Attempting to make friends! / Playing FfXIV for the FIRST TIME

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26 thoughts on “Attempting to make friends! / Playing FfXIV for the FIRST TIME”

  1. Thanks for putting out another video. I love your earnest let's play style, and your enthusiasm about the world. It's simply infectious joy.❤ The quality is already better, and well worth the effort you put in.

    If you would like people to play alongside, you could post in the video descriptions your server and playtimes. It looks like you are on a pretty low population server, but trust me; you're surrounded by friends, you just haven't met them yet.

    Overall, don't worry. This game is a learning experience for us all. Even longtime veterans discover every day that they can adjust features or access things easier. For example there are multiple ways to go about teleporting, handling equipment and quest items, and the User Interface is infinitely adjustable in size and layout. So basically; play whatever way you find most comfortable, but if you find that something seems annoying or convoluted, there is likely a way to fix exactly what annoys you, so just ask.

    In your case, you were probably a bit frustrated that you couldn't see what clothing looked like before wearing them, right? Well, thankfully, you can totally preview them before choosing your rewards. Right click on the icon of a piece of clothing and you'll see the "Try On" command. It will display in a popup window what that piece of gear looks like on you.

    At the bottom of that popup window, there will be several round buttons, one of which will toggle whether the preview window shows you with just the new gear, or whether the preview will show you wearing all your current gear too, so you can see whether the new piece clashes. (You can also temporarily save the look, so you can try on several new items at once, to see what they look like combined)

    Now to answer your questions:

    "Glamour" is the term people use for making one piece of equipment look like another piece of equipment. So players can have high level gear with good stats, while looking like they're in a low level frilly dress or hawaiian shirt. So you get to look how you want to, without sacrificing your ability to fight. You can also dye items. So if you see on an item's icon a little bubble in the top right corner, that item can be dyed with vendor purchased or crafted dye. Right clicking on the icon and selecting "dye preview" will show how that looks in advance too.

    To answer your question about Moogles, Moogles "choose" who can see and hear them, and when. In general, they're pretty shy, and many people in Gridania have never seen one despite living in their homeland all their lives. (The man in the cart whose wine they stole couldn't see or hear them at all, even when the Moogles were talking to you). So I imagine that people occasionally look crazy, talking to themselves, when they're actually talking to a shy Moogle. They're a little mischevious, but generally good-hearted, and are really in tune with their forest home.

    Looking forward to seeing your journey continue.😊

  2. Small tip for quests that reward clothes: you can right-click the icon in the journal and select "Try it on" to open a preview of what the item will look like on your character. You can even toggle your current outfit to either see the item on its own or how it fits in with the rest of your equipment!

  3. ahh i miss being a sprout !! getting to experience the game for the first time was amazing for me and i hope you enjoy it too!! if you ever need anyone to run content with i can totally help out as well ^^

  4. Slow and steady, at your own pace is best 🙂
    Probably still getting good vibes and loads of suggestions but regardless, you do it your way, everyone watching is along for the ride.
    If you haven't had it already, loads are probably willing to help out either in or out of game if you need it 👍

  5. You're doing great! Take your time in this game and explore! Most of all, have fun

    You can also use your Community tab to let us know when you are on so that the community can assist.

  6. Video and Audio are better, good job!

    If you want more screen space to show the game/world with less UI but you can't change screensize or resolution, you can try scaling UI elements down to 90% or 80% their starndard size as long as they are still large enough for you to comfortably see/read.

    As far as "what to do to improve", I think as long as you have an idea of what you want to share when you start recording then everything will turn out fine ☺. Just go at your own pace and do what you're drawn to. If you're having fun and find things interesting, it will shine through.

  7. I enjoyed your video. It's been quite a while since many of us have seen the game through fresh eyes, so it's been wonderful to watch. I was curious as to what part of the day you were on the most. I was going to come to your data center and world to send you a friend request and if you ever need help you can just let me know. I have been creating cards out the ear (birthday's galore this time of year), but if you need help I'd be happy to help out. Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful Friday evening and weekend!

  8. Since you're interested in outfits, you can get a pretty good outfit once you hit level 15 from guys' named "The Smith." Talk to The Smith and they will give you dungeon tutorials and reward you with good gear that matches your level and is also quite snazzy. Once you unlock a tank and a magic caster you can come back for two more outfits.

  9. FFXIV players are largely unabashed emotion vampires 🧛 that feed off the wholesome/honest reactions of new players (sometimes bullying through kindness, with mostly somewhat pure intentions). So once you get your feet wet you can also look into reaction content (watching and linking XIV-related videos with your own thoughts).
    I recommend a few non-spoiler content (unless stated):

    1. Captain Grim – "WoW Players Experience FFXIV"

    2. Zanekonpu – "/emote" (a cute story of a sprout wanting to make friends via emotes; make sure closed captions are on)
    3. NoClip Video Game Documentaries – "Final Fantasy XIV Documentary Part #1" (3 part series with light visual spoilers; closed captions recommended)

  10. 2:42 — I think, the commentator meant server. Which is quite easy: you click on the main Aetherite in one of the three main cities (Gridania for you, you'll get to the others later so dont worry), select something like "server travel", then you get a list of servers and you select one of them. The switch is more or less instant and other than your retainers (you'll get them later 🙂 ) there are no implications. As for whether your server is empty or not… it depends on when you play and where the players live (meaning, which time zone). Usually, early morning there arent many people playing, whereas later afternoon and evening its full.

    7:07 — This is just sad 🙁 The first players you see, and they are bots 🙁 (except the elf guy…)

    11:05 — You can right-click an item and select "try on" – then you see a preview on your character.

