FFXIV Apocryphal Bahamut Mount – Quest Story & Showcase

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26 thoughts on “FFXIV Apocryphal Bahamut Mount – Quest Story & Showcase”

  1. Cool mount but wrong mount. They 100% created this asset, never found a good place for it in EW and didn’t want to waste the dev resources. So they just slapped it in just as they slapped us all across the face.

  2. that mount looks like utter and complete dog shit. So did the lynx. Trash tier mounts. FFXIV has gotten so damn lazy.

    I almost feel sorry for FFXIV "content" creators. It's hard to sponge off this game for a living when the game peaked back in Shadowbringers and has gone to shit since.

  3. I kind of get the disappointment for this being the collect all 7 lynx mounts and it not being a lynx or cat of some kind, but I don't know how people can hate the mount it's a dopy looking dragon carrying you on a chair while you sit with the utmost sass. I had 0 of the EW EX mounts before they showed this I now have it.

  4. I like the mount but as others of said, it feels like they had this for something else and then put it as the lynx reward

    Personally i would if liked it if A Bahamut held us by his hands or had us on his back, but i do like that he is a 1 to 1 recreation of the old sprite

  5. When it was first revealed, I wasn’t really a fan. But after having it in game and the nod to FFIV, it grew on me a lot. I like the mount, but I agree with everyone who doesn’t like that it doesn’t fit the theme of lynx/cat mounts

  6. l like this, its gives a bit more insight into the days of Merycidia before the Allagans invaded.
    Ive always wondered what that Draconic civilisation was like, so separated from the rest of the world and the influence of the other dragons.
    One day maybe we will find out.

  7. That’s an interesting lore detail with Bahamuts roar and what he was crying for in his prison. I can’t help but wonder if Hope Bahamut is closer to original Bahamuts true form as a greatwyrm

  8. This mount completely missed the mark, sorry paying homage to the original person is cool for you SE not us. It's corny bad and a terrible end to this expansion. Insanely low effort this should of been on store.

  9. i don't get why people are surprised it's "the final EW reward" of sorts, the whole expansion is a big FF4 reference, is it not? It just makes sense. I'll be enjoying my smug looking pose next year when I get around to farm the trials with one of the new jobs probably. 😛


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