Time for a little more nostalgia tripping!
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0:00 – Introduction
0:25 – QUEST: “The Triumphs We Share”
14:28 – QUEST: “The Burdens We Bear”
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Edited by Daniel Floyd
♫ “Pray Return” by Chris Logsdon
#PlayFrame #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #Heavensward
Top of the monday, everyone; how was your weekend?
So, last episode I mentioned I'd neither done this quest chain before, nor even heard of it. I have since rectified that. I also never realized that Hauchefaunt's grave was an actual visitable location in-game. Had to go back and rewatch the ending cutscene to figure out where it was. Oh, and a small extra note. Lonu Vanu has an extra line if you've been doing the Vanu Vanu tribal quests.
3:48, I've probably already missed this once before, but Snap Travel ensures appropriate clothing upon arrival? Hot damn it is convenient.
Howdy Playfriends, today, let's talk about mysteries! This is your spoiler free lore comment.
Due to the spoiler free nature of this comment, this will be fairly short. There are a few quests in Final Fantasy XIV that follow the methods of this one: They give you some story, some background in the quest text, and off you go. No map indicators and vague objectives. This one bids you remember what the vista was like when we saw the monument to our friend's efforts, but some others are far more difficult.
The first is a level 50 quest unlocked by completing the ARR main story. This one is found in the ruins between Vesper Bay and Horizon. An intrepid treasure hunter has found some glyphs that seem to lead to a long lost royal treasure of a bygone Ul'Dahn dynasty, and will put your knowledge to the test. What's more, certain parts of this quest are randomized, meaning locations and requirements differ between each player.
The another one that comes to mind is in the coming Stormblood expansion. This one is a murder mystery, requiring players to hunt down clues and suspects. Endwalker has it's own mystery side quest, where the player must satisfy a series of riddles to open a mysterious locked box.
I'm certain I'm forgetting a couple more, but I'm sure other Playfriends will point them out.
May I suggest adding the storyline in the new housing area as an intermission? maybe between 3.4 and 3.5.
It characterizes the progession of the different houses and the population of Ishgard after the dragonsong war quite well and might fill an episode or two.
I think Y'Shtola quickly became one of the bigger known characters from the game given appearance in a few crossovers so anything affecting her might have been shoved to the side.
From outside does she have a bigger appearance than alphinaud and alisaie?
Completely missed this quest on my playthrough. Glad I'm getting to see it.
'Rede' is admittedly one of those words that's somewhere on the far side of the border between 'obscure' and 'archaic' these days. Iirc it means 'counsel' or something similar.
the end of this line quest line makes me misty-eyed
I have a sneaking suspicion that iY'shtola's use of aether for her blindness is gonna catch up with her soon, but I've been wrong before. It's just a feeling that I have.
i meaan true Durmin is not as old as Motoya… but this lil fella had a pretty busy year, i think he earned the nostalgia tour to process it
Dan! You can't just get an Haurchefant emote and not show it off! 😥
"Had things unfolded differently, so too would she.What use, then, to mourn the woman who never was? There was only this time, this place, this choice."
Wow I like that line. It's a philosophy I try to live my own life by, so I feel very seen by this line.