    15:30 — If you dont like a helmet, you can "hide" it. Just open your character window. Below your character presentation, you'll see three bottons on the left hand. Click the middle one and your helmet "hides": its still there but you and others dont see it anymore. Later you can put a glamour over it but until that, this botton will do the trick 🙂 You can also hide your weapon if you want. The third botton is only used for specifics, like wearing sunglasses on your nose or on your head. Or lowering the visor of your helmet should you have one.

    15:40 — Glamour is a thing but first, you have to be level 15 to do that quest. Then you have to finish the lvl15 story quest that sends you to the other city states (story level, not your character's level, dont confuse these two 😉 ), and then you have to find the quest that unlocks the Glamour Dresser. And THEN you can buy the cute stuff. The armor in this game is very nice, even low level stuff, but it doesnt really count as "cute". So either buy from the store (meh) or buy it from the market board (which costs a lot of gil 🙁 ). Or let people gift you stuff 😀 There is one affordable glamour for a sprout, and thats the "underwear". Go to Maisenta, a NPC standing near the main Aetherite in Gridania, go to the Elezen tap, then buy the Hempen Camise and Pantalettes. These pieces are very cheap, just a handful of gil each. On their own they may be unremarkable but you can easily combine them and make yourself something cute without spending a fortune 🙂

    19:57 — (Here I go, writing another essay -.- ) FF14 is a japanese game. What does that mean in terms of socialising? It means, you join a chat room with your friends. In western games, you have "map chat" where everyone can talk nonesense or reasonably to everyone in that entire zone. Making friends (or enemies) there is very easy – though its also quite annoying sometimes. In FF14 you have to go the extra mile: join a Free Company (a "guild" in other games) or a Cross World Linkshell (which is almost the same thing). You'll find both on the Community webside on the Lodestone, the official webside. There, FCs and CWLs promote themselves and you can pick whatever catches your fancy. Dont be too picky, though. These advertisements dont really tell you that much and the best thing is to jump in and find out yourself 🙂 Try a FC that welcomes new players. Also, the Novice Network is a way to find friends: its a chat room for mentors and sprouts. You can ask all sorts of questions and the mentors try and answer them. Just beware potential spoilers ^^° The Novice Network gets criticised a lot but all in all its a good start. Though you first need to find a mentor, who invites you – mentors are the players with the crown next to their name.

    28:12 — Aaaaand more bots -.- Seriously? Thats the downside on playing on a new server: bots everywhere 🙁

    34:48 — Good question… I would guess its other people like you, meaning like your character. Other adventurers answering the call and who now set forth on their journey.

    37:40 — It leans in to what the moogles told you during you carrige ride from the start cinematic: that moogles arent seen by just any folk 🙂

    I cant really say anything about viceo making ^^°

  11. The best place to get to know other people in the game in a meaningful way is probably one of 3 things IMO:

    1) Join a smaller free company (guild). Some promote themselves by randomly yelling in the (3) starting cities and/or current endgame cities, but you also might get kinda randomly invited to them occasionally if you're just running around the world with no FC tag over your name. The latter is… a bit hit and miss as a recruitment strategy.

    2) Doing anything in the Party Finder. If you're on a low population server or data center, you probably want to use this anyway instead of Duty Finder matchmaking when you want to do content that isn't going to fill up easily (ie. anything that isn't in any kind of popular Roulette's content pool). Parties formed in PF spend more time talking to each other because they form up before actually entering whatever content they want to do, and sometimes people like to stick around and do more similar things together afterward. Blue Mages use this to find each other and group up to learn their spells. You can also find listings for FC and event recruitment in parts of this.

    3) Eureka or Bozja when you get to the ends of 4.0 or 5.0 respectively; especially Eureka. People are more communicative in these places because they have to coordinate, so you'll find more party members actually talking to each other. This is quite a ways off in the main story, fully optional content, and also not great on low population data centers or any others without a community for this specific content. Crystal DC is great for this, but your results may vary.

  12. "What I'm gonna do is look at the quests, and decide which ones to do based on what clothes they give me."

    Honestly based. We got a prodigy on our hands here, she's already endgaming at level 6. Welcome to Eorzea, friend! Loved this video. I'll echo what others have said: enjoy the ride, take your time, have fun. You're already off to a great start!

  13. Oh my god you've played Star Stable as well this channel is a gem <3 I started in Gridania as an archer Miqo'te too! I hope you love the foresty vibess

  14. eyyyy a fellow free trial player! my tip for you is there's a button on the character sheet to hide whatever you're wearing on your head. it's under the preview window that shows what your character looks like. (just in case you get a really ugly hat later on)

    there's also a button above the preview window on your character sheet that will suggest the best gear you have so you can equip it easily. (handy for keeping your gear up to level)

  15. You like music? Wait,just wait… Sound design is one of the strongest part. Some of music scores will most likely soon be on your phone. Anyway… Right click on armour give you option to try piece. You can also manuały turn off display of headgear

  16. It's amazing getting to see this game again through the eyes of a new player, and someone who still gets excited from joining a random party of players out in the wild lol. Wish i could go back and experience the game like that again. It's a wonderful sense of adventure you sometimes loose later on once you're all caught up with the story and your focus changes.

    But anyways, welcome to the community! I'll definitely be sticking around to watch your journey through the MSQ. I hope you enjoy the ups and downs and I also hope you make plenty of friends along the way! I know you're on another data center but hopefully one day too we cross paths ingame. Would love to play with.


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