FFXIV VERSUS (Endwalker Edition) – Bard vs Machinist vs Dancer

Intro – 00:00
Bard – 00:40
Machinist – 07:20
Dancer – 12:21
Final Result – 20:28

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28 thoughts on “FFXIV VERSUS (Endwalker Edition) – Bard vs Machinist vs Dancer”

  1. Machinist is such an awkward job… it's the only one that I see and kinda roll my eyes because I'd prefer one of the others in 100% of cases. Sucks, but it's also kind of inevitable. "The high DPS phys range" is an awkward niche to fill, as the DPS of a phys range will never and should never match the other roles due to them lacking the checks melee and casters have. Fun job, but I'll never be happy one joined up. Always "meh, fine" at best

  2. I wil say this much. as much I love bard (I really do) when you eat a death sometimes you don't even what to take the rez when you see the cooldown for your next song and the seconds you aren't playing a song because you died are like the longest seconds of your life.

  3. Small note for Improv. The heal works like Astros collective, it'll place the Regen buff at the start and will continue to heal the full 15 seconds even if you immediately end the channel. Longer channels of course refreshing this duration.

  4. I always really enjoy watching these, Mr Happy, and I've been so excited and anticipating this series to come back for Endwalker. Looking forward to your thoughts on the remaining roles and jobs! Cheers!

  5. Really happy to see the Versus series come back again. It's sad that Machinist is always third on these lists when it's become my favorite of the role to play and my main secondary job after Reaper.

  6. I know that this series has always focused on the PVE experience but it would be cool to see a similar versus setup but for PVP instead as it's become quite popular and I find it interesting that some jobs that I'm not the biggest fan of playing in PVE I absolutely love playing in PVP and vice versa. Of course, in the case of ranged physical I go Machinist for both but I WOULD also use a Dancer in PVE whereas I kind of fell off playing Bard after Stormblood.

  7. As a MCH main I can say there's a really good feeling of flow to it. It'll go from A to B to C, repeat. Be warned though cause the Wildfire burst window might tunnelvision you. It's a great job for shotcalling since it's so easy to just do your rotation without thinking about what comes next.

  8. "Dancer is kinda simple and boring to some." 👀 Say no more, that's the one for me LOL. I am one brain cell healer/tank main, looking for a dps that doesn't infuriate me with big brain job mechanics. So ty, this helped lmao.

  9. You forgot to mention something about machinist. Chainsaw is identical to that blu mage with the big fist (cant remember name), but if the target is moving, there is a chance to actually miss with it.

  10. While I love playing Machinist, I feel that the dev team could benefit from looking at "engineer" type classes in other mmo's and rpg's. Particularly the engineer from Guild Wars 2. There is a lot to glean there from utility like a rocket jump, a repelling shield, and a variety of turrets and potions that could be put to good use in giving the Machinist mobility and party utility, while still fitting the theme of the job.


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