Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker is the fourth expansion pack to Final Fantasy XIV, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix
#finalfantasyxiv #endwalker #twitch #zeplahq
#xenosysvex #lynxkameli #drama
End walker felt like a slugfest to me so i quit final fantasy 14 after years of play. It was boring.
FF14 has alot of life left in it I see lots of players complain that there is nothing left and only have 1 or 2 classes leveled and barely touched the sidequests
Mostly for me it was burn out. Was at it for like 6+ years. Yeah they have added new content but not my stick and the old content ive done enough. Ill get back to it later but at the moment i dont see much i want to invest in.
I played FFXIV for 2 years and quit. I did the entire main story up through Endwalker. I mostly quit because of raiding. If you aren't a veteran no life raider, you will get harassed for not avoiding mechanics. It's impossible to find a group of players that will give you the time and latitude to die to a mechanic dozens of times before getting it. So I mostly stuck to the MSQ and did gathering and crafting. I only would raid or do trials when I was forced to do them. For context, I never even finished the Omega raids.
Two things. First, I don't care about messing up in party. This is a FF game. I want to play the story, full stop. I don't want to sit in duty finder waiting for a party. I don't want to get a party. Only for a person to leave, drop or refuse to pay attention. I want to run the story. Clear the next bit of content, run more story. Trust mostly gives me that.
Second, I have zero desire to do top tier content. Has nothing to do with difficulty. And everything to do with the rewards. I've played FFXI & FFXIV. And gear in 14 sucks, its pretty & boring. Making it pretty boring. New gear is just a bigger stat stick. By comparison, 11 pays me for my time in gear. I've done some of the hardest content 11 has. Every time I either got great gear for one of many, many, many builds. Or I at least had a shot at said great gear. My FFXI Blue Mage has over 150 pieces of gear. That I freely swap between mid fight.
Add in lack of playstyle per job. The homogenized design of jobs. On top of stat stick gear. & no progression systems. 14 is barely FF in my eyes. Which is why after buying every single 14 expansion I stopped playing. 14 will never be the game I want. And that's fine. Naturally I can & am only speaking for me. But that's why I don't play anymore.
Take care & have a good one
I migrated over from the elder scrolls online community after playing the game for almost 5 years. I was a dedicated raider who was motivated to become a content creator to help get more players into raiding through a manageable process. I came to final fantasy 14 because a lot of the player base from ESO had left, and the majority of the raiding community literally disbanded. My goals that I had for ESO I am now transitioning to FF14. It's going to take me some time to learn the classes, roles, and raid mechanics, but there is a lot of potential for the raiding community in FF14 to grow. The right system just needs to be in place.
Man, I'm sure that when the next expansion comes out,many issuss will disappear.
1) "content" creators aren't here for the game. they are here to please the algorythm so they can keep making money. They don't care about the game, they just need to make another sensationalized title for a video. Half the time (or more) the title and video content often conflict, because its a bait title. The average person doesn't care about what they say, most ppl don't at this point. its why FFXIV creators are few and far between, with people who actually play the game tend to pop off more.
2) just because some dumbass sits in front of their webcam and spouts nonsense doesn't mean its true. Theres a reason why ALL the big names in ffxiv content are falling off massively and resorting to this garbage. Its just purely not true and normal people are tired of hearing shitty doomer takes. For gods sake one of the biggest memes with this game is how most ppl just stand around in it, or take photos and how "glamour is the true endgame". Its a meme based in reality. Most people use the game as a social hub, and aren't concerned with shit like numbers and "increasing the games popularity". There are absolutely hardcore players who play this game nonstop, BECAUSE there is always something to do: leveling, achievement hunting, relic weapons, etc etc. People like Zepla constantly go on about the game and numbers without any understanding as to what they're talking about because they are A) low level content creators whose channels are facing mortality, and B) are not at the top of a company with all the actual hard data in front of them.
