So we just got done with our subathon, and one of the goals our amazing community managed to unlock was for Mike to play FFXIV and now it is finally time. Mike took the big leap into A Realm Reborn to see what all the fuss was about.

It wasn’t all as he expected…

Music – FFXIV ARR Soundtrack

00:00 – Intro
02:59 – Character Creation & Model
04:15 – Questing
06:51 – Side Questing, Fates & Hunting Log
13:43 – Voice Acting
14:30 – The Map
15:17 – Tutorials
16:31 – Gameplay
21:57 – Mounts & Transmog
Twitter: @Preachgaming
Live Stream –


28 thoughts on “FINAL FANTASY 14 – My SURPRISING First Day!”

  1. To give people a bit of background who maybe haven't watched the stream before. During the subathon one of the stretch goals was to play FFXIV, and then one of the other ones was to name his character and choose his race by poll. Hence why he is femroe and his name is Floor Inspector (a running joke on the channel). He got to choose the job.

  2. heyo preach, glad to see you in here and welcome to the FFXIV community as well as all of you viewers ( hello everyone ) so the refer to your GCD concern i do agree with you that is massively slow at first but there is a reason for that.
    you see, in FFXIV the class evolves into a job and then that job evolves into its full potential at the end. the slowness of the GCD is to teach you how to weave in between GCD's with your OGCDs at 80 you are required to constantly weave at least one OGCD in between GCD with the occasional (ping allowing it) double weave. it is slow now so you build the habit of weaving because when yo do get to the later stages in game you will not have time for waiting as the weaving plus the dodging and the optimization takes place. The GCD in this game is geared towards late game and does not adapt to lower levels . well i hope this made sense. glad to sees you enjoying yourself and trying FFXIV always been a big fan of yours even tho i am a massive FFXIV nerd and i hope to see you in the next savage tier thank you for trying this game and above all else have fun, experiment and explore your possibilities because if there is something this game does right is give you freedom to try things while you level. a bro fist to you and this awesome community PEACE!!

  3. Whenever someone complains about navigating city maps, I get the odd feeling that they didn't notice the little Aether Shards that are standing around everywhere and teleport you around the city once you activated them by clickin on each one time. If you activated all in an area, you even get a direct teleport to the airship shuttle and the gates to the regions outside.
    And with attuning to the big Aetherytes you can teleport from everywhere to these places for a fee with the "Teleport" button that is automatically in your hotbar. And mark one as your "home point" to which you get back when you die or to which you can teleport for free via the "Return" button.

  4. Preach talking like WoW is the worst thing to ever happen to the gaming industry now… meanwhile Preach would be working a normal 9-5 desk job if it wasn't for World of Warcraft

  5. So the major complaints are the voice acting (virtually everyone is re-cast starting in Heavensward and they are fantastic) and the combat feels slow (again, addressed with more abilities as you level and oGCD buttons). You really have to stick through to HW because the quality of everything just skyrockets.

  6. I've been playing ~5 years and I've been saying the entire time that they really need to redistribute skills. Leveling alt jobs or getting synced down in low level dungeons is really painful, going from three full hotbars to literally two skills. Last time I played DRG in a lvl 30ish dungeon it was a two button rotation and a stun, it was so freaking boring. Then you get to the expansions and you're getting a new skill every couple of levels, so fast it can be tedious to learn the new rotation before you get a new skill

  7. I hope you do continue towards the release of endwalker. Heavensward is my most favourite expansion, until they changed the gameplay, and you try Bahamut and Alexander Raids as I enjoyed those the most. Also I hope you join the community guild someday and hope we get to raid together.

  8. A Realm Reborn is definitely a product of it's time. They've gone back a few times and fixed some things, but they can only do so much while making new expansions/releasing new patches. This next expansion is an end to this particular story arc so it'll be interesting to see how they handle old content with expansions in the new story arc. It's very interesting to see WOW players go through this game because there are things that FF vets are like "ew" about in ARR but then wow players are like "idk what you're talking about I don't have an issue with that" and then there's some things where it's switched. Curious to see what you think of later content!

