More info on the Fall Guys “Fame Pass” Here :
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#FFXIV #Meoni #fallguys
Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
“Sanctuary’s Heart” Album
Song : Oblivion
By Masayoshi Soken
Music from
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
0:00 – What it is
1:02 – Fame Pass Rewards
6:20 – Terrible Gameplay
12:26 – All Costumes
Allibean and alphibean
I hope it won’t be a limited jumping puzzle. This needs to be in the saucer rotation.
I was worried alphinaud and alisaie might have been at the very end but no!! I have a reasonable expectation of getting them! Yippee!!!!
That namazu costume is all I need, yes yes. :B
It’s wild seeing xiv influencing other games
Cute, but I already paid money to buy this game only to be given a limited time pass when it went free. I had to connect my Steam or previous Fall Guys account to the Epic store (it's been a year so can't remember). I just can't pay for Fall Guys content anymore (or even play it) since I feel a bit robbed. There are certain items you can't obtain unless you pay even after getting to the level to collect. Can't wait until the Gold Saucer event though since I don't feel "gacha'd" by FFXIV.
There are gonna be so many LuLu vids once fall guys gold saucer releases. lol
F 🌭 😂
I love the Spriggan hat. I'm glad it is free!
I'm so glad they put the best rewards very early in the pass
The whm outfit is super cute
Imagine getting butt plug suit in FFXIV. the lalafells will be memed on even harder if that happens.
Too bad they didnt use minions!
I can already see the enormous amount of Lalafells dressed in Fall Guys costumes
Hey @Meoni 👋 I’m thinking of getting the Fame pass for this cuz XIV but I did have a question. do you know how much in USD it cost you to max out to LV100? I don’t have a lot of time to play fall guys but I really want all the rewards and I can’t find how much in total it would cost me/how it really even works.
If you could help me find out that would be fantastic! Thx keep up the fine work! 😃
(Also I don’t care how much it was you didn’t spend too much it’s XIV items it’s worth it! Jk Jk 😂)
Thank you for the video :3
I just want the dragoon skin, why is it so far in the pass
Damn ffxiv I'm gonna have to charge my switch and go back to fall guys 😂 also I main lalafell so I hope we get a full fall guy costume it'll look so good 😭
Looks like Fall Guys is back on the menu!
Would love to play it, but Epic is trash. Wish SE would stop giving exclusives to garbage companies.
That was so cute when you said "oh sugar!" When you almost got knocked off LOL
First time in 5 years since the Epic Games launcher release that I've had any urge to install it. /bwuh
Do you get them all imediatly or do you still have to unlock them? And what is the price of this pass?