Sage Details New Job of Final Fantasy XIV EndWalker.
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#GamersPrey #
first again?
New Melee DPS: Viking – exposed?
Hmmm, I wonder what the new DPS will be? I can’t think of what melee weapon it might use…. maybe dual axes?
It just occurred to me, but the Sage might have it's roots in Sharlayan. The gameplay is in the Great Gubal Library, a Sharlayan building, and Alphinaud is Sharlayan.
Gonna need a Nu Gundam glamor asap
We hear it here it's astrologian and not astrawlogin
Yes can’t wait to main it 🙂
His shirt at the end shows a reaper of sorts so wonder if the melee DPS will wield some sort of scythe.. hint or troll? No one will knowwww
I think based off Yoshida’s clothing that the melee dps will be a reaper of some kind.
Pfff ! Sage… ha ! Not a Sage… the appropriate name is "Gundam Healer".
And it will be the same formula, 3 damaging abilities, the spam button, the 30 second dot and the exclusive effect aoe.
Definitely weird for a healer.
Hope some of the Nouliths weapon glams can be all on 1 side like a one winged angel look. 😀
Aiyyaaaa I cant wait for the melee reveal!
Meh… <.<
Hmmm nope. I don't like this needle boi. Looks boring as hell. Gotta wait and hope for a dual axe beastmaster job.
Anyone reminded of Monty Ohm's "Dead Fantasy" with the Sage?
R.I.P Scholar usage.
Guess who's gonna re level from 70 with a sage before getting into the new expansion contenttttt
No commento 🙂
Scholar my fav heal class you have been challenge