Get the latest details on Final Fantasy 14 Mobile, including gameplay, release date, and trailer information. Find out everything you need to know about this highly anticipated mobile game!
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Wake up, babe, it's time for UWU clear on our Android.
Will keep an eye for this
I hope you're able to play as chibbie style as I loved world of final fantasy
You know with our phone capabilities at this point I'm kind of surprised video game companies haven't made more ports of video games to mobile because we can just hook up a controller to our phone. They're kind of dumb
I want classic ffxiv….we have classic ffxiv at home lol imagine if wow released classic but only on mobile
Don't work on ps5 but go on android ? Ahaha
Ultimate raids on mobile will be one hell of a something.
I would like to point out that Mobile is NOT A Realm Reborn (aka 2.0) but rather the ORIGINAL game (aka 1.0). This is based on wording they use and the trailer being based on the 1.0 trailers and benchmark.
Tencent doing a FF game is worst scenario emaginable
It's more like a Demake not a Remake. Going back to PS3 days with the lower quality graphics lmao.
They’re going to bank with this.
I can’t wait for my game screen to be completely filled with UI
Wait what? Pre ARR FFXIV??
If glamour prisms and dyes are mogstation exclusive in this game, that is fine for me to play this.
Can't wait to repeatedly go back to the waking sands in the MSQ
When does this game come out?
Mobile games are pay to win/ pay for power and never "Free" .