FFXIV Theory: Fandaniel, The Final Days, and World of Ruin!
#FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIVEndwalker #Shadowbringers
In today’s mission, we discuss a MAJOR fan theory for Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers, and Endwalker expansions.
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Tags: final fantasy,ff,square enix,final,fantasy,final fantasy xiv,final fantasy 14,ffxiv,final fantasy xiv online,final fantasy xiv gameplay,final fantasy xiv online gameplay,raids,dungeons,raid,dungeon,heavensward,stormblood,shadowbringers,final fantasy xvi,final fantasy 14 gameplay,final fantasy 14 online,amaurot,emet selch,theory,fan theory,final fantasy xiv endwalker,endwalker,final fantasy vi,final fantasy 6,kefka,ffvi,ff6,fandaniel,the final days,world of ruin
Been a long time since I played 14, might have to check it out an kill some time
Endwalker hype 🔥
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my mind was blown from this video and the hype i have for 5.5 to 5.5x and to Endwalker just got amplified by a hundred fold. thanks for an in-depth lore analysis video mah dude, i'ma sit in my corner and get my brain imploded again thinking about all the implications 😀
I was also definitely getting vibes from a mix of Kefka and Kuja from Fandaniel. Absolutely am convinced that Endwalker is going to be a mashup of IV and VI though.
Dude those look like the Magus Sisters 100% 😱
I dont know how in the world you managed to spot that. Lol
this expac will be sooo dark lol. cant wait.
Nice intro! Interesting theories! The F**KING CULT OF KEFKA… Oh just shoot me now!!!!
Def getting some FFIV, VI and IX vibes even the Pandemonium raid and what looks like inside the towers looks like FF9s Pandemonium. I am so hyped for Endwalker
if we kill hydalyn what do you think will happen to our world ? what if something equivalent to the thanos snap happens ?
Endwalker bout to be game of the year.
I'm always down for a good theory.
Thanks I hate Fandaniel a bit less now. The little shit
Isn’t it possible that the Lambs just reformed under a new name like the Telopheroi? That is what Fandaniel called his group.
Do you think we’ll fight him as a primal? I suspected he was gonna be the second primal in Endwalker and be similar to Seymour
dude, go to amdapor keep hard, and look at the bloodmoon sacrifice up close. confirmed, the robes are a match.
Dude you pointing out the Magus Sisters left me dumbfounded. Awesome analysis and your theories seem really sound. Can't wait for Endwalker, thanks!
I just want zenos as the next trust member…
Great theory and video!
Fandaniel: I am going to destroy the world and kill everyone including myself
Me: haha funny gremlin man do silly dance
And what do you know, the Magi sisters and floating continent were shown in the fanfest!
Wow. I'm sure you just cracked the mystery of the Magus Sisters. You're right, there is no doubt in my mind.
WHAT. HOW?! You predicted the floating continent!!
Damn, you're so good at analyzing hidden information your videos should be tagged as spoilers, lmao
Lets not forget about Azys Lla and the Warring Triad that's already in the game. I don't think they'd pull from the same lore twice.
Fandaniel is a bit more interesting than Zenos, but given the artwork reveal I don't think he's going to be central to the plot of Endwalker. He might even have been dealt with before then. There will be two major themes, I feel; First, the cure for tempering and the new kind of "forced tempering" that they're doing in the towers; Second, dragons. I think we're going to see a whole lot of lore about Meracydia and dragons. I'd not be surprised if Meracydia is the location of the 7.0 expansion.
@ 5:00 Don't forget, that's not Mhachi architecture, that is the Void's corruption of the Mhachi architecture that you're referencing.
I AM LOVING THESE THEORIES!!!! So hyped for endwalker.
Love all the ff6 references and kefka stuff and cult of dalamuld connection! Hope it all pans out, never played ff6 but this definitely makes me want to try!
Loving your theories!
He might laugh like Kefka but at least he doesn't laugh like Tidus! 😛
OMG i love all of this 4,6 and 9 are on the top tier FF for me looks like im on one hell of a good time in Endwalker (the preorder button is looking at me ! XD)