FFXIV: The Thaleia Experience

Hey all, in this video I go over my experience with the brand new 24 man released in patch 6.5: Thaleia. The myths of the realm raid series has been absolutely phenomenal thus far so my expectations for this one were quite high. Did Thaleia meet your expectations? Or do you find that it fell short? Let me know in the comments!


7 thoughts on “FFXIV: The Thaleia Experience”

  1. I'm really disappointed with the final boss. After a "phase 2 transition" it had no new attacks. I expected for them to be combined, but no.
    And the whole Megazord idea is lame. With three tanks we could've had three bosses at arena at once and they interchange with others, until pull out a megazord in phase 2.

  2. More of the same. 24 mans have amazing visuals and spectacle. Story was okay ish for a 24 man. Difficulty way too low. Didn’t even wipe on anything on day 1 when nobody knew what was going on. Unless you are an ultimate raider, this expansion set of patches has been really depressing. Every patch I do the fun content (to me) in less than a day and then log on for less than an hour any occasion after that for months til the next patch

  3. I get its 6.5 and the new expansion is just around the corner but I wish there was a vocal theme for the final boss like the other two. Just makes it seem even more like an anticlimactic final raid.

  4. I'm gonna be honest it seems like the developers were pressed to hold the difficulty at a low point bc they plan to make the myth of the realm alliance raids mandatory for a future expansion since in the end all the gods of the people disappear and it may be a plot point

  5. Reusing old mechanics for the Eulogia fight would have been fine if they used more than one token mechanic from each fight, and overlapped them more. Like they sort of halfheartedly try this with stuff like the Thaliak + Rhalgr combo but you have so much time to adjust after Thaliak's mechanic goes off that you don't actually have to find the safespot that would be on the safe half of the arena from the fist of Rhalgr.

  6. Major issue being there wasn't really any alliance mechanics other than I few tankbusters against 3 tanks, in lieu of that you could have mechanics that could wipe one entire alliances, making the bodycount matter; but there wasn't either. But yes, everything about this felt like a major step down, I'd even argue the visuals while stunning aren't exactly very "interesting"? Really makes me wonder if something was going on in development that caused the alliance in Endwalker to deflate in every aspect from Algaia on, which was a decent start.

  7. Underwhelming. Yeah, that sums it up nicely, yeah. Given that we fight the Twelve – THE TWELVE!! – this is… Where design is concerned, this a flat 20 on a scale 1 to 10 – no questions asked. Even the music (even if the endboss doesnt have a banger like "In the balance" and "Moonlight") it still gives gravitas to the situation and whom we're fighting. The mechnics… … You could argue that the gods love us and dont wanna hurt us… because they dont. The first run is a wipe fest, as usual, but after your second or third run, you can do it blind. And though this is casual content, ARR alli raids are more unforgiving than this ("Meteor" and "Ancient Flare" come to mind, and those are from the first raid!). There is nothing here to really keep you up your toes. Even the big aoe: have your healers slap one or two shields and a regen afterwards and you're good. Another point I heard was that the EW alli raids have no three group content, which is also a strange design decision…

    And I agree: having mini-bosses instead of trash is indeed more fun.


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