Is that a Heavensward I spy on the horizon?
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0:00 – Introduction
0:32 – QUEST: “Good Intentions”
8:32 – QUEST: “Bait and Switch”
12:27 – QUEST: “Best Laid Schemes”
18:23 – QUEST: “The Rising Chorus”
27:49 – DUNGEON: The Keeper of the Lake
43:24 – QUEST: “The Rising Chorus” (continued)
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Edited by Daniel Floyd
♫ “Pray Return” by Chris Logsdon
#PlayFrame #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV
19:05 now now Dan they are adults. If they want to play unconventional formats of Magic the gathering in their free time it's their business
At 53:30 alerted me to fact that the solar has a chair and Minfilia is almost always there but she never sits in it. Is there a reason she cannot sit or is it just lazy (lack of) animation?
Woah this episode was… a lot! Aside from the whole Midgardsormr thing…I'm not trusting Ilberd one bit with how he's been treating that weapon's case…
Midgardsormr strips you of your blessing & claims he's not an oathbreaker Now listen here, you little ****! >( (Forever salty)
Your spoiler free lore comment is back, just in time for Durmin to face the grandpappy of all dragons!
Since the Keeper of the Lake is keeping this story moving, I'm going to take another day to talk about a quirk of the game that's unrelated to Durmin's adventures. While currently in ARR, Durmin wouldn't run into this problem, but as additional expansion content is reached, the issue of side quests & time warps will come up. Basically, pretty much all content is designed to be "lore based" on one of two time frames. Either the quests will reference the state of the world at the same point in the MSQ as the level of the quest, or it will reference the state of the world at the same point as when the content was originally released. This makes sense, quests developed during ARR won't be able to reference changes to the world in later expansions, but it creates the little "lore bubble", where NPCs won't acknowledge that the state of the world has changed. This can make returning to older regions a little jarring, like going back in time. Fortunately, major NPCs (and even some minor ones) do get updated with major expansions, so they may alter their comments to state they heard tales of adventures in far off lands.
While we're on the topic of time, I'll also bring up another issue of MMO-lore timeframes. All events are either "X number of years before Now" or "Now". Effectively, all NPCs and lore will state that the 7th Umbral Calamity occurred 5 years ago. It doesn't matter that 7 years have passed in our world since Patch 2.5 was released, the Calamity was always 5 years ago. This means that all of FFXIV seems to take place in a single year, no matter how little that makes sense. This is beginning to change with the post-Endwalker patches, which seems to indicate lengthy time skips. The development team may go back alter the "official" timeline of FFXIV to indicate these events have occurred a number of years, but I expect they'll just jump to a new "X years since Calamity" for future content.
So, Midgardsormr took our blessing! And in exchange he's our little buddy now? I'm glad he seems to disappear around Ishgardians, that might be awkward.
Fun fact, Midgardsormr isn't dead. Not really. It's complicated and spoilery, but I think I can say that much without spoiling anything at this point.
This definitely has stood out to me as the point when I realized how big the end of AAR was becoming, and the escalation into HW from here out is still stunning on replay years later. Hang in there, Durmin – you're in for a bumpy ride to the heavens!
Dragon dad is not as encouraging as crystal mom but he makes some good points.
Well, it's not like we should have expected a dragon named after Jörmungandr the World Serpent to be a friendly chap.
Illbaaaarrrddd, you're acting kinda sus…
After the whole "Don't tell anyone you've been talking to dragons. People have been named heretics for less" thing, I made it a point to keep Midgardsormr out as my minion for the entirety of Heavensward.
Doing this particular questline with eggs everywhere is certainly something lol
The Keeper of the Lake KOed my party repeatedly… it was fun. Also uncool Midgardsormr, that was a present from Crystal Mom!
So in this last dungeon of ARR…
We fight the Midghostsormr!
So, a fun (albeit not at the time) fact about the scenes with Midgardsormr:
They used to have different text! The way that Midgard spoke was changed, and it wasn't even a relatively new change, it was changed shortly after the release of this fight. He had a much more vague manner of speaking (though I personally found it pretty good), and there was a huge stinkup about it! Especially when people realized that he wasn't as vague in japanese.
During that kerfluffle, one thing came up: Turns out that, unlike player accusations of the time, it wasn't a translation issue- Or rather, not an issue in the direction that players thought from japanese to english. The original creator of draconic language, and in turn the way the dragons were meant to speak, was Koji-Fox, lead of english localization at the time and also second in command of the scenario writing [not story writing writing] team alongside Banri Oda.
