Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail | Cinematic Teaser Reaction

Grizz reacts to the cinematic teaser for Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail!

#FinalFantasyXIV #Dawntrail


20 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail | Cinematic Teaser Reaction”

  1. Yeah each Expac unlocks a new area. Sometimes it's a new region, sometimes it's a new continent. Each trailer will becoming out with each FFXIV Fan Fest or that's what they did with Shadowbringers. As for what's happening here… Well our group and the main guy (whose kinda a stand in for the main character) have been summoned to help with a line of succession and for some general exploration and shenanigans but that's as far as we know and as far as I am gonna tease about. . I will say for the next one, focus on our main guy's job/outfit as it's probably going to reviel a new job that will be playable when you get this part of the expansion.

    Also, let me be the first to Welcome you to Eorzea, fellow adventurer! We're always happy to have new comrades in arms here and please feel free to holler if you have any questions. We're all pretty keen to help new folks (first lesson- we call new folks "sprouts" as you'll see a little sprout next to your name until you get to most recent content) as we've all been there too and if you're on the Aether or Crystal Data Center holler!

  2. 1:30 Yeah, we in the FFXIV-Community never know what to expect from the music, either, because Masayoshi Soken (the lead composer of FFXIV) and his team usually just keep casually one-upping themselves with every new piece they put out. Well, except expecting that they are usually bangers…

  3. Hell yeah, man. I'm excited to see your gameplay for FFXIV! I've been playing since the PS4 release of A Realm Reborn back in 2014, and it's always fun to see new people get interested in FFXIV, especially people new to FF.

  4. One Piece + Road to El Dorado + probably a bit of Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
    By the way, this is the beginning of the Second Arc. The first one, the Crystal Saga, begun with A Realm Reborn and ended with Endwalker. Now it's time for another 10 years of a completely new and original story.

  5. This is the teaser trailer, so it cuts between a lot of stuff that will be expanded in two further versions of this trailer =D Should have the final full version in January

  6. This trailer was dropped at the start of the Final Fantasy XIV Fan Fest in Las Vegas a few weeks ago, we will probably get a longer teaser at Europe Fan Fest in October and the final full trailer next year during Japan Fan Fest if they keep the pattern from previous fan fests.

  7. They usually add a new area that is mentioned in the game in some way. We knew of the New World except we never got to see it on them map (the map just got expanded even more and shown during 1st part of Fanfest). Sometimes the reveal is also in a way that you see a small outline of land when it's strongly clouded. Although we only got info on New World or Tural but some of us are still hoping that Meracydia (let's say… it's an old dragon isle) will come with this expansion as well.

    Also, in October we're having Fanfest part 2 so… I guess the full trailer will be in October? Hopefully?

    P.S. Also New World is not only native to Mamool Ja (the lizard people that you saw), Walaqee (humans, there probably other tribe names) but also Hrothgar (Big cat people, think like big feral cats). Since Hrothgar society is very matriarchal we all hope to finally see a female Hrothgar in the flesh (or at least in the full trailer before the expansion comes out).

  8. Best part for me after 10yrs playing is the hope for future and wonder lust vibe. Next trailer should be during the london ffxiv fanfest oct 21, 2023, and the full version should be during Japanese fanfest in January 2024.

    Fyi xbox/xbox s will be joining the game in the fall they will have a beta period, and will get all expansion from a realm reborn to Dawntrail.

  9. Excited to see your playthrough. As someone who's watched your other content/playthroughs from SWTOR and such, I know you do appreciate story and actually invest yourself in them so i'm happy to be able to see you dive into XIV cause it's a wild and lovingly fulfilling story. All the hype is accurate.

  10. While the graphics are good, we're all in agreement that this teaser trailer was just the equivalent of the animation of Luffy running up to a cliff and jumping off in one piece like 'YAY A NEW ADVENTURE!' instead of actually showing us anything, right?

  11. Basically Dawntrail will be an expansion were the idea is downtime for you and the Scions and just have an adventure.
    You saved the world 2 times now, you and your friends are entitled to a vacation
    And yes, the expansions are massive

  12. Just found your channel and am excited to see more!

    Im sure this has been mentioned already but this is the teaser trailer, and they release one thats a little bit longer at each fan festival (us, europe, and japan) with the last one being the full launch trailer, so expect to see more as we get closer to release 🙂

    To answer your question, they do not typically add new landmasses in this game, but instead explore new areas of the original 3 continents. This is the first time we're going to a new continent, and its one of two that have been mentioned before, but never seen, which contributes a little to the hype!

    Theyre also planning a major graphics update for this expansion so that those things you pointed out at the beginning look even better. This is a perfect time to start 😊

  13. We have been hearing about the New World (Equivalent to the Americas) since ARR, but it was the far off mythical thing. Our only real exposure was some people from the Northern part trying to stop their lands from being taken for it's Ceruleum(gasoline/oil equivalent that glows a pretty blue, fuels all those war machines you saw in the ARR cinematic). That and some Lizard guys like you saw coming over to our continent to be Mercenaries, not getting work, and then trying to conquer an old city ruin. With those three sentences, you are about as caught up as 90% of the player-base, which is why people are so hyped. It's something completely new that has been teased for a decade.


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