Hear ye the tale of Durminβs epic victory over the dread primal Leviabeetus.
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0:00 β Introduction
0:29 β QUEST: βInto the Heart of the Whorlβ (continued)
18:27 β QUEST: βLord of the Whorlβ
20:27 β TRIAL: Lord of the Whorl
29:08 β QUEST: βLord of the Whorlβ (continued)
38:17 β QUEST: βWhen Yugiri Met the Fraternityβ
42:17 β QUEST: βThrough the Maelstromβ
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Edited by Daniel Floyd
β« βPray Returnβ by Chris Logsdon
#PlayFrame #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV
Leviathan returns
Durmin: How many times do I have to teach you this lesson, old man?!
Durmin adventures are always pleasant
Here be the lyrics for Leviathan's battle theme "Through the Maelstrom" sung by the sound director and composer himself, Masayoshi Soken
Leviathan Leviathan Endless!
Leviathan Leviathan Send us!
Leviathan Leviathan Breathless!
Leviathan Leviathan Deathless!
Leviathan Leviathan Restless!
Leviathan Leviathan Test us!
Leviathan Leviathan Tend us!
Leviathan Leviathan Mend us!
Drifting in the realm beyond all knowing
Forsaken, shedding tears of glass
Now tumbling from the boundless heavens, taken
White moondrops, burning indigo
Leviathan Leviathan Endless!
Leviathan Leviathan Send us!
Leviathan Leviathan Breathless!
Leviathan Leviathan Deathless!
Leviathan Leviathan Restless!
Leviathan Leviathan Test us!
Leviathan Leviathan Bend us!
Leviathan Leviathan Rend us!
Leviathan Leviathan Vengeance!
Leviathan Leviathan Penance!
Leviathan Leviathan Send us!
Leviathan Leviathan End us!
Silence from the knife that softly severs
Mistaken for an unsung prayer
Now rising from the soundless Deep. Awaken
White fury, blinding indigo
Swell ye seas of old, Leviathan Leviathan
Surging tides grow bold, Leviathan
Seething currents whorl, Leviathan Leviathan
To swallow up the world, Leviathan Leviathan
As Durmin faces off against Leviathan, today's spoiler free lore comment is not going to cover lore. Because when events occur in our world, we call it History.
The development cycle for FFXIV has a long lead time. While the 1.0 servers were still being patched, and development was well underway for the new 2.0 release, design work for a long running enemy was underway to help excite the player base: the sea serpent Leviathan. But, Leviathan was never fought in 1.0 or the subsequent patches and was not among the 3 major Primals in 2.0. So what happened?
On March 11, 2011, at 2:46 PM JST, a 9.1 magnitude earthquake struck off the eastern coast of Japan. The ensuing tsunami is estimated to have reached as high as 40.5 meters, traveling near 700 kph, striking as far as 10 km inland. Even with early warning systems in place, many only had eight minutes of warming. A 2021 report estimates the casualties at 19,747 deaths, 6,242 injured, and 2,556 people missing. Significant damage to the northern electrical grid & the critical damage to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant resulted in a wide spread call for electrical conservation, particularly in the Tokyo area, and Square Enix answered this request by shutting down multiple systems. This included the FFXIV 1.0 servers.
People were given time off. Time off to contact family. Time off to help with the rescue and recovery. Time off to grieve. When the development team returned, the decision was made. They would not be returning to their tasks of developing a primal of the sea, who controlled great waves and threatened the lives of thousands in La Noscea. The release schedule was adjusted. Leviathan would be postponed.
One slightly odd note was something that occurred when the 1.0 servers were re-activated. Or perhaps, it was perfectly un-odd. When players logged back into FFXIV, they reached out to one another. Checking to see if they were doing okay. If their families needed anything. If they were safe. After all, we may know each others characters, discord names, or even voices, but do we know where some of our friends live? Do we know if they escaped the danger? Players thanked the development team for bringing the servers back when they did, for the opportunity to reach out to their friends. Yoshida has recounted this for NoClip's 2017 documentary, and has never forgotten it. We shouldn't think of these things as odd; what is more human than reaching out to one another in the wake of a calamity? If FFXIV holds one theme above others, it's that we're stronger together.
