Final Fantasy XIV – Cheaters/Third party tools Rant

in this video heartcore and kaiser vulf rants about the unfair advantage some players get from using mods in ffxiv.

my twitch:
Kaiser vulf:


20 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV – Cheaters/Third party tools Rant”

  1. Hackers are annoying, yeah, but the Fall Guys game is lousy anyway. A lot of the AoE's will still hit you even if you're safely past it because of the way the game "snapshots" you, which means when you get hit it's almost never your fault because you're fighting against something you can't see or aren't given the timing of. And yeah, it's mainly RNG based, which means the game just isn't fun. At least in games of skill you can improve and potentially win that way. In games of RNG, you just have to keep playing until you finally luck into a win, and my time is frankly too valuable to spend on endlessly running the game on the off chance I might win this time.

  2. i'm a lala and i get hit about the same with everyone else. (I rage quit last night because i'm terrible at timing lmao) but the hitboxes should be the exact same size as everyone else. Roegadyn shouldn't have a hit size disadvantage.

    my partner won once last night, but we only started last night.

    also, that video seems like the lala player knows when the mechanics happen and move at the right time. I'm not saying that person cheated or not. I just know that they may be following the mechanics and the animation follow 1 second too late to what's affected. This goes by ALL final fantasy xiv's boss fights and from what I am seeing, it looks to be that the player knows when the affected hit boxes disappear and appear. By looking when the ring or mechanic box disappears, is when you can move right after or before. Hitting Animations don't really hit you, is what I'm saying. it's why the later raid bosses can be tricky to newer players but once you understand the timing and that the animation just follows 05. to 1 second after the mechanic's hit box, you should be able to understand the timing to not get hit, and I think the lala followed the hit box timing here perfectly. Just my observation though.

  3. Keep in mind, modding has 2 sides, QoL and straight up hacking.
    Example, if you play with controller, you soon realize that the Standart position of the cursor is mostly on "no" or wen resurrected on "wait" clicking on wait makes the window disappear and you have to press back or the big ass ps5 button 2-3 times to re open it.
    A mod sets the standard on yes.

    And then there is this mod that basically presses every skill automatically, tells you were to stand and of course makes invisible AOEs visible.

    Mods are not bad, only peaple are bad.

    Thous auto fight mods were you only have to work are perfect for peaple that can only use 1 hand but would like to play the game, like wen you broke your hand and you pay 6 weeks for not playing the game.

  4. You can't both say "oh its RNG so its cheating because now you know what happens and others dont" and also "you can study it and learn the patterns over enough time". Both these things are said multiple times. The truth is, its not RNG, its on a pattern, and you can learn the pattern just like you can any raid or other encounter in the game. Whether or not the plugin is cheating or not is kinda irrelevant to me, because you can still learn the patterns yourself, optimize your routes (which the plugin doesnt do) and cleverly "exploit" the games bad netcode for cheeky skips.

    Sure it's kinda bad, but it doesn't really change that much if you use it or not, if you grind and want to get the 100 wins. It's still doable. The only RNG is your spawnposition, but that RNG is applied to everyone. So yes, gitgud. I tried using it and it didnt really help me because I already understood the patterns beforehand so it just became more screen clutter.

  5. My God, a person has to be a complete failure to get to the point of using cheats in a game of Fall guys in FF.

    Needing to resort to this to win, it's enough to feel sorry for these types of people.

    Besides, you don't even need to win to farm items, the game already gives you tons of coins. You can farm everything in 1 day.

  6. Blame SE for their shitty netcode. No-one on JP is using this because their netcode is stable enough for this to not be necessary in the slightest for people that want to farm the 100 wins title.
    And just say the names of the plugins, it's not like SE is going to take down this video for saying that people used Splatoon to cheat in ultimates, or Vfallguys to know when the snapshot is for the aoe that, just to reiterate, is only unintuitive because of bad netcode.

  7. Well ive got something to say about this, actually multiple things.
    The first thing was you talking about character hitboxes. They are NOT different for any characters, all races and sizes share the same hitbox, for larger races/chars it might just be harder to determine that due to visual obstructions.
    The second thing is that this event is NOT RNG at all. Every hitzone follows a certain pattern, even on the last stage. Hammers do the same as they always do, the purple squares come down top to bottom, alternating on the right/left side of the path. Even the yellow balls have a pattern, they always go from left to right. It's jusst a thing of understanding these mechanics and act upon them appropriately, just like in every raid.

