Final Fantasy 14 Labyrinth of the Ancients Alliance Raid In Depth Dungeon Guide for all roles. All mechanics are clarified so should help even if not a tank.
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Final Fantasy 14 Labyrinth of the Ancients Alliance Raid In Depth Dungeon Guide for all roles. All mechanics are clarified so should help even if not a tank.
Make sure to follow for more Final Fantasy 14 content.
Thank you so much for making a Tank guide for alliance raids! I really am deathly scared to tank there because of al lthe horror stories i hear how the tanks provoke and turn the bosses in circles and its just a huge mess and everyone has a bad time and all you can see is the alliance chat complain and I really don't want that to happen when I tank. Tysm ♥
I just finished this for the first time. Watched this five times before I did it. It went so fast, I didn't have time to think lol. Seems everyone else was there through roulettes, and cleared the bosses what seemed to be seconds. I did die once on the third boss, but have no clue how. Off to the second raid 🙂
Great video, but the volume is incredibly low on youtube. Cranking it up enough to hear comfortably, and a notification beep from something else scared my cat off my desk. 😉
Thanks for the help! The standing behind the rock mechanic for King Behemoth could have been slightly better explained, but otherwise this was a really helpful guide exp for someone that gets anxious when running dungeons and raids.
This is a good one for people to watch, since it appears often on roulettes. I have seen so many people die because nobody deals with the giant and it cleaves away the boulders. (On Behemoth)
raise gain on mic your too quiet'
4:48 lmao! As a tank, I thought I did something so incredibly wrong that our healer had to rescue me to the back of the hallway. They were basically bored out of their mind because I kept pulling everything for our frontline to burn down. 😂
Final boss separating and standing in a specific place is completely pointless and not needed The boss is easily defeated and no one really cares. Every time I enter that dungeon it's a mechanic what nobody uses we just attack the boss. And because I know it's not actually needed attack the boss anyway. anything you have to do is run to the shield, you just time it right it a mechanic was pointless and never use if it is a mechanic in the game because it's never needed.