It boils down to them finding the game they've been milking for their livlihood for 10 years a little boring, without understanding why they feel that way. To directly criticise a point by Zepla, NO ONE thinks of FFXIV and other games in terms of time investment. Thats the point of them. 99% of people are sitting down to play a game and have fun, not optimizing their time investment. Again, the reason "content" creators look at things like that is because they DO have to optimize time and turnaround in order to make as much as possible. In short, no, the game isn't dying, content creeators are NOT negatively affecting the game because they sit in increasingly small echo chambers, and Naoki Yoshida has been around long enough to see what happens to a game when you constantly try to burn it as hard and bright as possible, which is why he isn't doing what games like WoW and Genshin are doing, because The game fails completely,. He explicitly TELLS people not to play the game or pay a sub just to have the game on, to ensure people DO play other games and can feel that feeling of "Damn, this makes me want to play FFXIV right now". People like Zepla and Xenosys talking about "engagement and excitement" when their own channels are at the lowest engagement in recent times aside from occasional drama and clickbait titles should be enough nails in the coffin that is their opinions.
3) disabling like/dislike is the way of the coward and is exactly the kind of echo chamber you DON'T want to create. Be better than the old creators, and be receptive to even negative feedback.
"This is my opinion, so please don't take offense. I've been playing FF14 for almost 9 years now, with occasional breaks ranging from a few weeks to several months.
I no longer dedicate several hours a day, as I did during the Stormblood expansion, for example. However, Endwalker has been a disappointing expansion for several well-documented reasons.
The 3rd division embarked on two major projects, which is not at all healthy – 'FF16' and 'FF14.'
FF16 absorbed a significant portion of the 3rd division's workforce, and they hired many inexperienced developers to fill the gaps, particularly for Endwalker. Yoshi-P himself confirmed this in an interview for Patch 6.5, discussing the Thalia raid.
These new developers were responsible for most of Endwalker's content, with guidance from mentors, leading to significant balancing issues in both casual content and the 24-man raids, especially on Thalia.
There has clearly been a drop in the quality of the content battle design especially for casual content, and even some extremes weren't up to the 3rd division's usual standards.
The cause is, of course, the inexperienced new team members who lack the necessary experience in encounter design.
Another issue with Endwalker is the increasing homogenization of jobs, far more than what we saw in Shadowbringers.
Additionally, all level 90 instances are far too easy,
in most dungeons, you can get away with not dodging the majority of AoEs when playing as a DPS or healer because they simply don't deal enough damage.
Tanks like the Warrior and Paladin have excessive self-healing, making healers feel useless.
The current balance issues with tank and DPS jobs that have potent team heals and regens have allowed for absurd compositions, such as clearing dungeons with one Warrior and three DPS, or even 'The Omega Protocol' without healers,these issues are due to poor encounter design and damage timings, as well as the excessive Team HEAL/HOT on tanks and DPS.
Another major issue is the extended patch cycle, which went from 3.5 months to 4.5 months, even though it was initially meant to be 3.5 months to 4.0.
This results in an average of 4.5 months between major patches, which is significant for content that only provides around 3-4 hours of casual gameplay.
The variant dungeons have extremely poor replayability and lackluster loot.
The Island sanctuary loses its appeal after leveling, as it becomes a repetitive stone-grinding experience with little ambition overall.
Eureka Orthos is essentially a reskin of the Palace of the Dead, offering nothing new.
The expansion lacks exploration content, and many resources appear to have gone elsewhere. The island sanctuary use many old 3D models and replaces the Ishgard restoration.
The Criterions are there because they abandoned (hard) dungeons, and Eureka Orthos doesn't require much effort, as it's a reskin with reused textures from other instances,
for those not engaging in savage or ultimate content, replayability is lacking.
The MSQ fillers offer little incentive, and there's hardly any relic content as you obtain it just 10 minutes after the micro-patch is released.
There is no casual PvE grind content, and extremes are not considered casual content.
Moreover, there is a notable absence of content with normal difficulty levels, as we saw with the 24-man raids like Ivalice, Nier, Eureka, and Bozja.
