Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – #22 – The Enterprise


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0:00 – Introduction

2:28 – QUEST: “In Pursuit of the Past”

5:44 – DUNGEON: The Stone Vigil

19:35 – QUEST: “In Pursuit of the Past” (continued)

23:37 – QUEST: “Into the Eye of the Storm”

28:48 – QUEST: “Sealed with Science”

31:15 – QUEST: “With the Utmost Care”


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Edited by Daniel Floyd

♫ “Pray Return” by Chris Logsdon

#PlayFrame #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV


34 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – #22 – The Enterprise”

  1. This is probably nothing, but are you glamming the armors on? That way you can keep the good stats, and still look fabulous! And if you save some looks in glamour plates, you can swap between appropriate clothing based on time and place (given you're somewhere you can use glamour prisms). I'm sure you're on top of this already, but I couldn't quite remember a mention of glamouring in previous vids

  2. 27:59 – Eisentaenzer (or Eisentänzer with proper umlaut) is a German compound word – Eisen (iron) plus Tänzer (dancer).
    German syllables: Ei-sen-tän-zer (with emphasis on the 3rd and a bit on the 1st syllable)
    Pronounce them in English like this: I-zen-ten-cer (cer as in dancer, but sharper C – more like the Z from quartz)

  3. Excited Durmin wave for the win

    First comment: 0:46 That transition reminds me of Metaton from UnderTale. Just that part where it goes "Oh yeah~"

    Second comment: 1:51 cool call out. it is a pretty good video.

    Third comment: 2:42 it has been bugging me for a while but what does the "anon" mean? I haven't ever seen it used so I have no reference frame for that word other than a short hand for anonymous

    Fourth comment: 8:08 IDK Dan it looks like a gargoyle to me

    Fifth comment: 12:48 Ah yes. When the optimist and pessimist talk about the same thing.

    Sixth comment: 14:34 The dude straight up said "You will probably beat your third demigod" and then thought 'Oh! I know what will stop him from continuing. A mortal f***ing Dragon.' Aren't these guys suppose to be the big-bads of FF14?

    Seventh comment: 15:54 This dragon looks familiar. It probably isn't but this dragon reminds me of the one JoCat uses in his FF14 crap guides.

    Eight comment: 30:19 I was wondering

    Ninth comment: 30:29 Durmin! you just yeeted your chocobo of a cliff. We do not subscribe the the old Mario way of dealing with pets when we are done with them.

    Tenth comment: 32:38 Wow I forgot about the Lalafell's quirk of alliteration

    Eleventh comment: 34:59 galumphing reminds me of the Jabberocky poem. Strangely, at least to me, galumphing is a real word. Def: "to move with a clumsy heavy tread"

    Final comment: As always keep up the good work and remember, "Have Fun With It."

  4. Finally caught up to current episodes in this playthrough! Loving this series Dan! I know it's not story per se, but by any chance do you intend to cover a certain gentleman's side quest chain in the post ARR content?

  5. Just as a quick heads up, the boss or monster will usually have a buff to show if it is actually regaining hp. Another thing to note, if you go into Character Config > UI Settings > Hud Tab > Scroll all the way down you can "Display target's remaining HP percentage." To get an idea of how much health the boss has left instead of just eyeballing it. If it IS recovering health you'll be able to see the percentage tick up instead of down by number.

  6. I swear, one of the most entertaining things I get to do while watching this series is make the “I know cool spoilers about this thing” smile about lots of things. Can’t even vague on which things I did that with, but know there was quite a bit. Probably including some that Dan hasn’t gotten to yet himself on his main character. 😁

  7. Eisentaenzer (German) translates to Iron Dancer. Quite a fitting name for a weapon which is spun around wildly.

    A little translation fact. in english, they are called cursed crystals, but in German, they are called "denaturierte Kristalle" denatured crystals or denaturalized crystals

  8. Aaaaagh :launch-era flashbacks:

    I hope they streamlined the corrupted crystal quest chain at least some, because this, not the Company of Heroes, is/was the most pointlessly tedious fetch quest chain in ARR and in the running to be the most in the whole game. Company of Heroes actually had a bit of a story point. This was an "oops, wrong crystal" comedy of errors that wasn't that funny the first time…and then they did it three or so more times while story progression came to a screeching halt.

  9. Apologies if this has been requested at some point or another, but maybe after hitting the end of the 2.0 MSQ, it might be fun to show off the various job actions available at level 50 if you can get people to film with? Just to show off the variety players can expect if they decide they want to jump in after that milestone.

  10. The word "Eisentänzer" is definitely supposed to be German.
    Literally translated it's something like "iron dancer" though it isn't actually a real word afaik. They just took the German word for iron and the word for dancer and put them after one another. The letter "z" in German is a bit annoying, since it can be pronounced a bit different depending on the word. In most words, including this one, it's pronounces as a sharp "ts" sound.

  11. In the big dragon battle I absolutely loved seeing everyone sort of jog out of the way when the indicators of where the ice would be came down. I'm sure it was intended to look like a run but it just seemed kind of jaunty.

  12. I finished ARR this evening. Some non-spoiler thoughts:
    * It's really amazing they managed to rewrite the engine and create so much content in such short a time. Like, you probably have had to have worked on an MMO to appreciate how hard that is.
    * You only get a glimpse of it, because Dan cuts a lot, but the game is super pretty. The artists did a great job.
    * I wish my character could have emoted more during cutscenes. I imagine her as a fairly cheerful person, but in the cutscenes she just stoically looks at the person talking and occasionally nods.
    * How come I never got a set of those funky goggles the rest of the Scions wear?

  13. Alphinaud tossing fantasy nouns like he's making a salad XD. I swear, why does anyone write this stuff if it never really matters long term to really understanding the world or let you, the player, do something with that knowledge? If it's magic, then it's like comedy, the more you explain it the less punch it has, if you want it to be like science, then the more you tell me about the mechanics, the more I the player need to be able to do something with that knowledge. All this magical wind element radiation facts that I can't do anything with as a player is just dead air to, at best, make your NPCs sound "smart" and at worst is a great way to waste time & set yourself up to contradict it and annoy people who invested in learning it later.


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