Turns out the way it was written in english was much closer to how it was meant to be, and other languages just kind of… Didn't do the grammatical backflips that english did. But since players genuinely disliked how the wording was done, they decided to change it nonetheless.
A minor detail regarding the very last words of Midgardsormr in this episode!
That random bit of trash talk? That was a hilariously meta comment. That was a common commentary from the community! Lots of people did not like that you, well… You didn't have much agency in the way things happen, and there he was effectively echoing community feedback.
The pacing of this episode was really good! The dungeon was also one of the best we've seen so far.
I'm not sure which is more sus: Ilberd claiming that "one of his subordinates" ended up offing the black marketeer, despite there being no-one else besides himself & Durmin onscreen; or the sheer mess of easter eggs littered all over the streets and halls of Ul'dah…
19:31 Wait, really? That's hilarious! Like Dragon Age's Morrigan learning English from plays, but somehow even more so.
49:14 I'm getting a lot of "Hydaelyn sus" from this. Midgardsormr said "I consent" to some agreement with Hydaelyn which, or so it appears, he had previously rejected, and was then granted the right to relieve us of… some divine blessing or other, provided he did not personally harm us thereafter. And then he admits that "drink[ing] of Her [I presume Hydaelyn's] body" allows "mine own [i.e. dragons] [to] find new life."
49:59 I'm sorry, WHAT?
I'm sorry, but is that giant crab called a "Codpiece Clipper"?! That sounds horrific!
Miqo'te crew best crew. Top notch fashion, all around. Normally in these runs I can pick a fave, but this time I just keep going around the group.
Durmin to Tataru: "I like you is all…"
Durmin x Tataru fanart incoming. Bonus points for his dragoon armor because that's when he confessed.
The dramatic revelation/twist at the end of this episode was a surprise, but also really awesome in it's own right? I'm excited to spend time with our new patron and his sassiness, and the implications he brings with him.
So for those more acquainted with the lore I have a question. If its major story spoilers id rather not know, however im curious, if durmin no longer has the blessing of light does that mean he no longer has the echo? and does it mean a primal could take over his mind?
There's a fun little reference at 52:35 – Coultenet speaks of Professor Lamberteint, who is the NPC Durmin worked with waaaaaay back when he was preparing to fight Garuda for the first time, and needed corrupted crystals to pierce the barrier.
And is family name is Augurelt: Augure = Augury/ prophecy.
Wait WHAT? The crystals going dark like that was the most hooked I've been by the story of XIV since watching Gaius escape the weird darkness dimension. :O
I remember the first time I did this, I asked my party "Anything I should know about the last boss?" and they basically said "DDR". Not wrong.
30:05 The boss is literally called "one-hander" in german xD
Written in a way that would normally describe a tool/weapon to be wielded in one hand.
Wait, did I get this straight: Ishgard went back on his promise to aid the alliance while the dragons all but won the battle of Silvertear for the very same alliance even if nobody asked them; and we should think the dragons are the bad guys. HMMMMM.
Also Ilberd, exceedingly sus.
Oh, this is definitely going to end badly, especially if the Ishgardians find out.
The dragons of Final Fantasy XIV have such cool and interesting lore. I'm really looking forward to experiencing the early bits again as Durmin moves heavensward.
Ep 051
The story of Eorzea is a grand and sprawling narrative. One that, unfortunately, belies a simple telling broken up over months of individual sessions – including necessary if tragic breaks. In the interest of helping viewers remember the characters and terminology they have seen before I have taken the liberty of creating a pronoun glossary of sorts of Durmin's adventures.
A few notes before we get started (this text will be the same in every episode, so feel free to skip it in future episodes). First: And most importantly, this glossary is COMPLETELY SPOILER SAFE. I have manually built each entry from the episodes that preceded it; although I have played most of the game, I have taken every effort to just copy information from these videos. Second: This is not a story recap, most of the story will not appear here. This is just a glossary of terms. Finally: This little project turned out to be significantly more exhausting that I anticipated and while I am happy to continue, I will make mistakes. There may be missing information in these records, and I welcome any additions provided they can timestamp the text where the information came from. I also shift in and out of various tones as I get more and less tired, so please forgive these inconsistencies, I plan to slowly unify the tone over time now that 2.0 is complete.
I'll also be including fun facts about the glossary at the end of each expansion.
But what else would that baby midgarsormr do then if it was not trash talking you? 😛