FFXIV’s Scuffed Job Drama Will Set A Dangerous Precedent

Btw, I actually parse blue, and in bad gear. Hopefully, this video sheds some light on how insanely complicated it actually is to solve this from the developer’s end, but also reaffirms how important it is for these problems to actually be solved, because this game’s been doing SO well for so long on balance.
Thanks for watching! We hope you enjoy.
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32 thoughts on “FFXIV’s Scuffed Job Drama Will Set A Dangerous Precedent”

  1. I wonder if it would be worth it to give MCH a single new utility ability similar to Ninja’s Mug. If there were now TWO Vuln up jobs instead of one it might be enough to make MCH worth taking in high end content, but I’m not sure if that would be worth the shakeup.

  2. Great video but it misses the point about machinist not only being the worst job but also one of the most boring jobs in the game

    Seriously look at the new tools it got in endwalker and you can tell just how much the devs don’t give a shit about the job.

  3. It's funny seeing all of these newer players thinking that this current "drama" is some big thing in FFXIV. Firstly, FFXIV has ALWAYS had balancing issues all the way up until Shadowbringers and we lived inside of Shadowbringers for so long and grew by so much that many people either forgot or never experienced balancing in ARR/Heavensward/Stormblood. But here's the thing: SE has always tried to work towards addressing the balance which is why we vocalize our thoughts and concerns. Even among the big raiding content creators, you see them calmly discuss the issues of balancing and only get rowdy for entertainment purposes which is mostly on their personal streams. You can look back through the history of the game and see that this is true and nothing new. I personally LOVE playing Machinist and have used it as my main secondary job since it was reworked in Shadowbringers so I was very unhappy when my job was excluded from PF parties and I instead had to jump on Bard or Dancer. Of course, this is nothing new as back in Stormblood it was Samurai that was excluded from parties because it didn't do enough damage to justify its place and before that was Black Mage in the same expansion and before that was poor Paladin back during Heavensward. But in all of those situations the issues were discussed among the community and feedback was given to the devs via various channels be it videos or forum posts or even on social media and they worked to make changes. However, unlike in the OLD old days, SE has now shown that they are able to balance things more quickly than before as it used to take them entire whole patches to change jobs which they improved upon in Stormblood and then did so even more in Shadowbringers. Point being that it is our duty as players who love this game to voice our concerns over things we notice in the game that are becoming pain points in the hopes that the devs will work to improve them; a practice that they have been shown perfectly willing to do.

  4. I don't personally think that Machinist needs a raid buff. Stacks for hyper-charge would be nice but honestly the job just needs more overall DPS. Samurai, by comparison, is in the perfect slot right now where it also brings no raid utility yet it's doing enough damage to make it an easy choice for a group to bring. Back in Stormblood and even during parts of Shadowbringers, Samurai suffered from a lack of damage as well but the dev team adjusted it and it's doing quite well right now.

  5. MCH is a fail design. It's a selfish DPS but it does less damage than a BLM or SAM which makes it useless. If it did as much damage as a BLM, people would cry like little babies because it doesn't have to do cast time optimization. So it's nieche itself is doomed to be grief pick.

  6. "I'm lvl 90 and it took me almost an hour to kill a lvl 2 ladybug outside the cities!"
    shakes fist at ff14 /s

    Seriously, this happens like once a year. Something gets tweaked and the meta will shift for a short time.

  7. I would like to point out another annoyance of the huge hitbox, team mits and shields are becoming a pain in the arse to hit everyone with. I think it's just instinct that people will stand on the edge of a hitbox meanwhile I drop sacred soil and it's the exact size of said hitbox. Guess how many people in normal roulette ignore that thinking they need to be outside the hitbox to hit positionals? Spoiler it's a lot…
    As an add on I now realise why i love playing dancer, because the chance to proc abilities keeps away some of the monotony of the rigid 2 minute rotation.

  8. THANK YOU. God I hope they see this. I'm sure I've commented this on several of your videos in this general category already, but the first heebiejeebies like this I felt were the ShB changes, because they were the first homogenization. But I was like, ok, smoothed it out, got a baseline, we can add spice next expansion, I just need to endure this one. And then this expansion they were like, actually we like this direction, no spice. And I've dreaded balance changes since. I haven't fully enjoyed combat since StB. That was the last time I had fun in expert roulettes. As it turns out, when you simplify jobs so the general player base can play them, and tell the hardcores that their difficulty/enjoyment slider is in the content they do, everything that isn't savage gets very dull very quickly. Conversely when the jobs have more nuance and weirdness, every kind of content is fun because the job itself is a large part of the enjoyment. I will admit that the fail rate on dungeons is basically 0 now, where before it was actually a possibility that you'd get stuck if someone was completely lost.
    I know people are looking forward to the drg and ast (and now probably pld) reworks but they just fill me with dread. The rework track record isn't great. Current mch is a rework. Stb mch had a boss vuln, and wasn't a joke (though it was super janky but by god the mch specialists were a sight to behold). Anyway, pray for job skill ceiling.