Some refer to this as 'midcore' content, but the term has various interpretations, so I prefer to call it normal content because, for some, 'midcore' could mean extremes or even savage content.
Honestly, ive been playing on and off since 2019 and the last time i played was on august this year. And the difference in the harder raid queue times was painful. Sure, sometimes youll get lucky and get in. But the number of people doing the harder raids is. Just. Not. There. And i love raiding in ffxiv, literally my favorite thing. I will be returnung though soon, ive missed it.
The underlying issue is burnout, which is especially prevalent to Content Creators since this is the main thing they do day in day out. The majority of their qualms can be chalked down to not having anything significant to be shown for stream/video content. There is plenty of new content for EW, but none of them are stream-friendly (aka grindable and repetitive) like a Bozja or a Eureka. The same content creators who praised the game for not forcing you to only play FFXIV, is now complaining because they only want to play FFXIV.
Meanwhile, in 6.5 launch I had a bunch of people in my FC, and these are people who are month 1 Penta Legends, some of them even pushing for World First, who resubbed just to play the new Alliance Raid with the FC, make a joke about "haha FFXIV ded game", before continuing on with their lives and playing Baldurs Gate 3 or PoE or some other game. All whilst other casual players still log in on the daily to do their dailies and just fuck around. I don't see complaints coming from these people.
At the end of the day, people seem to have forgotten that FFXIV is a game, not their entire lives.
Yoshi has said in PLLs that for EW SE has purposely tried to simplify savage and ex and alliance raids and combat systems in general to cater to encourage participation. But the problem is that these changes have generally not resulted in attracting more easygoing players to the content. Which is fine and all. The onus is not anyone to actually try new types of content or become different just because SE wants them to. This is not about raiders and content creators being out of touch. We have a situation where a developer lost a gamble to compromise the enjoyment of the existing fanbase of these types of combat content in favour of pulling in a new audience who ultimately rejected them. Your video missed that point entirely.
Nothing can or should meet a streamer’s expectations and I’m pretty tired of them creating controversy because they’re bored of the game they’ve chosen to play every single day for views and thus have exhausted the content of!
Play something else for a while, like the developers intended! There are people just coming into the game and these big creators are now creating doubts for this game and for what??
I get that Endwalker feels more content-light but they forget that the devs are doing a huge graphics overhaul as well as a new expansion and I’m not here trying to simp for a company, I would never, but I’d say these developers in particular deserve this shit less than most.
I do normal raids but I’m nervous enough to pick things up like healing in normal content let alone trying out super hard content! And if this is the emerging attitude from more extreme content clearers then why would I want to jump into groups with them? I play this game to avoid the WoW shit that expects me to live in a game.
Those very same creators will also go on and on about how it’s better to do things in party finder forgetting that they have almost instant access to a community of people who will take as much time as these streamers need to get the content done. We don’t all have that and it’s actually why I’m so glad this game is as solo-friendly as it is. A friendly community doesn’t solve all problems, you can’t even QUEUE for coils most times!
100% agree that perhaps these influential people might help the situation and pay it forward instead of bitch but I guess controversy gets more views.
But the game doesn’t exist for streamers and people who have tons of spare time to do all the extreme content any more than it exists for those who play super casually. And again, if you spend as much time as these streamers do in the game you’re GONNA run out of shit to do. That’s not our casual problem over here.
Didn't Yoshi P tell people to take a break and it's not meant to be played constantly like Streamers do? How… how are they shocked?! Even WOW said to take a break from the game, but people didn't and Torgast or whatever ripped them for it. Same thing, different day…. jeez.
Not everyone is a PVPer, that content is 'dead' to those who aren't.
Not everyone likes Raiding, that content is 'dead' to them.
Not everyone likes to level EVERY combat Job, so they do 1-3 of them, and DONE!
Not everyone likes the Gather or Craft… so they dip out of that.
Not everyone wants to do Bhaja or the RAIDs prior to it… so that's out. (Get what I'm getting at.)