Why are you playing a potato?
Iβll admit, thanks to this playthrough, i downloaded the free trial
OSHA does not approve of The Whorleater (Extreme), and neither do I. Handrails are important!
Since it looks like weβre doing the Bahamut raids next, does anyone know if those are even in the Raid roulette? I donβt believe Iβve ever gotten one of those in my roulette dailies. Which is a shame bc that means you really only get to do those raids with Party Finder. :Va
(Which is annoying bc I have crafting materials I want, but can only get them when playing Synced or paying 100k+ gil on the marketplace. TT_TT)
33:27 Okay Thancred's expression really gave me a good laugh XD
I'm usually all for revolution but the moody lighting makes me think Teledji isn't exactly trying to help anyone with whatever that is…
I'm gonna need a drink…of coffee…Double shot.
…No. Triple.
Therim herd: I am so sorry for not pressing the button in time.
Okay, so with all deities, there's a creation myth regarding Leviathan. This specific information is pulled and slightly edited from one of the wikis, though you can find it in Encyclopedia Eorzea.
"In the legends passed down from whorlfather to spawnling, the world was a dry wasteland devoid of ocean or sea. The gods saw their people dying of thirst and entreated Leviathan to cover the world with water. The Lord of the Whorl answered, laboring to bring forth mighty floods. But even as the bellows of the lands were filled with water, so were the last drops of his essence drained away. When they beheld their dying savior and despaired at his fate, they sought to find a way to return his vitality to him, and found a way to do so by giving their own lives.
With his strength returned to him, Leviathan mourned the deaths of those who sacrificed themselves to him and performed a divine miracle. Those who were blessed underwent a transformation, growing legs and arms, and gained the gift of higher reason. Leviathan named these new life forms the Sahagin. These new peoples returned to the land and laid their eggs. Then, the Lord of the Whorl used his power to create a tidal wave that cleansed the land and the soil and made it pure for his peoples children. This was the birth of the Sahagin spawning grounds.
Once the lands were created and the people settled, Leviathan returned to the dark depths, and the Sahagin held him in eternal esteem, with yearly offerings of sacrifice as worship."
This also gives some insight to the Sahagin culture that's usually skimmed over in MSQ: that they come on land in order to raise their clutch. Notably, the Sahagin beast tribe quests revolve around this way of life, with a clutchfather trying to accommodate for his spawnlings and trying to keep peace between Sahagin and shorewalker.
Durmin, snack-deliverer and god-killer, just beat up a fish and it was thiiiiis big.
The VA direction is getting better, but Merlwyb's actor continues to have a stand out performance among everyone.
Thank you. I was wondering if you were going to voice your thoughts on the 'might makes right' speech by the admiral, but I guess it's a double-edged sword.
I do so love it when Thancred gets affectionately dunked on. It's good for him.
It's bittersweet to hear Yugiri's VA at this point in the game. Rest well.
Ah, definitely-not-Mistbeard. Highly recommend Hullbreaker Isle, an optional dungeon [with a (Hard) follow-up in the next expansion], if you want to learn more about his deal. Or, you know, just check the wikis. But as a proud Limsa Lominsan, I love that sort of thing; kind of wish I'd gotten to it sooner.
Rogues also get a good helping of Limsa Lominsa lore, I absolutely had to join them after this introduction.
"Enjoy your song and your lies" totally got me. π
Honestly, Dan's entire humor this episode was on fire.
Just… Watching the early game again. It makes me notice some things so strongly.
This was indeed the patch that added the rogue/ninja job. This patch story was tailored in a way to highlight the class and help explain how ninjas suddenly show up in the world.
2.2 down, 4 patches to go! (2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.55). Things are going to get veeeeeeery interesting very soon. As a rule, x.1 – x.3 are generally reserved to "wrap up" the previous main scenario, x.4 and x.5x are stories meant to set up the next expansion. I'm genuinely excited to see chat's reaction to coming events.
