FFXIV's Defense Force Made Me Want to Quit the Game

FFXIV’s Defense Force Made Me Want to Quit the Game
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#ffxiv #nicecommunity #realtalk


26 thoughts on “FFXIV's Defense Force Made Me Want to Quit the Game”

  1. I love FFXIV, but I still dont get why the group cant stand seeing the game criticized. It's a wonderful game, ut it does have its flaws and pointing them out is a good thing for the game.

  2. I totaly agree with u Brian, but with that being said, to be fair. If some people left or got wrong impresions of FFXIV, because such an extreme minority, probably they never liked the game on the first place or came already with the wrong expectations. The fact that someone can push you out of the game and make it not want to play it anymore is, on my opinon, very very absurd. More if that person is from WoW, for example, where they should be used to that.
    If you like the game, if u truly want to play it, then you play it, is that simple. Whatever others say or claim "on how your wrong u are", you just ignore them. Never blame, the players for leaving the game, no matter how toxic they are, at the end is your fault for letting by blind by them, your fault for not dealing with it and not experiencing the game they way u wanted it to.
    Is not that I dont know. I have experience on this. The horror stories I could say about the raiding groups I was with. I doubt anyone experience something similar. Maybe I have bad luck finding a raiding group that doesnt become toxic, maybe is my fault, maybe without realizing I'm deliberately choosing the wrong groups, maybe is the server I'm on, Idk.
    But that has never, ever, let that get to me and ending up influencing wrongly what I think of this game that I love a lot.
    Dont ever, let it get to you. Specialy when is just a 0.001% of the entirely comunity. At the end of the day, this is just a game.

  3. Sorry Brian I gotta blame you for feeling this way. The rage bait and click bait titles you have used sometimes is mostly only when they come out. And you're the only one letting them affect you this much. If they go too far just report and move on.

    That said it's not okay to harasss anyone, I just don't know if there's any way to stop it short of them all getting banned from the various platforms. And if so it's nothing we can do

  4. Its okay to have different opinions. When you start going to far though your just being a jerk and harrassing people. No one likes people who dig their heals in and close their ears. So keep being you. From all the videos I've seen you have been respectful with your opinions.

  5. I'd love to see more criticism of the game rather than constant praise. Its good to have a healthy amount of both so FFXIV can grow and flourish without appealing too much to one specific train of thought or another.

    One of the reasons why I like listening to Misshapen Chair, Lucy Pyre and Xenos is because they'll openly criticize the game without hesitation and whether they are right or wrong, its just nice to hear a difference of opinion for a change.

  6. Brian, in my opinion you are one of the most respectable content creators on this platform. I believe you and I even had a discussion one time about ff8 that was civilized and mature. You don’t owe anyone anything and I wish this portion of the ffxiv community would grow up. Keep up the great work man.

  7. If these people do not think some parts of this game deserve criticism, such as the gearing system, then I think they should be considered trolls and their "opinions" disregarded unless they offer a rational rebuttal to the criticism. Until then, their opinions don't help the game and they don't matter. Simple as that.

  8. He is creating an enemy to divide the community and make money of out someone has learn form Fox News and Trump. I play the game since 11 and never have even hear of this enemy that he is speaking about can someone link me a person in game that is does what this crazy dude is telling us they do.

  9. I’m glad I fly below the radar for some of these yahoos. Hell I remember the forums when YoshiP came on complaining that he was ruining the game and put it on rails when he saved a dying game.

  10. I feel like if you say both the positive and negative about a game, it's give more credibility about the game as whole. Too much of either is just shelling or hating. I find that I will be listening and more open about why something is something if it has both positive and negative

  11. YAY! I'm so glad I found your channel. If you are gonna start talking about actual issues in the game I'm gonna tune in more often. I love FFXIV but it is NOT perfect and I hate it when people pretend it is.

    I dont use a controller so I dont watch your guides but I can still very much appreciate that you do them. I would be willing to bet you've helped a lot of people with those guides, they just aren't for me and thats perfectly okay.

  12. this video could have been good if you actually talked about contentious game critiques made within the community and the responses given, you could have summarized this video in 1minute.

  13. I have no idea where this narrative that '' criticism is verboten '' even comes from…
    Have you seen the official forum?
    It's like toxic negativity incarnate.

    Most of the time what seems to be happening is that people act like victims because not everyone agrees with the criticism.
    Like the healing situation is just commonly accepted criticism that basically everyone agrees with, I never hear anyone say it's not an issue.
    I rly wonder where all of these people supposedly are because I see people criticize the game all the time, and when I see people push back against it for real it's because it's done in bad faith ( like ppl going on about '' weeb game '' etc ).
    Or people are just acting like victims because people disagree.

  14. Criticism and feedback is how the game improves. The developers can’t magically read our minds and give us what we want. Nor do we have to lower our standards and accept everything the devs throw at us.

  15. You're absolutely right about that part of the community. God forbid you're singing anything but the highest praises for the game. "Best story in existence, best OST of all time, perfect GCD, flawless content and pacing." They simp so madly for this game that anything less than alluding to perfection will be met with toxicity. They're acting like any criticism is attacking them personally and it ruins so many good points of discussion because they literally don't want to believe that this game is less than perfect.

    The game is great but it's not perfect. The game didn't even truly click with me until 250 hours in when I played through Shadowbringers. How dare I say that though.

  16. Back in the 2.0 3.0 4.0 days these ppl might have been a vocal minority. But things are different now and it needs to be acknowledged as such. Most of these ppl are either new to the final fantasy franchise, young kids that are overly emotional or older ppl who act like children. I wouldn’t pay attention to these ppl. Now I see why the final fantasy fandom, for the most part, stays away from the ff14 community


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