Everyone needs a break every now and then, even from their favourite game. No point in getting burnt out! I never played FFXIV, I played a bunch of the other games in the series though. FFVII blew me away when I was like 13 or 14 and I've played a few others since. Not this one though, so this is gonna be interesting!
Nice, I'm downloading this again. Might join you.
Everyone needs a break every now and then, even from their favourite game. No point in getting burnt out! I never played FFXIV, I played a bunch of the other games in the series though. FFVII blew me away when I was like 13 or 14 and I've played a few others since. Not this one though, so this is gonna be interesting!
idk why but i love watching u play mmo's, relaxing voice or something. Have u seen Swords of Legend?