The eleventh installment is here! This is almost all the references to Final Fantasy XI up to patch 6.25! I actually had a blast playing through 11 and I can truly believe that 11 deserves its title as a mainline game.
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#FinalFantasyXIV #Endwalker #FinalFantasyXI #Riseofthezilart #Chainsofpromathia #TreasuresofAhturhgan #Wingsofthegoddess #RhapsodiesofVanadiel
Been waiting for this one!
Apologies for the delay! An unfortunate real life emergency happened in between playing this game and so I couldn't get this video out any sooner. That is mostly taken care of now and I'm excited to finally have this video out! I will say that I'm willing to make a part 2 of this video if there was way more references I missed since I know the presence of FFXI in FFXIV is massive. Feel free to comment down below or on the community post on any missed references!
I was also waiting for this one!
Great video! The 6.1 story actually has even more XI references tied to it, and Mericam did a great video discussing the references
Bravo sir this was great! Played ff11 for 16 years and will always be my true home.
One area that you definitely missed is the void, especially the third area of The Fell Court Of Troja is a reference to Walk Of Echoes.
all my nostalgia
another great video. i love these videos. i was interested and bought FFXI a few months ago. This makes me wanna give it a real shot!
commenting to help with the algorithm
i love the effort you put into these videos <3 thank you!
Great video as usual!
Wow great video! So much nostalgia, time to grind more eureka for ff11 glam!