  9. I almost feel they need like a seperate balance set for each savage tier so they do not have to worry about tweaking based on the entire game which could ruin normal content. Maybe something to consider going to the next expansion.

  10. That isn't also the issue. Machinist hasnt been performing well for years now, we had a lot of our kit changed or removed when dancer showed up – we provide no RDPS, due to the fact we dont have any raid buffs but our ndps (Personal DPS) Is lower than what the other selfish DPS bring (SAM/BLM)
    With this current tier, there is pretty much very similar uptime on bosses due to the fact they have increased the size of the hitbox for all bosses by around 30%. As a monk I had 97% uptime and as a MCH I had 98%. that 1% difference should not be a 3k difference in DPS, but it is.

  11. This is something very difficult do speculate about. While the FFXIV devs historically have been great when it comes to acting on obvious problems and replying to feedback, some of the issues right now have no precedent.

    However, I'm still optimistic. For two reasons: 1) all this drama made the issues seem much bigger than they are, it's not that bad. 2) The devs still have a very healthy attitude in when it comes to recognizing their own mistakes. They may fail at recognizing said mistakes, they mostly try to.

  12. In my PFs only available slot for PhysRanged is DNC or BRD that's it. If you playing MCH you can fuck right off. Sorry brother, it is what it is. Can you clear with MCH? Yes, of course EZ. Do i want to? NO.

  13. Machinist makes no sense as a selfish DPS.
    A MCH will never get DP or DE like other selfish jobs. I don’t even think the queen gets any real benefit from the buff windows?

    A little more benefit from buff alignment would be nice. However it’s lack of utility needs a rework 100%

  14. I dislike the ranged phys "tax". Ranged Phys jobs facilitate other jobs to have better uptime by going to the fringe locations of the fight, the mobile mechanics, the pair of a duo that needs to stay separated from the boss or it's partner etc. I understand paying a personal tax for groupwide utility buffs, those taxes are paid by all jobs that provide utility, but not the ranged phys component stacking on top of the utility tax. -Thoughts from the perspective of someone who plays PLD, BLM, DRG, SAG, and all 3 ranged phys in 6.x so far.

  15. tldr to get ppl up to speed. when 6.2 launched a change with direct hit / crit, the last Savage tier boss slightly overtuned and certain jobs attack potency suffered. Conclusion, all this commotion will last till a new patch. (Only hardcore players care about all of this btw) Game is still basking in success

  16. But Daddy-P I want my job changes and I want them nooooow

    Forgetting there is new PvE content coming in 6.25 in which any major changes will adversely effect the balance of…. maybe they are holding off to do extra testing to ASS and ASS (Savage) with job changes.

  17. This is the loud minority that cried because they didn't clear week 1. People like this are going to ruin the game mark my words. Funny how less than 1% of the playerbase can cause this much drama.

  18. Whilst I don't really think the balance issue is even something worth worrying about, my personal proposed MCH fix is this- make it so your entire group contributes to the power of Wildfire. makes them more utility with minimal changes and without sacrificing any of the flavor of the job.

  19. The only reason to bring ranged or caster is because you get 1% stats. They are second class citizens even now they melee have easy 100% uptime and fewer/less punishing positionals than ever.

    It doesn’t feel good when you’re optimizing you’re job and your 95% is less than a 30% on a melee because they’ve been made gods gift to the rest of us.

  20. i think the saving grace with XIV is the fact that JP players have historically loved variance and personal choice, so a complete blanket solution where everyone is the same is pretty unlikely. because frankly, the JP base is the most important and the most heard (and rightfully so)

    as much as it’s counter-intuitive for us, i think the western base just needs to chill and approach things more calmly (doubtful, but it is what it is); we already have an absolute dogshit global reputation in pretty much all areas of art and entertainment, so raging and bitching and moaning at all times, never being happy, patient, or rational, will only serve to have the worthwhile voices among us lost more and more

    we will only suffer if we continue to treat FFXIV like it’s made by Blizzard or Riot. lmao

  21. Weird idea that came to mind when you mentionned removing crits as a variable.

    How about proccable crit? Like, some actions being able to proc a "crit" buff that makes your next action automatically crit and is then consumed? Kind of like a backward Inner Release or Midare since once it is procced, you aren't limited to use it to a single set of moves but with any action you have ready? Then the "Critical Hit" stat would be solely for the bonus damage provided to when you use that buff.