    As for the talk about mods… its difficult, while i use a variety of mods, and yes i am very aware that it is against ToS, i limit myself to only use mods that affect QoL and outfitting. As for the mod shown in the video i'm not aware what mod this is, but even then its only half as bad as you make it look.
    No question, this is straight up cheating, giving yourself a serious advantage over other players being able to see the hitzones, but it's not like "this mod makes it impossible to win a match" like you make it sound. As i said, every mechanic in the event is following a pattern, and once you learn that pattern the "only" advantage, while still being severe, it to see the hitzones.
    Also as a sidenote, pls think again about what you said, because the way you said it in the video, it comes off as "modding in general is bad, here you have an example why". The vast majority of mods only aim to improve QoL things.

  8. It's because they are low life try hard scrubs that live in their mom's basement and play this 24 hrs a day. The other day on the 3rd stage some girl was in front of me and not being affected by NOTHING. I saw her get hit by the hammer yet kept running. Running through the red floor mechanic yet still running without being stunned. They need to cheat so bad to feel accomplished. They want so badly to get the achievement to brag when they got it by cheating. They think it makes them cool and special but in reality, they are just losers. I already see the comments I am going to get like. HAHAHAHA LMAO Get Good Cry about it and so forth because that's all those losers know how to say to feel better about their precious try-hard feelings. Don't feel bad or ashamed by anyone for posting this video because I know in a day or two players that are using these cheats will trash talk you. Screw them.

  9. personally feel superior having won the 100 games without any hacks while everyone else resorts to cheating. Therefore, I have no qualms with the cheaters. They lack integrity, and I have earned my victories honestly. I would be even prouder to achieve those 100 wins. But that's just me, because I don't have a loser's mentality.

  10. great video, but there's only one thing i dont agree on.
    the only rng in the fallguys event is where you spawn, everything else is just following the same patterns repeatedly, i used to think the yellow bombs where random, until i realized they are literally just going left to right.
    now what i want to ask you: how did you get up there? i've been trying to get as high as possible and didn't know there was possible

  11. There is no luck, its entirely predetermined, the pattern was solved, there is a japanese twitter post showing the whole diagram of when the countdown before you can run, if you see the AoEs in the back you can determine your safe path. The only RNG is where the pattern starts but from start to finish there is no luck. People using AoE visibility mods do suck and they should be punished if found out, but i would say that how the event was made sucks more fun out than people using that stuff to cheat, Fall guys formula doesn't work intuitively with FFXIV's snapshot system. Also from the creation of this game all characters have had the same hitbox, these are things that are not intuitive to players who dont dig into this information.

    Anything that is explicitly cheating i'll always be against, but i'd look more into how the game functions so you can understand why it looks like people run through AoEs, ping and proper respect for how aoe snapshots work will make you look like you are just running through uncontested.

  12. People using AoE visibility stuff need to be punished obviously, but the only RNG you get in the Fall Guys event is your starting position at the very start. All of the mechs that happen in each course happen the same exact way each time, so it only takes going through once or twice to understand what needs to be done to get through each course quickly. As for the hitbox comment. every race has the same hitbox, visually it looks like they shouldn't, all of their hitboxes are the exact same. My big issue is when people try to movement speed, teleport hack through the courses and the last time someone who blatantly cheated in the game and did nothing to hide it had 3 or 4 whole days of chaos before they got hit by the ban hammer. GMs are incredibly slow to react.

  13. This event is so bad because of 1 thing, they shouldnā€™t just let 1 player claim the clown each instance, just make it can claim if finish within a certain time like jumping puzzle in the gold saucer, donā€™t know why they make it to a ā€œcompetitionā€ style! 1 player per instance and you need to win 100 times? I got lucky 1 time when there is only me on the instance, the other times, not bother to try

  14. mods offer freedom. for good or for worst. Freedom for looks, animations, or gameplay. Like it or not playstation and Xbox users are limited in any game they play by design. PC users always had the freedom to mod and modify, pirate etc. I admit i cant even begin to understand how a playstation can play a class here with hidden buton , where i see all my CD in 4 bars visible on my screen. Regarding cheaters as u call em, i have 2 reasons for that. 1 they want the prize. and seek the EASIEST path to achiv this. 2 related to 1, any normal gamer will seek the easiest path. Mods, bars, guides, the best way to play their favourite class in the least stress or effort. There is a minority of morons who use cheats to win and spite others, but thats the minority . Most gamers want the prize. Once obtained, they no longer care to cheat etc. Blame the devs here, who made an awsome unfair game. Beatiful, awsome but so very unfair. and Never discused. Macros, no. WoL actual interaction nO. They made the game, and the world. And mods fills some gaps for this.


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