises are followed by the "crafting progress" sound effect.

    7:15 – "Alphinaud, could this meeting be an email? This should be an email" – Alisaie. Alphinaud has come a long way from ARR, and the group is willing to put their trust in him. It's good that he demurs from being the de facto leader, remembering his disastrous foray with the Crystal Braves. But the team has a good point. Nobody wants the job, and Alphinaud is the best at it. Sometimes the mantle of leadership is just being the person who doesn't like it the least.

    11:09 – This is how you pronounce Miqo'te with a Ala Mhigan accent. It's wonderful. Meet M'naago Rahz, of the Ala Mhigan Resistance. She brings news of the Griffin's plans. Baelsar's Wall is the official border between Gridania and Garlean Occupied Ala Mhigo, and it's been viewable at the edge of Gridania since the beginning of the game. The Wall is of course named after the previous overseer of Ala Mhigo, the Black Wolf, Gaius van Baelsar, who ordered its construction.

    It's a notable indicator of how close Yda and M'naago are that Yda feels that she can address her as "Naago".

    Emmanellain has responsibility now, taking over his half brother's post. This is both terrifying and probably good for him. Thank the Fury for Honoroit. Notably, the portrait of Haurchefant shown here is a housing item that players can obtain.

    Gridania makes sense as a meeting place for issues of Ala Mhigo. Gridania is on the front line of this border, and the Lotus Stand allows players to have an instanced area for NPCs to discuss things. It honestly feels like more of these Eorzean Alliance discussions happen here than in the Syndacite chamber or the Admiral's office. I guess this place has a lot more room for discussion, and has a reduced chance of espionage. I'm glad that Alphinaud is aware enough to start thinking about deceptive motives in all of these movements. It helps prove that he's suited for the leadership role. Sometimes an opponent's reserve intention is just as important as their overt action.

    It's good to have association between Yugiri and Aymeric. Not all of the Scions' friends know each other, and for joint action, introductions are important.

    New cast members:
    Hannah Arterton, from Sky1's The Five and Netflix's Safe, as M'naago
    Eleanor Matsuura, Yumiko in The Walking Dead, as Yugiri (her 3rd English voice actress)

  8. Oh! Papalymo is the narrator! I didn't recognise his voice without the annoyed tone he so often has.

    19:44 Someone remembered just in time there was a Garlean present. Honestly I forget Lucia's from Garlemald half the time myself. Doesn't come up much.


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