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#FFXIV #Meoni #Dawntrail
Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
By Masayoshi Soken
Music from
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
What outfit are you wearing?
Love your vids!
I think alongside getting more and more stuff to collect, they should add interactive features to these little dudes. Maybe you can play mini games with them like Mario Party. Cuz that would be cool. They should do something like that. 🙂 also they need to add more interactive things in the new areas. We need not only new dungeon mechanics but new overworld mechanics that will really sell in immersiveness
The Brina minion was the same way. Can't buy it from the MB, you had to spam the dungeon repeatedly for the drop. Starbird, as well.
whats hat is that meoni? look fabulous
Lucky me, I got it my first run through during msq
That's a cute outfit! 😍
Slight correction, this is not from the level 99 duty but the level 100 duty. The level 99 dungeon minion is MB tradeable (you showed it two weeks ago 🙂 )
i was lucky enough to snag this
I guess I got luckier than I thought. I got it after my first run, and I did it with npcs.