Is FFXIV Better Than WoW
There is a huge movement right now of people joining FFXIV, especially people leaving WoW to play FFXIV. We are seeing more and more new players and even more WoW veterans joining FFXIV every day.
As a WoW Veteran myself who recently started playing FFXIV around a month ago, I wanted to open the discussion of is FFXIV better than WoW and my thoughts on that.
These are all my thoughts and opinions, and I am loving my time in FFXIV so far, and don’t think I’ll be going back to WoW. But I would love to know what you all think in the comments!
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0:00 Intro
1:55 Classes and Alts
7:20 Old Content
10:55 Dungeons and Raids
14:12 The Community
18:50 The Developers
21:25 Summary and My Opinion
Hey everyone thanks so much for watching the video! I knows it’s not my normal type of video, but since making the move from WoW to FFXIV I’ve wanted to get all my thoughts out into one video. These are just my opinions, would love to know what you all think in the comments!
Rotations are fine and the ability delay is okay, hilariously enough the main thing I’ve struggled with in grouped content is when to accept a Rez. A few times now, I will accept a rez and then sit through the raising animation as a circle appears underneath my character that’s going to put me facedown in the dirt again. 🤣
I was stuck for years on wow or change to ff14.. you my friend have made that decision for me!!! You!!! You're awesome bro. Thanx soooo much 🤙🏿
FFXIV is great, but you are correct that the pvp has the reputation for lacking. Might I suggest to those wanting something more from pvp to try Guild Wars 2? There's a lot of build diversity, freedom, and action there. I love both games and definitely recommend them.
Even for an ex-fxiv player who played up to the stormblood expansion. I would say this is one of the best mmropg I ever played. The reason I stopped is because of real life commitments like marriage, work and kids, plus FC members also having real life commitments hence the disbandment of my group. But if we were to have any more chance in life to play this again us a group, we will surely go back to the game in a heartbeat.
i had just finished Pandaria when i stopped playing WoW. my guild had split and built up again so many times i didn't know the majority of players in it, my main character's and fave playstyle just so happened to be on the lower end of the dps spectrum resulting in more than a few toxic players ranting at me to change my character, and the story i had just played though was probably going to be irrelevant come the next expansion.
i left WoW and havn't played since but i didn't go to ff14. first i returned to Runescape that i played before WoW for some nostalgia, Star wars: old republic where i enjoyed the story and finally Archeage that i loved the ship combat on with my small pirate guild.
maybe it was the fresh experiences that gave me more fun playing them than WoW but then after my Archeage guild sorta died down i played FF14. again a fresh experience, new story and unlike the previous games the community helped me build up gradually. a great mentor gave me great tips n tricks n got me crafted gear for no cost i joined a small FC Guild and watched it get new members and expand our housing from a small cottage to our own mansion.
Archeage and FF14 are my fave MMO's because they're the ones i made new friends in. where i was never forced into any content, i had a sense of freedom to what i could do and when i could do it. in ff14 if i'm not in the mood for dungeons i'd hit the gold saucer casino, make cool glamour outfits or grow a veggie garden.
so yeah i think FF14 is far better than WoW but i also don't have as much of a sunken cost into WoW and if you disagree with me then fine, but there are games out there that you might prefer if you give them a chance, hidden gems that just never got the spotlight that can offer experiences WoW doesn't. also sorry this is a lil wordy, might have gotten carried away 😀 o/
I'm a wow refugee myself, however I'm in the fresh new wave that came over same time as the asmongold madness, so more fresh than you. And I know I'm in the honeymoon period still, but I feel like my eyes are being opened for the first time. Theres so much in this game I am liking more and more. After I discovered the golden saucer it basically just solidified how much more I am into this game now, unsubbed from wow because I just felt bad doing almost anything in it now.
I really am blown away by the golden saucer, the bards being able to make their own music, the professions, the job quests/stories, and the housing. Like all kinds of fun stuff that don't really involve end game progression it seems.
Your point about being a war between the devs and players really sums up the wow hate for me. When Ion was talking about high elves and if you want to play one, the horde is waiting for you. It really disenchanted me. And shadowlands really was I think the final straw. I'm having fun and the story is 100% more engaging and I'm not even done with ARR, and apparantly its the worst part of the story.
I want to say I do find some parts of wow better. For example I prefer the art style, I prefer the races, I like the amount of races we can play and how diverse they feel in comparison to Ff14.
Wow that ended up rambling on, guess I just had to get that off my chest.
I'm not a massive fan of either. But wow has been dominant whole FFXIV has been a resident sleeper for almost it's entire lifespan. I know they improved some things. But gaining popularity because your main rival got worse is a victory by default. Not a true victory.
Love the video,
In the end i saw the nighclub and i was like, hey this looks familiar, and then i notice myself dancing there I was like OMIGOSH ITS ME
Thank you for the video, : ) I liked your thoughts.
The argument about toxicity really struck home for me. In wow I always turn chat off, as a healer, in dungeons due to the people you keep meeting, and my guild is also growing increasingly toxic, and by comparison, as someone who recently got FF14 to see what the fuzz is about, I keep thinking about FF14 as what I WANT to be doing, whereas wow feels more like what you MUST be doing.
