When you try Fall Guys collaboration event in FFXIV
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the end of the video is literally my game
Cool collaboration ❤
believe me, I'm ten times worse 😢
Looking forward to absolutely failing this the moment I get home from work
Yup. That's the Fall Guys experience.
Who would have guessed Fall Guys out of everything else would highlight how horrendous the netcode is
I can't wait to try this after work today. I'm getting the glam, the mount the minions, the music and the plate accessories
Wait is it available rn?
It's absolute dog water.
leave it up to ff to have that weird snapping logic that has you fall off when on your screen you cleared it lol
Sigh, looking forward to failing over and over…and over again!!! 😭
As someone who played fall guys when it first dropped, learning the levels is the first step, remaining patient even though you wanna gun it is the next step, rushing is what leads to most players in Fall Guys getting the boot before they can touch the crown.
Holy shit this is a thing rn? I wish I had a job to sub, dammit
Ohboy and you haven't even showcased the icy floor and the confusion mechanics
Is this the same netcode and hitbox snapshotting they use for high-end raids? Because if so I'm so sorry for those poor raiders.
You come out with videos so fast now, I always get to them before any content releases lol
The hit box on the crystal ones bs
I love the fact that they put PvP netcode in this to ensure that there is absolutely zero skill involved, what a great decision. Oh and the achievement for winning 100 times? Amazing and definitely not a massive time waste. SE are truly so in touch with the game it's wonderful.
I never thought I would have so much fun (and raging) when i saw the trailer in Fanfest!! Cant wait to play some more!!