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#FFXIV #Meoni #6.2
Music from
âSincerelyâ by Kevin MacLeod (
Licence: CC BY (
Before I get to the point where you find out what mount music it has, it better play Sephirotâs theme.
Edit: oh come on! They had a chance to fix their mistake and they just didnât. What a bunch of crap. At least it looks neat I guess.
Bruh, another damn bird?! Not to mention the generic music and the ridiculous way to unlock the mount. I'm sorry not even going to waste my time. Yet again they miss the mark in this patch. Maybe next patch?…riiight
They still haven't fix the music of the one where it was the first phase music instead that specific boss second phase?
As much as I like the blue, it didn't really fit sephirot, there was nothing blue about him. I feel like they should have switched the colors
Love ( and have been waiting for) the green!
I have never able to even finish one because I forget about it, but I want to try now
I get mounts for the music and also just collecting them to try and have them all of course, but the music is always important too.
It will always be disappointing when you expect just certain mounts to have them.
lol 600 faux leaves and they don't even put Fiend on it.
As long as I don't need to do this to get my phoenix mount, I don't care. Thanks to moogle events I have six of the seven birds already. Think I'm only missing the sophic one.
Wasn't expecting a new lanner, to be honest, but it's nice to have more birds. I still have mixed feelings about the current expansion trial mounts, but I retain a fondness for the birds.
Another mount Iâm unlikely to ever obtain. Looks lovely though. âșïž
In your previous video you said something about this green lanner just being an old mount and I'm like "…dude its green." We had cyan and white, nothing else close to green, idk how anyone could think we had green. Anyway yeah lanners only come from primals so Rowena…I mean…its kind of obvious when you think of it, maybe like a good version of eureka but in a human body like shiva. If this is sephirot unreal exclusive they could have done Sephirot's specific boss theme instead of the Fierce Battle from FF6 which is on the warring lanner.
Great vid Meoni!! Disappointed with the mount, tbh. Love the color but lack of unique song with it… pass
the mount music đ
Why tf no Fiend OST?
Pretty lame mount, not worth 600 leaves
HUGE missed potential with the music, because the old warring lanner plays the phase 1 theme from all the warring triad fights and there's no mount that plays Fiend.
I wouldn't object to another wolf mount. I thought them really cool and pretty
Just a different colored bird, they could have come up with something original and different imo.
They didn't do it for the pony mount which has exact same text by the way hence the other rowena's pets line, then why would they put original music for this mount. Also horse also green so it does not have any connection to Sephirot just happen to come up here because he the first that has a falcon. That being said they should have atleast gave it the shire music so something.
I'm waiting for the day they let us select mount music playlist lol
Nice little thing but not suming i would go hunt for
Go to 4:15 to skip the drivel.
very disappointed, they give us a rejected heavenward mount for doing this tier of unreal? at least the flying squirrel minion was thrown in there lol.
It's a green bird… when Sephirot comes out… and they don't put Fiend on it? Color me disappointed.
Between shit RNG with WT and participating in unreal content seems like I'll never get that wondrous lanner :')
Iys just over 6 mil on my server
Reading the comments and realizing I must be the only person on Etheirys that turns off mount music… đ¶
Glorified skins of old content smells like recycled content. They did it in p4s part 2, hesperos p2 looks like pazuzu clone, also hesperos looks a god damn vampire but transforms into a dude that has bird wings instead of massive bat or dragon wings, the (*spoiler*)new p6 boss is a shiva reeskinned into an elezen faced ascian with normal ears(*spoiler*), the previous faux hollow/golden certificate mount being a horse from the arr extremes and much much more. Design wise it feels lazy to me but what do i know about programming. All of the examples i mentioned and much of the others that i didn't are typically graphically pretty, but i can't shake the feeling that it's recycled and i do not like that feeling. I'm probably nitpicking.
Absolutely fine. Meanwhile take me 4 hours to clear the first time. The second with duty complete 2 tries. Lol overall thou, i hate this and the green horse. I mean, wherever.
Mount at 3:35
Iâm already disappointed this would of been best way to have sephirot phase 2 music on a mount unlike the actual sephirot bird since it put phase 1 music instead of the nice phase 2
We still dont have a mount that plays Sephirot's 2nd phase music, seems to be a missed opportunity not to give it to this one.
Wait the music is generic? That's the first time I hear that song, its always been that one Heavensward song over and over lol
Another birb :O
WHAT an awesome mount, It looks so cool! I hope that someday i will get this mount
honestly I'm just really glad its the newer generic mount music instead of the HW one that I've heard over and over again lol.
And here I was hoping to finally get Fiend as a mount song…
These mounts are pretty underwhelming imo. They could've done a little more with them.