ffxiv youtube be like

Oh mine gods, it seems I have accidentally uploaded a video calling out the FFXIV community on YouTube, pray do not watch this accursed video; unless tho wishest to gaze upon it? ha I jest begone from this video and banish itā€™s existence from you mind, unless you would watch? ha i jokeā€¦. Lest?

This is parody donā€™t blow a fuse


47 thoughts on “ffxiv youtube be like”

  1. Please make more lmao. Thumbnail almost perfect. Gotta use bold on that click ask though. Brian said he died laughing. I watched the first few seconds and laughed so hard I want to watch it on stream to share it. Tweeted it out. So good. Keep it up man.

  2. My favorite is when a creator does a 'news' video to announce when Square Enix is going to announce stuff. To repeat… Not a news video ABOUT new stuff, a news video telling me when Square Enix will announce new stuff. šŸ¤£


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