This song is an absolute gem and I’m happy to have my cover out finally! I put a lot of love into this because I love this song and Endwalker so much. Enjoy!
Be sure to check out the BIG collaboration of Close in the Distance with over 1000 people I was also a part of as well!
Vocal and video by Lollia Rose
Arrangement and guitar by @Sleeping Forest
Original by Masayoshi Soken
Follow me (LINKS)
gently sobs in tales of loss and a fire and faith
What an absolutely incredibly cover!!!!
Hell yeah, love it
She's back everyone! Hitting notes like she owns them.
Another beautiful rendition! My lore research may be hard to go through sometimes, but I'll be #$%@ed if FFXIV doesn't have some of the best music I've heard in all of gaming.
Boom. Just….boom
oh my, I cried like a BIATCH!!! EVERYTHING IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! OH DEAR!!!
I felt really upset these few days but this song really healed me😭
everthing is so awesome!! VOCAL ,VIDEO, ARRANGEMENT, GUITAR!! EVERYTHING!!
For those we have lost. For those we can yet save.
Absolutely beautiful!
Quite supremely lovely
I'm not crying, you're crying!
Your videos keep getting more and more incredible girl!
Omg, Lollia!!!! This is so beautiful!!! I got the same chills I got in the scene where the song started to play in game!
Will be playing on repeat!
This song still brings tears to my eyes
So beautiful, well done!! Also I hope i’mnot the only one who was imagining this, but with the way Lollia was dressed for this it gave me vibes of Gaia (and by extension Loghrif for the To the Edge section), from the Shadowbringers raid story, being the one singing this which honestly gave me so many goosebumps.
I LOVE the bit of to the edge at the end, what a great surprise to an already amazing cover <3 I loved it
This was a fantastic cover, even now this song makes me cry. :'>
Ah yes… nothing quite like an FFXIV cover to remind me why you're my favorite voice on YT :')
Finally ! I was waiting this video since the one with 1000people ! 🥰🥰🥰Thank's you for your work ! 😃
This is honestly my favourite cover of Closer in the Distance now, BECAUSE of how you've arranged it, the passion put into the performance, and the addition of other motifs and lyrics that perfectly capture the emotions of this song, and its story as a whole.
I love how you added that last part into the song. It fits sooooooo well.
This is STUNNING, THANK YOU for this amazing cover!!! ^-^ Never stop your inspirational work! AAA!!
What a great cover! Thanks for making it.
Another reason to never, ever be able to listen to this song with a dry eye…
damn i cry
The best thing to wake up to but now I'm lying here crying lol
AAAAAAA This is so good T^T I love your take on this
chef's kiss
Very nice thank you!
Stunning cover, thank you all for this gem
Awesome work on the cover! There were plenty of times where Endwalker hit me right in the feels, but this one probably hit the hardest of all
Yes, upon your return I shall give you a beautiful flower.
Thank you, Goddess. I needed this cover right now.
Oh that was really nice. Ending was a nice touch.