FFXIV's Latest Update Is Just Heartwrenching…

The entire weight of FFXIV’s emotional and philosophical core is brought to bear in this ONE quest, and it’s truly beautiful.
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45 thoughts on “FFXIV's Latest Update Is Just Heartwrenching…”

  1. Omega: Beyond The Rift is a pseudo-successor to a questline from Heavensward that came out in patch 3.3. It starts with "The Paths We Walk" in Ishgard, outside of House Fortemps and I highly recommend it.

  2. Having a contiunation for Alpha/Omega is great. I wondered when we'd get to hang out with best birb again.
    I'm hoping for a side quest with the Ultima Thule dragons and Hraesvelgr later. Anything we can do for the dragon souls to help them find hope.

  3. It really is a beautiful capstone to the themes of Endwalker. I agree with you and I've said it before elsewhere: Shadowbringers is the better-written story, but the themes and emotions of Endwalker affected me like nothing else. It shone a light on a dark place inside me and I'm grateful for it.

    I find the quest amusing too because so many parts feel like the writing team engaging with fan discussions. Who was right and who was wrong? Why did X character do Y if it didn't make sense? The Watcher's question not only made me consider my own answer, but made me think of people I know who had spent thousands of words on defending Hermes or condemning Venat or teasing apart every last detail in an effort to find the seed of truth behind their feelings on this tale.

  4. After this short story of revisit to Omega, I actually do hope somewhere in the future that Omega can evolve on their own to the point they can regain the understanding of heart that the Omnicrons once lost

  5. Now I'm just smiling at my phone, fuck…This game brings out on the light something better from people. Like I saw some shit in its community, but the game story itself lights up the factually logicly evident proof of soul existing in us. Or it's just dopamine and the other happy chemicals. I still didn't find the time to do Omega and didn't touch the new content yet. Need to fix that, when RL allows.

  6. The role quests are interesting, and tbh if you are really interested in the lore of FFXIV (and want to get the most out of endwalker), I'm finding nods in EW to all of the stuff in the New Game+ catalogue of stuff.

  7. I love ff14 myself but I still find myself wanting to see bellular say something bad about it for a change. I get simping for ff14 because it is a really good game but damn, his videos on the WOW downfall were awesome too XD

  8. there were a few things i didnt like about this questline, but it was very well done regardless. specifically, i think having a "pan-galactic basic" that's still in use ruins the lore importance of meteion's song, especially when you consider the informal nature of it and that we picked up the transmission along the way from meteion's nest. it means that the universe, most of whom's denizens are unlikely to have zodiark or any similar analog shrouding their planet in aether, is still intact enough that communication with other planets is commonplace enough to justify using a pan-galactic basic.

    in effect, it means endwalker never happened. i think a good solution to the problem is saying "its a heavily modified version of pan-galactic basic," implying millennia of localized change, though that would still beg the question of "why was etheirys/hydaelyn never involved in the universal shenanigans." perhaps, since omega himself says outright that he knows as many languages as he does and is as well-traveled as he is, it would be best to say it is in a specific language of a specific planet.

    still, it was a fantastic questline, and well-executed. the orchestrion roll reward was well worth it even if it weren't worth doing for its' own merit, though i dont think anyone would say it isn't.

    edit: worst possible timeline is that the "lesser races of etheirys" are aliens. plz no square

  9. this is one of the best if not best side quest of XIV … the same goes for "The Paths We Walk" from Hevensward … the reexamining of the journey and your choices …
    Pan Galactic Basic is basically like a common language you have in many fantasy … so its not specifically the language of omicrons … its made so that you dont know where the message comes from so you can interpret it as you want, it could have been a final sigh of hope form one of the Omicron, alternatively it came from an civilization that is out there, that yet still hopes, or at least had someone with hope at the time of the message being sent …

  10. I was diagnosed with depression when I was 8. I wrote my first suicide note at 7. I saw therapists throughout my entire teenage years… took every antidepressant in the book. With that out of the way… Endwalker has been therapeutic for me. I don't know how else to phrase it other than that. It was a genuine experience, and if the writer didn't go through depression, I'd be flabbergasted at their understanding of it. My static calls Endsinger "the big sad" because so many of us have gone through that hell. Fighting Zenos at the end felt like life going back to normal. It was… perfect and this quest added so much to it.

  11. I'm really excited after this questline because of what it could lead to for the new trial series. I also really want to see how Omega can help advance the G-Warrior!

    I'm SO glad we have Omega back, and I plan to treasure them forever.

  12. I actually had to stop for a couple minutes at the Garlemald part because I was thinking back to all the horrors we'd seen there. The quest line with the sisters hit me really hard when I did it, and being reminded of it was not easy.

  13. what drive me to rise in the morning is the very sorrow which once cripple me.
    – Nashvan –

    when this dude done with his dialogue, i cry a river… cuz how true it is, because my wife is passed away last year.. 🙁

    and the final message, make me smile a little, another reason for me not to give up my life


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