    I figure depending on the job, the way to earn that crit buff could change. For example, let's say Machinist : complete your 1-2-3 combo, get a Crit buff that most people would use on Drill, Air Anchor or Chainsaw if they have it up. They already have Reassemble as an action that does just that but I wouldn't think that each job would have a button like that but more like a side effect of doing a class specific mechanic right and rewarding you with it.

  22. Novel incoming because this was a video that did cover a lot of thoughts and opinions.

    The whole job drama is largely player invented, in my opinion, and stem from subjectiveness over objectiveness. It's hard to argue against that jobs in XIV aren't balanced when the developers stated that they "will never again design a fight where a specific job is needed" and play test the content themselves before releasing it. The door boss requirement stems from the staff pulling different numbers, skewing the HP that they set the boss, as per their admission. Objectively, the staff are claiming blame for setting a stat in one of their encounters too high (HP). Subjectively, players are taking the incident to mean that a handful of jobs perform subpar simply because a certain composition COULD still clear the door boss despite the staff's incorrect calculations. The fact that I can scroll down the comments and see no one mentioning the staff's own admission of fault is worrying and screams painting their own problem to be a victim to. This 'incident' is really no different than Turn 13's difficulty (was too easy) because they forgot to include crafted gear into the mix, and a lot of crafted gear ended up being BiS for quite a few roles.

    Things to keep in mind about MCH : If you go into Hypercharge with all of your Gauss Round and Ricochet expended, you will not be back at 3 stacks when hypercharge finishes or you will just barely be hitting 3 stacks on both skills. Your damage to wildfire will not be affected as it only counts weaponskills (IE: guass round and ricochet do not contribute to increasing the skill's damage). Knowing this changes hitting 12 buttons in 6 seconds to really only needing to hit 6 buttons in 6 seconds, or 8 at the most.

    The ranged tax argument is just silly. This is no different than melee DPS having to pay the LB3 tax to get that burst of damage that can make or break clearing a fight at the expense of their parse (if they care about that). It is what is part of the job and how they are still considered when designing and calculating fights (see first paragraph); they will always do less damage because they bring strong utility (yes, MCH still has mitigation and CC effects, it has utility, just not DPS UTILITY).

    MCH doesn't really need a raid buff to boost it. People are married to raid buffs because they want to see big number go boom. Side-eyes kaiten enjoyers. MCH used to apply trick attack like NIN with hypercharge. It used to have BRD's Battle Voice. They took those from the job because it was out performing BRD (DNC didn't exist), just no one played it because it's rotation was awful and unfun to most of the player-base. Shadowbringer saw it completely reworked. MCH and DNC were both out performing BRD last expansion. All in all, people will immediately complain about homogenization as soon as they give MCH damage utility because players want to just complain. They completely discredit, abandon, forget how jobs play between each other (look at healers, they are the "same" because they all have 1 button to hit to DPS, but completely negate how each job applies their role, which are starkly different between all 4). This is all a tired argument ever since NIN was introduced in ARR and made the first upset to party composition.

    The line is Yoshida is in charge and has played MMOs and fighting games and seems to have a phenomenal grasp of balance and fun without [largely] sacrificing one for the other (especially when compared to another competitor like WoW). I'm not saying they, the staff, are perfect, but they are attentive.

    We have had the raiders 'oh, you think you're hot shit, try this;' it's called Gordias Savage, Midas Savage, The Second Coil of Bahamut Savage and Ultimates. We had harder jobs, but it just led to jobs not being played or creating trickle down effects because of what players think and the devs think are different. Why do you think SCH has been so 'gutted' in terms of attacks? They used to be able to only place down shadowflare OR sacred soil (IE: mitigate or damage? Players chose damage most of the time) and Miasma II cost a ton of MP to keep up, back when BRDs and MCHs had to sacrifice their damage to give players back MP and TP. There are reasons why you are saying 'go back to this' because you don't know we've already been through this as a newer player.

    All I'm offering is the other side of the same coin because I know I'm of the minority opinion.


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