People think, "I like this! YOU should like this!" And being content creators who THINK like this backhands community who aren't part of these parts of the game they would've dipped a toe in but NOPE, not any more.
… Hear hear. I have most of my fun just helping others. I'm an end game raider and extreme primal killer… I wasn't the best, I didn't clear the final fights at the end of most of the expansions, but I'd have fun trying and progressing. That I did mostly alone and through party finder. The rest of the time, I'd be there for others … I made friends. That's ffxiv to me.
Like, and subscribe. This is a lot of what I've been saying. I am a player who has the confidence to play healer in Roulettes, Normal and Alliance Raids but I really hesitate to step into extremes even as a DPS if I don't have a known experienced player in voice chat calling out the mechanics for me. I've cleared one Unreal and one "last expansion, but still needs a full group doing most of the mechanics" level Extreme. Based on what I see with other players I am probably above average in skill and confidnece. I often find myself offering to heal to help other people complete content, like helping some people get through the Eden raid for this patch so they didn't miss the extra story bits. For me MSQ dungeons are challenging the first few times I do them, although if I do my roulettes regularly I'll eventually be able to auto pilot, but I can look at the people I've had to help, people who almost left the game because Vanaspati was too difficult. And I cringe every time these people demand, more and more difficult content.
the extremes have been way to hard for general community lol the clear rates for final turn this tier is even less lowest its been in long time.
this video needs a script. kinda hard to follow what you want to say
I think writing down (or making a notepad w/e) would serve these type of videos well, because you're talking all over the place and I can't grasp what point you're trying to make. Typing stuff out helps get your brain going and really thinking about what you want to say and how exactly you want to say it, filtering out potential for tangents and making your point clear. Also that area you're in is beautiful, I would be doing this kind of video in a place just like that.
This dudes out here on the part of the Can-Am border that's got the kill on sight order.
The downfall of …. is a natural progression of content creators …. and it generates views for them. .
He's makes a good point, if you don't have anything to do in the game because theirs not enough of the content that you want to do in the game just un.sub and stop playing the game. I been wanting to stop playing ff14 for 4 months and just now stopped about 10 days and unsub. it's nothing to do in the game anymore for me. unless you like talking to people all day.
Glad to see a video talking about this. Streamers, "Content Creators", whatever you wanna call them, often wildly misjudge themselves and what they should be doing. They get popular, usually for entertaining gimmicks like being loud and angry, or cute, or having a cool avatar, or pretending they can't read, etc. and then slowly slide into thinking they're the voice of the game because of positive feedback from their viewers. It goes to their head and they start to think they're important to the game, and by extension that their opinions and wants need to be catered to, because if they think it, it must be what everyone thinks. Then, when the way they play the game, be that something personal to them or just the results of needing to get views, isn't catered to, oh no, the game must be taking a turn for the worse. They forget that the game is not made for them, that the game isn't made to be streamed, it's just made to be played. Just because a miniscule selection of people have built their unaffiliated careers around constantly playing, doesn't mean the game has to bend to them. It's just a game, it's not your life. If you've made it your life, that's on you.
That of course doesn't mean that the game is flawless or beyond criticism, but trying to convince the entire community that the game is terrible by throwing yourself pity parties with your viewers is a pretty pathetic and frankly irresponsible thing to do. Maybe take a step back and re-evaluate your relationship with the game. If the game isn't making you happy any more, try other games, or maybe try not playing from the perspective of a streamer/raider. Telling people that the game doesn't have content is a straight up lie. FFXIV is enormous, you've just played too long. A theme park doesn't stop being a theme park just because you've been on all the rides.
