Final Fantasy XIV Dictionary of Terms – Part 1

Welcome to my take on an FFXIV Dictionary! Filled with tons of terms you may or may not see near daily! Keep in mind, this video will be only text with me talking over it. There will be accompanying pictures or video clips for example purposes where applicable, but generally little “video” to this one!

Part 2:

Google Doc of the script:


Intro: 0:00
FFXIV, ARR, HW, SB, ShB, EW: 0:30
MSQ: 1:00
DPS, Healer, Tank, Trinity System: 1:12
Classes: 1:45
Jobs: 2:39
Limited Jobs: 3:44
DoW/DoM/DoH/DoL: 4:17
Skill Notation: 4:41
Proc: 5:08
Potency: 5:34
Damage Variance: 6:00
DH, Crit, DHC: 6:21
DoT, HoT, Server Ticks: 7:16
GCD, oGCD: 8:18
Weaving: 9:15
Clipping: 9:45
Positionals, Flank, Rear: 10:31
LB: 10:59
AoE: 11:58
Opener, Rotation: 12:44
Mobs, Trash, Adds: 13:04
Enmity: 13:32
Single Pull, Big Pull: 13:57
Wall-to-Wall Pull, Chain Pull: 14:09
MT, OT, mt: 15:02
Outro: 16:16

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#FFXIV #Dictionary #MMOTerms


22 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV Dictionary of Terms – Part 1”

  1. As a new MMO player this is probably the most important video us newbies could ever watch, no one teaches you this kinda stuff, they just assume you'll know.
    Thank you so much!!

  2. On the topic of the Direct hit and Criticals, I'm pretty sure direct hit looks the same as the critical numbers. They both have exclamation marks. Also Crit isn't a flat out 40 % damage boost increase, instead, more critical stat increases the chance of criting AND it increases Crit Damage . Its not flat. With that said, critical direct hits can vary in damage boost.

  3. In case someone is curious where the term "proc" came from, its actually a shortened version of the programming variable "spec_proc", which in turn is an abbreviation of "Special Process". This was a variable used in very early MMOs (MUDs) as a reference to a function that could be called whenever a specific event happened. For instance, each time a new room in a dungeon loaded, it would call a spec_proc that had a chance of spawning enemies. Of course at the time, MMOs were much more niche and so the people who played them often knew how to code and actually understood the coding of the game they played. Developer interactions were also more personal. Since a game might have only a couple thousand players total, the developers often explained the inner workings of the game to them, which is why the name of this variable entered common language.

    Now at the time, Proc was pretty general term and not something that applied specifically to weapons or skills. But since players were typically more focused on their own combat abilities than the way the environment worked, over time it started to specifically refer to equipment that had a chance on hit or use to trigger an extra effect. Now, of course, the term has broadened again to basically mean any part of a character's ability set, be it items or skills, which has a chance on use/hit to trigger another effect.

    TL;DR: Proc comes from the variable name "spec_proc", a relic of the ancient days when MMOs were so niche that most players (grey-bearded wizards and uber-nerd teenagers) understood their coding.

  4. Wesk I have a unrelated question and I don't know where to ask.
    I am a central america player on the Coeurl world on Crystal, Is it against any rule to play using a VPN? My ping is over 200ms and It's hard to play dragoon/ninja this way, but I'm a bit worried that it's against something.
    I have spent many hours on glams and crafts and I'm to afraid run a risk, but I tried the vpn on another account and the difference is massive.

  5. There is one more "stage" of enmity which is between Mid Enmity and Enmity lead which has a deep orange color, that indicates you are very close to taking the enmity lead, not really used for much but good to know (you shouldn't be fighting for enmity or the boss will turn unexpectedly)

  6. It will always be ROT over HOT to mean cause regen over time makes more sense to me.
    I also use the term Sub Tank over off tank cause sub tanks are a thing from Megaman X and Megaman Zero. You only want a sub tank used when things go bad. Off tank just sounds like someone isn't playing tank anymore and changed jobs.
    Now flank means behind so I always get confused that flank and rear are not the samething.

  7. Seriously, could have used the heck out of this two months ago. Actually I will still use it. thank you. All good with the symbols lining up for a dungeon. got totally lost figuring out who was who and doing what when their job/classes symbol came up once IN the dungeon. And how about we propose to give all members a recommendation? because I've had some amazing people helping me through dungeons/raids etc. as a sprout, and it always felt mean not to give a recommendation to the whole team..

  8. Lol I thought this was doing to be a dictionary for terms like malm, ilm, yalm, onze, and other weird spellings and stuff that one will run into in the world. They're normally pretty self-explanatory, I guess, but it could be good to have something like that too, since I still get confused by some terms, like how I still don't know what an 'Aan' is


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