Man, Snow Cat, that is a killer outfit.
Also, Love the music for the fight, very "Kraken-adjacent"
I have been looking forward to this episode because I'm in it! ^^
It wasn't, this was foreshadowing for when it was. This is patch 2.2, but ninja wasn't added until patch 2.4 half a year later. Everybody was expecting to see it in the expansion, so it was a pretty big deal when it came out in a patch and had by far the best job questline at that.
Historical note: the 6.1 patch did away with the restriction that you can't get revived if you fall off the platform (among so many other changes, a bunch of dungeons are completely different now)
I'm surprised at the flying speed and dexterity for a quick look around – very cool
Leviabeetus? Is that a Diabeetus joke?
The melee on tail thing is a common misconception, if you look at the buffs it's ranged physical reflected by the head. Melee attacks including the tank can hit both ends. The melee should just be on the tail for positionals and avoiding cleaves from the head. Good reasons, but their damage isn't reflected.
So Slafyrsyn and Bloefyswyn are totally a thing, right?
Oooh intrigues! This will be fun!
Aww, don't be embarrassed, Thancred! Nothing shameful about being a former scoundrel made good!
At the least, Trachtoum's tale-tale-telling skills have greatly improved!
Re: Halfstone. So, I looked it up, and it seems there was a settlement in 1.0 La Noscea called Halfstone. From what I could find it wasn't particularly significant, but it was there. Another remnant of the old map, it seems.
I would love to see Durmin go check out optional dungeon Hullbreaker Ilse, so we can learn more about Who Isn't Mistbeard
Ep 039
The story of Eorzea is a grand and sprawling narrative. One that, unfortunately, belies a simple telling broken up over months of individual sessions – including necessary if tragic breaks. In the interest of helping viewers remember the characters and terminology they have seen before I have taken the liberty of creating a pronoun glossary of sorts of Durmin's adventures.
A few notes before we get started (this text will be the same in every episode, so feel free to skip it in future episodes). First: And most importantly, this glossary is COMPLETELY SPOILER SAFE . I have manually built each entry from the episodes that preceded it; although I have played most of the game, I have taken every effort to just copy information from these videos. Second: This is not a story recap, most of the story will not appear here. This is just a glossary of terms. Finally: This little project turned out to be significantly more exhausting that I anticipated and while I am happy to continue, I will make mistakes. There may be missing information in these records, and I welcome any additions provided they can timestamp the text where the information came from. I also shift in and out of various tones as I get more and less tired, so please forgive these inconsistencies, I plan to slowly unify the tone over time now that 2.0 is complete.
I'll also be including fun facts about the glossary at the end of each expansion.
Well now you can get raised if you fall off! As of patch 6.1.
Halfstone? Sure, you could fly over and find places with a bit of wall left. Others with a door. There's a fate in the ruin of a few buildings. It really was well done.
Thank you for not immediately wiping leviathan off the fact of the planet as soon as you saw it lol that was a good pace.
I look forward to Durmin vs. Bahamut!
I haven't watched past 7:22 but that sounds like a terrible plan. Tie 2 ships to a giant sea serpent, sure, but what's to stop it from swimming down and drowning everyone on the 2 ships?
I really wish the second half of the primal fights with the good music lasted longer, there are some great fights with amazing music and great transitions but we don't get to hear enough of it
So, the leviathan fight without rails would be like that blasted titan fight if you get knocked off the ship then if i got your explanation correctly?
6:16 Why do I sense that this is not the first time Marshal Slafyrsyn has put forward a plan cribbed from Lominsan folklore?
31:11 Oh.
Whoa. Y'shtola kinda blinks out of existence for a second there at 30:09
I can't decide if him calling Leviathan "Leviabeetus" is a reference to the 'diabeetus' meme, or just what they actually went with….
'Levia-beetus' made me laugh SO hard.
Wipeout. Beautiful RNG manipulation.
I love all the side stories and shennanigans that happens in the Rising Stones
I am so, so so GLAD you're talking to the folks in the Rising Stones, some of the little stories happening there in the background are incredibely fun and cute π