Today our intrepid group heads to Alzadaal’s Legacy and then run into an old friend. Also is that… Golbez??
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#finalfantasyxiv #ffxiv #endwalker
Varshahn needs a hug
I love the character development this patch has brought
Easily best dungeon theme
this dungeon was soooo fun, and i adore all the lore about azdaja. i love the greatwyrms a lot and to finally know something about all of them, much less have our new mission be to save one of them, is so exciting!
While I was expecting, and might have preferred, a little more down time before we ended up heading into yet another adventure, I really appreciate that it does feel like they've doubled down on the character moments this time around. And this is even true for you own character given that there are so many response choice moments with the other characters actually reacting specifically to what you choose to say instead of it always just being a stock response that covers all options.
And good call on Golbez! As a huge FF4 fan I was losing my mind when the cloaked figure showed up and they revealed the four elemental lords, especially since they essentially borrowed the speech patterns from FF4 as well.