Final Fantasy 14 Fan Reacts to EVERY World of Warcraft Cinematic For The FIRST Time!

In this video, watch a Final Fantasy 14 fan react to every World of Warcraft cinematic for the first time! Follow along as they experience the epic visuals and storylines of this popular game series. Whether you’re a fan of FF14, WoW, or just love gaming in general, this video will be a fun and entertaining watch!

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30 thoughts on “Final Fantasy 14 Fan Reacts to EVERY World of Warcraft Cinematic For The FIRST Time!”

  1. A lot of people have been asking me where Old Soldier cinematic is for this video, To make a long story short Blizzard (for some reason) have copyrighted that cinematic and I was unable to put that video in this reaction. I truly wish I could do that but for some reason they will not allow it. Sorry about that

  2. If you are interested in wow lore, I highly advise you to watch platinumwow. He tells wow lore with selfmade animation and a good sense of humor !
    He is one of the best content creator of all videogame, period !

  3. Hey Hey V2, Wow veteran here with 19y of gametime haha, I enjoy it when people from other mmos find wow and look at the cinmatics, the next step would be to watch all the ingame cutscenes then you get about 45% of the lore told =)

  4. I would absolutely love to fill you in on all the WoW lore, but trying to do so in a single comment is impossible. I would need a Discord voice chat for a good 5-6 hours to just get enough of the surface scratched to give you a basic framework of the massively complex lore. Which I'd happily do, because I absolutely love the lore of this game. I'm also a massive FFXIV nerd, played from the ARR beta up until now and can spend countless hours talking about the lore of that game, too. lol So if you have the time and interest in doing a WoW lore chat, drop me a message. 🙂

  5. The voice in Wrath of the lich king is the voice of Arthas father, the king, for when Arthas was still human/alive ( he killed his father after picking up the sword).

    The last cinematic with Anduin, in the Shadowlands expansion he got corrupted and did some questionable things. Entire Shadowlands expansion was questionable.

  6. Basically trailers up to Wrath of the Lich King are derriving straight from the sauce, which was strategy game Warcraft 3 which is amazingly written.. it created a fanbase of millions, and up to the point WoW was tied to its roots, it retained its core fanbase… with Cataclysm WoW lost its major links to the strategies and tried to float on its own.. build narratives, tell stories via cinematics with varying success… the point is the game is far from its amazing roots, the storytelling is very sub-par, regardless of what cinematics might make u think… the storytelling is just not the same with MMO engine.. the visuals and woldbuilding is there, artwork is there, music is there but the writing itself… i guess the game is not catering to the boomer core anymore. The kids wants something different theese days

  7. Gotta do the in-game ones too, especially starting legion, there's a lot of story there. Blizzard is terrible at writing stories with a good plot, but when it comes to the major story moments they're always done well and carry the story forward

  8. The Sword in The War Within cinematic was put there by Sargeras at the end of Legion in the Antorus raid.

    Sargeras is/was a Titan from the pantheon of Order; 1 of 6 cosmic forces in the Warcraft universe. He was tasked with fighting the Void, another cosmic force, before eventually going mad and decided that the only way to win against the void would be total annihilation of everything in the universe.

    He is the one who created the Burning Legion from the demons he would kill/and or imprison.

    There's a ton more that would take too long to explain over comment, but this is the basics.

  9. thank you for your reaction. WotLk is/was and always will be the best expansion to World of Warcraft, ever. It was peak gameplay, the best cinematic, the best story, the best raids. Everything was nearly perfect.
    edit: but the sheer shockwave of Deathwings scream breaking the docks at Auberdine will probably always be my favourite scene.
    And fun fact: Kung Fu Panda AND the dragons from GoT are inspired by the WoW cinematics. 😛
    last edit: the war withing is probably the (graphically) best one of the planet so far.

  10. I've always considered the Wrath cinematic to be the best. It was literally the peak of hte game. They had like, 13 million subs at the end of that expansion. The game sort of went downhill from there, but Legion felt like Wrath 2.0 which was great. That's when I stopped playing, but I may jump back in for the three expansion Worldsoul Saga.

  11. Also, I love Sylvanas before Arthas turned her. Even loved her through Wrath. She decided to burn down Teldrasil, the Night Elf home and world tree out of spite and there was no going back for her in my mind. She was the big bad for a while, but the HA HA JUST KIDDING. She was working against the REAL bad guy the whole time and is now good! What garbage.

  12. To make a long story short some planets in the wow universe are unawakened "titans" (basically gods) and Azeroth (the planet wow is on) is apparently the most powerful titan and when she awakens shits gonna go down.

    So a lot of wow lore is about villains trying to corrupt/destroy the soul of Azeroth (the giant sword in the planet being one such example), the girl calling out to Anduin and jesus orc is probably the planet itself calling out to them, probably hasn't came out yet so we don't know for sure.


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