So usually I can't wait for raids to be over, so I can go to FF14 and just do fun things whenever I want to do them.
Wow lost its soul, i´d say Legion was the last nice expansion
No game rules forever, I see…… only……… Final Fantasy 14 Online, before….me…. Gahh
On the Dungeons and Raids sections: Raids are actually cleared for the most part Week 1 of release by the hardcore raiders. This is because FFXIV doesn't gear gate new tiers behind getting better ilvls through the 4 bosses and weekly tomes, instead if your group is skilled enough, you can make it through with the ilvl that new crafted items give you every raid tier. Ultimates take a bit more, and barring the 1st fight, the 2nd and 3rd Ultimates had some form of puzzle which would wipe you at a certain point in the fight if you did not figure it out.
On the old content topic, to play devils advocate, WoW started in 2003/4, FF14 started (the current ver at least) in 2012. While it has a LOT of content still, it doesn't compare to WoW. Keeping all of this content in one single package I don't think is feasible, especially as, at least to my understanding, WoW has received significant graphical and systematical upgrades over the years.
So, coming from a non-wow perspective, I believe it is a technical limitation. Additionally, from what I know, the current endgame is the appeal of wow, unlike ff14 where the path to the endgame is. In 14, most new players want you to experience and see your reaction to the journey to shadowbringers, the same moments that made them either laugh, cry or leave them speechless.
I don't believe anyone would wish to put in thousands of hours grinding irrelevant expansion endgames just to catch up to the new expansion like a day before the new one launches.
14 will eventually run into this issue, and I believe we will start to see severe streamlining of ARR and HW content. The road to catch up is, even now, very steep and long. Thankfully, 14s foundation, that being story driven content, will always make older content relevant to some degree even if the rewards no longer are.
In 14, content released in 2015 may have a significant narrative payoff in 2030 in 10.0, and even past this, the content itself is entertaining. Everyone will universally get the same benefit of doing the SB Alliance Raid (not spoiling the name) because the raids themselves are an entertaining spectacle and the narrative surrounding it is engaging and well written.
From what I've seen, WoW has a material reward focus, whilst FF14 has an experience reward focus (if that makes sense). That's not to say FF14 doesn't have fancy rewards for putting the time in, but even doing the HW 8 man normal raids just for the story present is worth it, even if you don't get a sinlge piece of gear, a mount or a minion.
Feel free to correct me, as you of course know better, but it seems to me that FF14 was, from the ground up, better built to handle old content than WoW ever was, due to the philosophy of both games.
4:17 "You then want to go learn to be a warrior, you put down your bow and go pick up a sword."
Me: Needle scratch …Axe sir. audible warrior main screeching
No, but seriously.. I've followed your journey from WoW to FFXIV and I'm very glad you are enjoying the game. Your videos feel more authentic than some of the bigger WoW streamers who crossed over to Eorzea and I can tell you are really enjoying everything you do in game cause I don't know anyone else who took 250+ hours to get to the end of ARR lol. And the way you talk about fishing lol, it's really enjoyable content.
With the hype for this game I hoped in again 3rd attempt. I just don't get it I start falling asleep within an hour of playing. Personally I much prefer WoW. Before someone says something my second attempt at playing I got thru base game and Heavensward so yes I gave it a fair shot.
YEs..its 1000x better than wow
I gave WoW a lot of chances sience Legion, I came back a few time in each exp. I always quit fairly quick because i got bored.
But i'm enjoying FF14 much more and play longer each time i come back from wow. and now i'm at the point that i won't even look back on wow and just stay on FF14 as my main game for good. period.
Everybody talks about ff14 and wow what about eso ?
I think this was one of the better comparisons I've seen out there Marty. You hit on pretty much all of the best aspects of why people choose to play mmos in the first place. I've put appx 8 years on WoW and that was enough for me, and I played FF14 in conjunction. 14 is still to this day the only game that calls me back everyday. I stopped after Stormblood due to RL reasons, but I'm going to go back. The biggest one for me was Community. I literally can't think of a time where people didn't excersise patience and understanding, even after wiping over and over in dungeons and raids. The way new qnd returning players are treated is everything someone ahould want when playing an online mmo and looking for that great sense of community. The sense of your character's progression is the other thing. In WoW, going from one content patch or expansion to the next never made me feel like I was working toward becoming more badass than I was. It was literally just acquiring more gear. Whereas in FF14, you are literally the center of attention to the story. Builing up your jobs to get those class sets felt amazing everytime. And of course one character, every job is just too hard to beat. Thanks for giving the game a fair chance and making an experienced comparison on the two games. I think it'll only help make FF14 more appealing to new players and we want all the good ones we can get.
I hadn't played MMOs for years (like, real MMOs, not Destiny) when I finally came over to FFXIV in February / March. And right now I am genuinely disappointed I slept on this game for so long. The game has had some of the best story of any game I have ever played, and probably the most fun and accessible content of any MMO I've ever played.
If the game interests you even a little bit, give it a try! The free trial is insanely good (you get content through the first expansion and up to level 60) so even if you need 200 hours to decide you don't like the game, you won't have to spend a penny.