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#FFXIV #Meoni #endwalker
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the story of Aidoneus is the legend of Hades' kidnapping of Persephone, with the mythical king substituted for the God Hades.
I dont get the comment about being careful where you summon it….what am i missing
Ah finally now I can be the giant ancient and have two little ancients following me that aren't Phantoms HOORAY!
They truly are gone… Sigh
Ooft, spoiler minions 😂
I wonder if there's an interaction between the pair if two characters have them out.
Do not squander it, the legacy I leave you!
There minions? Only ever get crafting materials and the white parasol. Anyone know where to find the pixie wings? Did they move it to the solo maps? Ever since new items I have never seen them drop any more.
"Philos" means "friend" in ancient greek, how sweet.
I, genuinely, hate this locked behind the treasure map and millions on the marketboard. I feel like they (or, at least, Philos) should be on the shop. But beggars can't be choosers. They better not do this for Zenos IF he gets a minion. Especially, with all the "He's dead" shots they keep making. Zenos fans get enough of a middle finger as it is.
You have to pray to the rng gods to get the drop in that new map dungeon. I’ve seen hades drop twice but rolled 50 and a 98 loosing to a 99. 😢
My RNG is so bad and these minions are ridiculously expensive in the MB atm. I prob won't get them for a long time.
Must haves….
These hoes gone sell for a grip on the market board.
He can go. But he won’t
dude, u gotta shit money…
if ever there was a minion that could be summoned as a pair, this.
Really wish these were on the mogstation instead of maps. . .I got a solo lev 90 map yesterday, found the location, fought the creatures. . .and the timer ran out JUST as I killed the last one. No treasure for me incoherent internal rage 😑
Oh my god. I need those 🥺
I got one very early into the patch and sold it for 47.9m lol
Damn. I never have the time for treasure maps, so I might have to wait until they’re cheap on the market. 😞
I need my sweet baby Emet-Selch (Hades)!!!!
It's been a year I think you can say their name my dude
Ascians: It's a robe!
They only drop from Zodiark titles INSIDE the treasure portal dungeon, I ran 64 maps before I gave up and just bought them. Increeeedibly low drop but dang they are CUTE!
i bought my wind-up aidoneus on patch day for 25 million and i think its a good deal considering how it blew up on my world to 50 million within a day
Meoni, may I asked a random question? what HUD UI are you using. I always been interested in It haha
AAAAAAAAHHHHH, i want them, why must they be difficult to obtain 😥
Anyone want to my buy my aidoneus minion in sarga? lol
how / where to get them ?
*screams with excitement* Oh my goodness. 😭🥺🤩❤️ Never have a wanted to do a dungeon 1000 times before. 😂🔥👊👍 Rng gods have mercy on this treasure maps. 😅