  9. The maps, dungeon design and slower gameplay are all symptoms of "this game used to be on PS3". Once you get further in, and PS3 support is no longer a thing, it does get *better*.

  10. Glad to see you playing FFXIV 😀 Our characters show emotions later on, don't worry 😀 The map I don't think is that bad, I don't have any issue with it. Sure it could use more hints but, I don't think it really needs it. The story is not for gogogo people by all means XD The narrative is slow, but that is the style and a different way to explain a story. You can like it more or less but it doesn't mean it's bad.

  11. The global cooldown at first is really an issue, but it completely stops being one by the time you reach higher levels. For example, I started as Rogue, who effectively has three buttons to press for the first 30 levels. Incredibly underwhelming with the only redeeming factor being a "stand behind to deal more dmg" element on the third ability. Then you turn into a Ninja and you unlock so called hand gestures. You get one hand gesture ability and the "command" button to execute the ninja-power behind the gesture. So at first you have another new ability locked behind having to press a gesture ability beforehand to throw a really mediocre big throwing-star at someone every 20 or so seconds. That gesture is also on the GCD. However, come level 35 you unlock your second hand gesture and with it the ability to combine. Doing gesture 1 and then 2 gives you a big meaty AoE fireball. Doing gesture 2 and then 1 gives you a single-target lightning boom. More variety and the fun feeling of comboing something for a big effect. Then, you unlock the third and final hand sign and you effectively unlock FOUR MORE effects. One for ending a two-part combo on the third gesture (an icy slow bomb) and three different important ones for a three-part-combo (a buff, an AoE dot of sorts and a "opener" attack that gives you a buff to use another ability). With that kit and the previous Rogue kit you're rocking through your level 50s. Throughout those to level 60 you will unlock an entirely new AoE ability that will make AoE more engaging, a brand new normal combo attack that extends the buff you get from one of your hand-sign ninjutsus (so you only use the hand-sign for the buff once and then extend casually), and an entirely new ability that is completely off the cooldown. So eventually you'll learn to extremely appreciate the 2.5s CD, because you keep juggling more abilities and effects from various sources. It allows you to actually think a little more, because you're not completely braindead in your rotation. And then you'll have to factor in the insanity of actual boss-fights, so much so that I tried out Samurai where a lot of the abilities sort of lock you in place for a "melee cast" and after a while I was just brainlessly spamming the same buttons, because I couldn't keep up with the complexity of proper Samurai gameplay while also dodging the boss in melee range, haha.

  12. The people playing instruments are not bots, they are players. I know there are some that use apps to automate the playing to the degree, but there are also those who plug in keyboards and actually play music in real time. I found the attitude towards this and other things very dismissive.

  13. I think Asmon handled the review better he waited till he played the whole expansion then gave a review. Eventhough i liked this review i hate game reviews only after one day or a few hours of playing any game

  14. Black Mage gameplay doesn't really change that much. You're basically a turret mage, you have long cast time abilities, you stand in place and throw your big fireballs.

    But worry not, that's not a big deal, if you won't like it you can always swap to red mage at level 50 if you'd like to play something more fast paced. Red Mage starts at lvl 50 so you don't lose experience and (at least to me) plays similarily to elemental shaman.

  15. blackmage early lvl is probably the most boring (standing still) class in the game, i rerolled on 29. the only challange on blackmage is knowing where and when u can stand sill the most without moving to maximize dps. if you dont like a simple class like that id strongly advice to reroll somehting else, the scnd job lvls super fast (100%exp bonus if ur under the lvl from you higher job). the gcd stuff is annoying at the start but once your lvl 50+ you will get alot of instant spells that you can use while on gcd, you can even "wave" two offglobal spells at once in one gcd witch is 2.5sec. on high lvl the gcd stuff makes it waay more challanging than wow trust me. try monk or ninja and u will press like 3 times the buttens of a blackmage : D


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