Final Fantasy 14 | Shadowbringers – Part 14 (Highlights) – End of 5.0

Highlights from the Let’s Play livestream of Final Fantasy 14: Shadowbringers.

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1 thought on “Final Fantasy 14 | Shadowbringers – Part 14 (Highlights) – End of 5.0”

  1. Happy to see that you enjoyed what this expansion has to offer in terms of its baseline MSQ, can't for your 5.3 reactions next, I also wanna give my thoughts on some of what you said here.

    – Regarding your Unukalhai observation: if you have the time, try and also do the other 3 role quests (Tanks, Physical DPS, & Magical DPS), because once you complete those, a mini-questline will open up that will answer those questions and also gives a nice sendoff to the Warriors of Darkness. You can do this off-stream if you wanna.

    – For future active time maneuvers, you can also press the buttons on your keyboard instead of clicking w/ the mouse, because from 5.x onward it's going to get even harder from point.

    – Starting with 5.0, be ready to see more moments like Ardbert Passing the Axe, and the Hades post-cutscene during the game's climatic moments because the story is about to embrace it's JRPG Anime "Hype" Moments even more from here on out. For me, I personally love them, since it's more in-line to Shonen Anime & other modern JRPGs but I can't say the same for folks who might prefer a more grounded way in presenting its characters & plot ala-Matsuno Games, but as others have said, that sort of thing has kinda departed now since Stormblood in favor of this new direction Ishikawa & Oda have chosen to take, even more so after finishing Endwalker.


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