My view of a content creator should be creating content in a game wheres there may or may not be any content. Thus saying there just playing the game just like everyone else but playing like a reviewer in my eyes. Creating content where there is not content is a true content creator. Now days people just play like there offline and just chat with people on there streams. If i wanted a full review i would just watch a youtube review of the game. I think they have lost sense of what a content creator is surpose to do which is bring the community together not break it apart. Doing stuff with the community of that game in the game. Not saying everyone does this just think a lot of them have lost there ways. More worried about there own progress then the community of it self and by the looks of it some could careless about the community as a whole. It is sad but this is why i wish streaming wasnt a thing go back to the old days. But i feel for every future game that comes out now days.
It took 6minutes of rambling for you to say "The game is for solo players who are bad at playing with other people." Which is pretty sad for an MMO and is pretty much exactly what content creators, and others, are upset about. I know you're saying "well it's just that content creators don't get it," which is really disingenuous. You're dismissing people's arguments for who they are rather than the substance of their argument. There's other MMOs that have more interactive, and active, playerbases than FFXIV. Most of FF feels like you're by yourself and it really does not encourage group-play. It feels like making an MMO that caters to solo players is a waste of everyone's time, and money. When I can get better story and gameplay out of a singleplayer, and FFXIV offers no real advantage other than costing more, why would I want to stick with it? Why would I be excited to come back? FF has 14 other singleplayers. What makes the mmo enticing if it's not the multiplayer gameplay? I hope afking in cities doesn't count as "multiplayer."
Not to mention, Endwalker just sucks. Less content for the same cost, after two of their largest and most successful xpacs. Too much content catered toward what feels like phasing the game out toward its death (solo stuff) and too little midrange content for people who want something to get on and grind. V&C duties last a whole 3 seconds. The Island Sanctuary is the most mundane minimal effort non-content; I'm upset that they put money into it. I'm upset that any new friends I bring to the game have no encouragement to play with each other, because the game doesn't push people to step outside of their comfort zones. I'm upset that people sit in solo FCs just to buy a house, and most people have zero reason to even talk in their FCs. Most of the player-base treats this game like ERP VR-chat, or are just AFK in some city. There are far too many players who are never encouraged to do crafting/gathering, and honestly after the first 1 of each, they're all the same. It's a wild waste of time. They're releasing "ninja 2.0" next xpac, and they greatly dumbed-down multiple job rotations. Most of the interesting stuff can be bought on the marketboard or mog station. You can make gil out-the-behind with very passive activities. You don't even have to do the actual content, most of the time, and the content that is availble is short. They even made an "easymode" which further fails to teach people how to play the game and makes it seem like baby's-first-mmo.
The story sucked imo. It was doom-and-gloom and disappointing, for me. I hated the "heroes" and was disappointed with the ending. The relic gear was just tomestones which is a giant FU to midrange players.
I have been playing this game since 1.0 and I'm just not feeling it, anymore. Clearly I'm not the only one. I don't think encouraging more solo play for a massively-multiplayer-online game makes sense.
I love your passion, Brother. This was a great video. I would echo some of the comments below and say that I want to see a part 2 of this video with a bit more structure. I just started my love affair with FFXIV during Shadowbringers and am now an eternal fanboy. Looking forward to seeing more of your content, man.
Thank Hydaelyn. This is EXACTLY what I've been talking about. This isn't about midcore or raiding or whatever the fuck, this is about Content Creators pretending their problems as Content Creators are the community's problem.
What a shock, the content creators are going to do the raids which instantly puts them in the minority of most players because story=content. It's the disingenuous attitude that Zepla brought outside of her actual criticisms that makes those creators just latch on to vague unexplained bitter rants, and Xenosys dunking all over that one guy with a reality check on his own opinions is exactly what we needed. He's just as critical as Zepla but far more of a realist with his own tastes.
The almighty YouTube Algorithm has chosen YOU!
I think you make some good points, even if the video itself is admittedly a little rambling. YoshiP has said himself they want to bring more Final Fantasy players who don't normally play MMOs into the game, hence all the duty support reworking. So a natural by-product of that will be more players not used to group content circulating around in the game. Some will take to it like a duck to water, others will prefer to stick to playing solo (and that's totally fine). Either way, making a more welcoming environment is the best way to get them to stick around.