FFXIV Theory: Fandaniel, The Final Days, and World of Ruin!

FFXIV Theory: Fandaniel, The Final Days, and World of Ruin!

#FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIVEndwalker #Shadowbringers

In today’s mission, we discuss a MAJOR fan theory for Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers, and Endwalker expansions.

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Tags: final fantasy,ff,square enix,final,fantasy,final fantasy xiv,final fantasy 14,ffxiv,final fantasy xiv online,final fantasy xiv gameplay,final fantasy xiv online gameplay,raids,dungeons,raid,dungeon,heavensward,stormblood,shadowbringers,final fantasy xvi,final fantasy 14 gameplay,final fantasy 14 online,amaurot,emet selch,theory,fan theory,final fantasy xiv endwalker,endwalker,final fantasy vi,final fantasy 6,kefka,ffvi,ff6,fandaniel,the final days,world of ruin


30 thoughts on “FFXIV Theory: Fandaniel, The Final Days, and World of Ruin!”

  1. my mind was blown from this video and the hype i have for 5.5 to 5.5x and to Endwalker just got amplified by a hundred fold. thanks for an in-depth lore analysis video mah dude, i'ma sit in my corner and get my brain imploded again thinking about all the implications 😀

  2. I was also definitely getting vibes from a mix of Kefka and Kuja from Fandaniel. Absolutely am convinced that Endwalker is going to be a mashup of IV and VI though.

  3. Lets not forget about Azys Lla and the Warring Triad that's already in the game. I don't think they'd pull from the same lore twice.

    Fandaniel is a bit more interesting than Zenos, but given the artwork reveal I don't think he's going to be central to the plot of Endwalker. He might even have been dealt with before then. There will be two major themes, I feel; First, the cure for tempering and the new kind of "forced tempering" that they're doing in the towers; Second, dragons. I think we're going to see a whole lot of lore about Meracydia and dragons. I'd not be surprised if Meracydia is the location of the 7.0 expansion.


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